Seeing Li Tiancheng coming back, the few people didn't ask more questions out of curiosity. When something like this happens, isn't it normal for the elder brother to come and see the safety of his younger brother?

"Are we going to sit here until dark?"

Looking at the sun that was gradually disappearing from the sky, Yu Youyou looked at her phone that was almost out of power and said with some boredom.

Li Tiancheng took a sip of the water he had just received and said with a fixed gaze: "There will be a result before today."

With so many students here, the military did not deliberately suppress the leakage of information. Today's accident has caused an uproar on the Internet through the spread of some students.

Whether it is the military or the education department, they will definitely give the casualty data and student placement results in a timely manner.

"Everyone, gather at the training ground as quickly as possible and stand according to the original school department!"

At this time, the loud speaker outside the window suddenly sounded, and several people were refreshed.

"Hey, hey, hey, you two, get up!"

Yu Youyou got up quickly and patted the two sisters who had fallen asleep on the table.

"Hmm?" Two cute pink little faces raised their heads almost at the same time, looking at Yu Youyou and the other two who had already run away with sleepy eyes.

"Hey hey hey." The two sisters woke up instantly, kicked their legs, and started to sprint, "Wait for us!"

Students kept running out from the cafeteria or other places, and the training ground was crowded again.

Yu Youyou and Li Tiancheng quickly found the location of their school's summoning department. Not only the people in the training, but all the students had gathered again.

After a quick glance, fortunately, there was no loss of personnel.

But the fire department next door seemed to have lost someone, and there were a lot of discussions.

Yu Youyou looked silent, quietly listening to the various rumors coming from her ears. Obviously, this group of students had discussed with each other a lot this afternoon.

Including the disappearance of three people in Ma Sijia's team, it has been reported.

However, no one knew the specific situation yet, just thought that three people were killed, and this was also the team with the heaviest casualties on the surface.

Ten minutes later, with the last few scattered personnel in place.

Several cars drove into the training ground, and some people in plain clothes got off one after another.

Yu Youyou looked at them intently and recognized that they were teachers from various schools.

One of them was a tall, thin, bespectacled, half-white-haired middle-aged man who brought a group of teachers to their affiliated high school. The middle-aged man glanced at them, took the loudspeaker beside him, and said in a deep voice:

"Dear students, I am Huang Youming, the vice principal of the affiliated high school. I gathered everyone together at this time, first to inform you of the details of the accident in this training, and second to congratulate our students on their excellent results in this training."

Huang Youming looked at the freshmen whose mental outlooks had changed completely, and his heart was also a little heavy. In more than a day, such a big change was achieved with blood and tragedy.

It is difficult to understand a person even if you teach him a thousand times, but it is enough to teach him once.

However, he also knew that this was an accident. According to the normal training process, there would not be such a large number of casualties, but it was enough to make the higher authorities reconsider the arrangement of the training for high school freshmen.

"First of all, let's talk about the casualties of this accident. A total of seven students in our school were seriously injured and two died. For this, we will pay compensation and healing expenses to these students according to the standards of casualties in the magic college training.

The dead are gone, and the living are like this. Let us bow and mourn for these students collectively."

A group of students bowed and mourned. Although they didn't say the specific names, they already knew who they were.

Perhaps a few days ago, they were still laughing and playing together, but today they are separated by life and death.

Death education is lacking for students of this age, because it is too heavy, just like at this moment, the atmosphere of depression is pervasive.

Breaks of sobbing came faintly from the crowd, and like a chain reaction, the sobbing became louder and louder.

Huang Youming took a deep breath and waited until the sobbing sound subsided before he stood up and continued:

"Next is the results of the practical training of our freshmen. Since it is a joint team of three schools, the three chief instructors will directly announce it later. The teams whose names are called will come forward to receive the awards."

Yu Youyou and Li Tiancheng looked at each other and nodded slightly. It was obviously impossible to have such an atmosphere where they would happily go on stage to receive the awards. They could only simplify the process and speed up the end.

This is also good. They don't like that kind of cumbersome process. Otherwise, according to Yu Youyou's understanding, they might have to go on stage to give a speech or say something.

The three chief instructors were already prepared. They didn't hesitate. They took the loudspeaker and announced directly.

"First, the first place team is a five-member team led by Li Tiancheng from the Affiliated High School. They have a total of 993 points. Please ask the captain and his team members to come forward to receive the awards."

The freshmen who were originally quiet and silent suddenly became noisy., although they had already guessed who the first place would be, they never expected such a high score.

"Damn it, over nine hundred points? Did I hear that right? Is this a den of the dead?"

"This gap is too big. Our team only scored more than 30 points, which is not even a fraction of others."

"I don't even feel jealous about this kind of perversion..."

"Sure enough, netizens are not deceiving me. The gap between people is wider than the gap between people and dogs."

"This is heartbreaking, brother, as we all know that perverts and humans are not the same creature."

Under the eyes of a group of people looking at rare creatures, Yu Youyou and Li Tiancheng bravely squeezed through the crowd and rushed to the front.

"Here, this is your reward. I shouldn't need to explain more about the function and use of this thing, right?"

The chief instructor smiled and distributed five exquisite small wooden boxes to the five people. Yu Youyou held the wooden boxes. They were not very heavy, and there was a faint fragrance coming from them.

"Thank you, instructor."

Expressing his gratitude, Huang Tianming looked at the others with satisfaction and said with a smile: "You have done a good job. Facts have proved that our arrangement is right. Your strength and talent are worthy of the treatment.

The school is very optimistic about you, and hopes that you can guard against arrogance and impetuosity. Don't lose yourself because of temporary praise. You must remember that strength is the foundation. "

Faced with Huang Tianming's semi-official remarks, several people quickly thanked him and said they would remember it, and then hurriedly returned to their original positions.

Then the second place was announced, it was Yao Yueshan's team, with a total of 136 points.

The huge gap between first place and second place also became a topic of discussion again in the field.

Soon, as one team after another came forward to receive the rewards, the sky gradually darkened, and the big lights on the training ground lit up.

"Next is the sixteenth-placed team, with No. 1..."

"Damn it, dragon, there is a dragon above Mang Mountain!"

The instructor's words were suddenly drowned out by a burst of exclamation, and everyone looked in the direction of Mang Mountain.

Above Mang Mountain, which was originally shrouded in darkness, a Chinese-style divine dragon radiating with golden light loomed. As the dragon's body twisted, a giant pupil framed by a triangle was faintly revealed.

Yu Youyou also looked at this scene with dilated pupils, which can be called a myth reflecting reality.

That kind of visual shock is unimaginable.

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