"Wow! So cool!!"

The little girl was also suddenly awakened by this sound. She clapped her hands excitedly, and her legs fell straight down. Obviously, she wanted to go down to take a closer look.

Zhao Suyun hurriedly carried the little girl forward, allowing the little girl to reach out and touch Daqing.

She was still very confident about summoned creatures like Daqing. The little girl reached out to touch Daqing's head, but Daqing dodged.

Her light green eyes scanned the figures around her in some confusion, and she obviously didn't understand what was going on.

Wang Jiayu also reacted and hurried forward to hold the little bean, "Okay, okay, I've seen it, how is it, mom didn't lie to you."

Wang Jiayu signaled with her eyes that Yu Youyou could put away the summoned creature, otherwise the child might make a fuss.

Yu Youyou understood and put away Daqing immediately.

The little girl looked at Daqing, who suddenly disappeared in front of her, and pursed her lips, almost crying.

"Mom, I haven't touched it yet."

"What are you touching?" Wang Jiayu threatened angrily: "That's the big bad wolf I told you about. It eats people. You know Little Red Riding Hood, she was eaten by the big bad wolf."

Hearing this, the little kid was really scared and quickly shrank his head, "No more touching, no more touching."

Everyone was amused by the little guy's reaction.

Only Yu Youyou was silent, thinking in his heart that Daqing's reputation was harmed one day, and what kind of devil fairy tale was this.

At this time, Shen Ziwei came forward and said in disbelief: "Youyou, are you already a second-level summoner?"

"Yeah." Yu Youyou glanced at Shen Ziwei's expression and nodded slightly. This kind of thing will be made public sooner or later. After all, it is impossible for him not to summon Daqing and others in school.

Shen Ziwei was a little absent-minded after getting a positive answer, and finally sighed: "I can already imagine how high the quality of the new students in the Affiliated High School is this year, there are so many perverts."

Feeling the puzzled eyes of Yu Youyou and Yu Ranran, Shen Ziwei immediately explained: "The list of new students in the Affiliated High School will be released a week in advance every year, and there will be people discussing it on the school's official group and website.

Basically, many students are star students from all over the country, and it is not difficult to find some relevant information through the Internet and some special channels.

And by summarizing this information, this year's freshmen were also rated by us as the most perverted class in the Affiliated High School in the past ten years. Among them, there are several students who have broken through the second level before entering school like you.

Even this year, there are more freshmen in the rare element department than in previous years. For example, the number of freshmen in the space department, which used to be in the single digits in previous years, has exceeded double digits this year.

And your summoning department has also set a record high. This year, there are nearly 40 freshmen. I heard that there is also a pervert who has contracted a dragon descendant at level one. "

Shen Ziwei became more and more excited, and finally felt a little powerless, "Hey, I can imagine how sad it is for others to belong to the same era as these monsters. I am afraid that the score line of Shendu Demon University will have to rise because of this in the future."

After listening to Shen Ziwei's words, Yu Youyou didn't react much. It is normal for a few perverts to appear in such a big country like China.

However, he is quite interested in the space department that Shen Ziwei mentioned. As far as he knows, space equipment can only be made by space magicians.

If you have time, go and learn about it and get acquainted with these future space equipment manufacturing masters.

After listening to him, Yu Ranran poked him with some interest, "How is it, do you feel stressed?"

"Yes, I'm scared to death." Yu Youyou said lightly.

Yu Ranran: "..."

Yu Youyou then said: "You should be the ones who are under the most pressure. If you are beaten to death on the beach by the back waves, tut tut..."

Yu Ranran: "..."

Shen Ziwei: "..."

Yu Ranran is fine. She is already in college and an intermediate magician. She is still far from this group of back waves.

Shen Ziwei was a little worried. He was just a sophomore in high school, and it was obvious that he was the one who would be beaten to death by the back waves the fastest.

With this topic, Yu Youyou and the other two became more familiar with each other, and they were not so restrained afterwards.

Not long after, Shen Ziyue, who had put on shoes and socks, joined them. The little guy took Yu Ranran and Yu Youyou to visit her and her brother's room.

What made Yu Youyou feel relieved was that Shen Ziyue was not the type of naughty child.

The Shen family's education is indeed very good. Although Shen Ziyue has a little temper, this temper can be explained by reason.

The three of them just played with the little guy in the room.

Soon it was noon, and what Yu Youyou didn't expect was that Shen Ziwei actually showed his extraordinary cooking skills.

Perhaps it was the fire method's keen perception of the fire element, Shen Ziwei was very talented in controlling the temperature. Cooking, temperature control is very important.Well, it's almost done, and the seasonings are purely based on proficiency.

Almost half of the dishes at noon were made by Shen Ziwei.

This also led to the old mother muttering at the lunch table, saying when she could eat the food made by her son.

Yu Youyou was very depressed during the meal. Looking at Yu Ranran who was laughing at the side, Yu Youyou was a little angry and said:

"Mom, shouldn't my sister set an example first in this matter?"

Yu Ranran's expression changed and she glared at him quickly.

But Zhao Suyun said a little unexpectedly: "She is hers, you are yours, and you have to compete for the first place, then I will doubt whether you really have this intention."

Yu Youyou: "..."

After the meal, Shen Ziwei took the siblings downstairs to digest the food.

The greening of the community is very good, especially a lot of osmanthus trees are planted. It is the osmanthus season, and the refreshing smell also makes Yu Youyou feel better.


While walking, Shen Ziwei suddenly looked over.

Yu Youyou was slightly stunned, "What's wrong?"

"I want to spar with you." Shen Ziwei looked a little serious.

"Ah?" Yu Youyou was surprised, "This is not good, I have no experience in sparring, it will be troublesome if I get hurt by mistake."

"It's okay, don't worry." Shen Ziwei pointed in a direction, "There is a hospital next to our community, and I have experience, just stop at the point.

I just want to feel in advance when you, the back wave, will come over."

Yu Youyou cast a glance at Yu Ranran. He really had no experience of this kind of sparring, mainly because he felt that there was no need for it.

But it was not easy to refuse directly. Originally, he wanted Yu Ranran to mediate and let Shen Ziwei give up.

But unexpectedly, Yu Ranran was excited, "You can spar, don't you still have me? Although I am not the main healer, I can also do a few water healing magics."

Hearing this, Shen Ziwei's eyes became more expectant.

Yu Youyou pursed her lips slightly, secretly glared at Yu Ranran, and had no choice but to nod in agreement.

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