"Old Xiao!" Ye Wanqing hurriedly came to the bed and put down the food, "Doctor, how is he?!"

"I have a fever and fell asleep, maybe I'm dreaming, nonsense." The doctor replied, "but his physical signs are stable in all aspects, don't worry. The blood sample we just took him shows that the miracle factor in his body has become Extraordinarily active, this round of confrontation should be coming to an end."

   "That's it." Ye Wanqing breathed a sigh of relief, and the doctor nodded to her, and then left the ward.

   "Trouble you." Ye Wanqing greeted the medical staff, and then sat down on Xiao He's side again.

The doctors are still discussing in low voices: "What is the miracle factor, as long as the concentration is high enough, any disease can be cured." "Even the damaged optic nerve can be repaired, and if used reasonably, it may be possible to even regenerate a severed limb... "Hey, it would be great if we could find an artificial synthesis method." "I hope to find the organ that produces this factor from this confrontation..."

   "I finally made it for you, but you don't want to eat it...what should I do when it gets cold?" Ye Wanqing muttered softly.

   After thinking for a while, she reached out and held Xiao He's hand.

   His hands are so big, I can hold them with two hands... Ye Wan thought to himself.

   She remembers the touch of this hand. She was held by this hand all the time when she had a fever, and she seemed to still...

   Thinking of this, Ye Wanqing put his hand on her face and felt it, and her heart immediately warmed: Yes, it was the touch.

   Although she was confused in her dream at the time, she would not forget this feeling.

   Ye Wanqing raised his head, glanced at Xiao He on the hospital bed, thought for a while, stretched out his hand and stroked his face.

   Ah, there is stubble... It really is a boy. Ye Wanqing pursed her lips and laughed, and then quickly blamed herself: At this time, what are you still thinking about...

   Thinking of this, Ye Wanqing glared at Xiao He and muttered: "Hey, the meal is ready, get better and eat quickly."

   But Xiao He just closed his eyes, furrowed his brows, short of breath, and then shuddered slightly, wondering if he had a nightmare.

"I told you not to do this, it's deadly..." Ye Wanqing felt a little distressed after reprimanding, grabbed a towel and wiped his sweat. "If you stop you and don't listen, I have to tell you personally,'I I'm worried about you, do you understand? The stinky straight man..."

   At this time, Xiao He suddenly opened his eyes and turned to look at her.

   Ye Wanqing shuddered in fright and almost fell off the chair. She adjusted her balance quickly and sat down tightly, her expression flat but her heart panicked to death: shouldn't he hear it! ? Did he hear me worry about him?

   "Wake up? How are you feeling?" Ye Wanqing asked sternly.

   "I smell the scent of rice," Xiao He stared at her and said, "I'm hungry... I wake up hungry."

   Ye Wanqing glared at him, angry and funny: "Yeah, it's done, do you want to eat it? It's just right, it's still hot."

   "Eat! Of course!" Xiao He replied simply, "Where can the energy of skipping meals fight the cold?"

   "Wait a minute." Ye Wanqing said, and helped him to sit up, then picked up the bowl, and suddenly his face flushed: "You...do you want me to feed you?"

   "No," Xiao He simply refused, "You feed too slowly, I can't eat it too much."

   Smelly straight guy! If you want to feed you, you don't know what to do! Ye Wan glared at him with anger, put the mini dining table in front of him, and brought the food over: "Then eat it yourself!"

   said, she pointed to the chicken soup, her tone softened again: "I want to drink all the soup? You need to drink chicken soup when you have a cold."

   "Is that so?" Xiao He frowned suspiciously.

   "Of course, every time I catch a cold, my mother will cook chicken soup for me, and it will be better after drinking it." Ye Wanqing said solemnly. Xiao He nodded: "Don't worry, I will finish the drink no matter if I have a cold or not."

After taking a sip of the chicken soup, Xiao He raised his eyebrows: the taste of this soup is really unique, the chicken soup can taste the rich aroma of chicken, and the red dates and medlar also ensemble to produce a very special sweetness, in addition to some The indescribable scent is mixed in it.

   The most important thing is that this soup not only tastes good, but after drinking it, he can feel that the soup turns into energy and spreads quickly into all corners of the body.

   This should be his supernatural effect. In order for him to fight the disease, his body can absorb the food he eats as quickly as possible and convert it into energy, so that he can continue to fight the virus.

   "Are you used to drinking?" Ye Wanqing asked with her chin pretending to be absent.

   "It's more than a habit of drinking!" Xiao He frowned, "This is the best chicken soup I've ever tasted! I think this kind of chicken soup with a little sweet flavor is better."

"Really? You like it." Ye Wanqing smiled slightly, "This is our style of making soup. Generally, I like to add some medicinal materials such as red dates, angelica, etc., which are delicious and can nourish the body. Although there is a custom of drinking soup in Beichang City, they never add medicinal materials to their soup. I'm afraid you won't be used to it."

   Ye Wanqing felt joyful in her heart: great, he likes...

   "This is really a good thing..." Xiao He sighed, "It will definitely be super delicious if used to cook noodles..."

Xiao He was eating big mouthfuls of rice here, Ye Wanqing watched while nagging: "I have boiled a big pot of chicken soup. You can drink some first. I can use the rest of the chicken soup later. You cook noodles and cook porridge for you. These foods are easier to digest. When you finish drinking all the soup, your cold should be almost healed."

   "Hmm. Um. Oh." Xiao He ate it perfunctorily, even if he had a fever, he ate very well.

   Seeing his appearance, Ye Wanqing was relieved immediately and couldn't help but smile: "You really...a cold or fever can't stop your appetite."

   "How can I overcome a cold without eating?" Xiao He said, after eating the last bite, he lay down contentedly.

   "Are you still having a fever?" Ye Wanqing asked with concern, and reached out to touch his forehead, "It's still a bit hot..."

   Then, she turned her head and took the thermometer, tucked it to his mouth, and said domineeringly: "Open your mouth, hold it."

   You girl wait for me, and one day you will return this sentence intact...Xiao He thought inwardly, opened his mouth and held the thermometer.

"Thirty-eight degrees and five..." Ye Wanqing looked at the numbers on it and said, "It's still burning...but it's not reaching the dangerous temperature." With that, she lay down under Xiao He, and then replaced him with a new one. The towel, said: "Hurry up and rest after eating."

   "Hmm..." Xiao He responded and began to close his eyes to rest his mind. He could feel the food being eaten being transformed into energy and spreading in his body.

   Seeing that his expression calmed down, Ye Wanqing sighed slightly, grabbed the phone and played on the side.

   After a few minutes of silence, Xiao He broke the silence: "Can I..."

   "No." Before Xiao He could speak, Ye Wanqing simply interrupted him.

   "I haven't said yet..." Xiao He rolled his eyes, and Ye Wanqing frowned, "Anyway, I definitely want to play mobile phone conversation? (These two words will become **

   "Don't talk about the machine, civilized you, me and him..." Xiao He muttered, Ye Wanqing's face was reddish, and she became angry and said: "You are not allowed to play anyway! Give me a good rest, close my eyes, and sleep!"

   "It's..." Xiao He sighed and continued to close his eyes, breathing gradually steady.

   Ye Wanqing nodded in satisfaction, and sat beside him silently with him.

   In fact, he has pretty facial features. Ye Wanqing pretended to be playing with her mobile phone, and secretly looked at Xiao He's face and thought to herself.

  Especially the eyebrows are beautiful in shape, like a sword; the nose is also tall and narrow; although it has a single eyelid, it is quite handsome, and the face is also very beautiful, angular and masculine. Ye Wanqing was thinking wildly with her cheeks in her arms.

   abruptly, she stretched out her hand and pressed it on Xiao He's stomach, and muttered in her heart: And recently, he has lost a lot of weight and his muscles have been trained. Last time, she was moved by his appearance...

   was silent for a while, Ye Wanqing covered her face: What am I doing! ? This time is still thinking about this kind of thing!

   In order to divert her attention, Ye Wanqing grabbed her mobile phone and started playing.

   Medical staff come in from time to time to check on Xiao He's condition, and then draw him a little blood for observation and research.

   It wasn't until four o'clock in the afternoon that Xiao He's fever subsided, and the person returned to normal, and all his physical signs were healthy.

   "I think I'm all right." Xiao He flexed his arms while sitting on the bed and smiled, "It's time to play with the phone!"

"Wait a minute~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ye Wanqing said, pressing his forehead with one hand and pressing his forehead with the other. After feeling it for a while, she replied: "It seems that the fever has gone down... I call the medical staff. I'll check it for you. "

   Ye Wanqing grabbed the pager and pressed it, and soon a medical staff came to check the situation.

   "Doctor, his fever is gone." Ye Wanqing pressed Xiao He's forehead and said, "Can you check him?"

"Get some blood first. This kind of flu is very troublesome. It will constantly mutate to avoid the immune system's detection. You can only collect blood samples, throat swabs, and nasal swabs for separate inspections to know if it is still hidden in the body." The medical staff explained.

   "It must be well, I can feel it." Xiao He said vigorously, then turned to Ye Wanqing and smiled: "Little puffer fish, I want to eat braised fish tonight, and then have a hot and sour potato shreds, and..."

   "I will cook you a bowl of chicken noodle soup and add a poached egg." Ye Wanqing squinted at him and said, "Your body is just right, you can't eat too much."

"It's okay, don't you think I eat a lot at noon?" Xiao He vowed, "It is because of supplemented nutrition that I have the strength to deal with the flu. Noodles are not bad, but you have to prepare some hard dishes? Otherwise, I won’t have enough to eat. How can I have the strength to heal if I don’t eat enough?"

   "Really, a strong word..." Ye Wanqing frowned, and said dissatisfied: "Then make you a potato stew."

   "This sounds like something." Xiao He said, leaning on the pillow and smiled triumphantly: "Go get ready, little puffer fish."

   "Hey, let you be proud of it for a while, I will settle accounts with you when you get better..." Ye Wanqing glared at him and said, but her heart was relieved: He is fine! What is it that makes people so worried...


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