The Strongest Sword King Of Online Games

Chapter 290 Stable Heyue Stars

Where is the universe? With the investment of Wu Tian's funds, all the mages who have been proved not to be spies, the 30-level Earth Rank staff in their hands have been tempered to 10-level, and the gems on them are also Rank 3 magic damage gem.

Everyone has money. Looking at Qiankun Zongheng and Liu Ziyuan, they enter the game with 100 million or 200 million yuan, but not everyone dares to spend money.

Wu Tian dared to throw this money, and now the star soul stone is cheap, even so, Wu Tian spent millions of cash to temper them. In fact, after this battle, including the shooter's armor-piercing arrow, Wu Tian's actual investment has exceeded five or six million in cash, but Qiankun Zongheng, Liu Ziyuan and West don't know it.

If the three of them knew that Wu Tian was so rich and dared to throw money at it, they would definitely not despise Wu Tian like this. The three of them would definitely attack Wu Tian at the same time. Unfortunately, the mistake in intelligence made them miss the only one The first chance to defeat Wu Tian.

"The second team, let go~!" He Yue Xingchen's orders were conveyed one after another.

For the players who squatted behind the big shield to release the spell, after each release of the skill, their body would turn to their side, hide to the side, and give way to the players in the back row to move forward.

Just like the chain on the machine, the mage team of the entire Order Legion released skills in an orderly row, and then left sideways and left. Such an attack not only guaranteed the player's survival rate, but also guaranteed the player's ability to release spells. speed, and supply of medicines.

Under such circumstances, Qiankun Zongheng's elite team soon collapsed. As a last resort, Qiankun Zongheng roared, "Give me an attack and kill them."

"Kill~!" Gunfight Bafang and the King of the Underworld roared at the same time, and the two rushed towards Heyue Xingchen with their melee team.

"Thorns Overgrown"



The target of the players in the first row is still the long-range occupation 30 meters away from the enemy, but the attack target of the second row is replaced by the rushing melee. When the distance is closer, the third row participates in the attacking melee.

There are 4000 mages and 100 people in a horizontal row. In this case, there are 40 people in each vertical row. They don't worry about the problem of firepower coverage. On the contrary, they are still worried about not being able to replace the previous player in the battle. .

The shootout Bafang and the King of the Underworld both relied on the shield battle to launch the charge, but even so, in the face of the super high spell damage on the Order Legion side, the shield battle in front of the two only lasted for less than 5 seconds, and they were treated at the back. He was killed when he couldn't stand the blood, and the rest who had no protection against battle died faster.

Qiankun Zongheng watched as thousands of his most elite players were killed in less than 10 minutes. Suddenly, he panicked, and so did his ordinary players. A large number of players did not wait for Qiankun Zongheng. Give the order and start going backwards.

The players that Qiankun relied on are those thousands of people, but they all died in battle, and the rest were ordinary players, and they couldn't break through the battle formation of Heyue Xingchen.

"The shield is up." He Yue Xingchen's voice suddenly came, Qiankun looked around quickly, but found that He Yue Xingchen then ordered, "The shield moves forward 3 steps, the Legion of Order, move forward~!"




After three steps, the big shield slammed to the ground with a bang, the shield player continued to hide behind the big shield, He Yue Xingchen shouted, "The first row of the mage group takes three steps forward, forward!"




The first row of mages shouted in unison, and then He Yue Xingchen continued to give orders, the second row of mages stepped forward, and the third row of mages moved forward...

Qiankun Zongheng has come to understand, it turns out that Heyue Xingchen was thinking of nibbling away the 40,000 people under his command. If he continues to charge like this, it is absolutely impossible for him to break through Heyue Xingchen's shield formation. go ahead.

If Heyue Xingchen was a reckless person, Qiankun Zongheng would definitely take advantage of his weakness, pretend to retreat, and lure Heyue Xingchen to speed up for the sake of battle, but Heyue Xingchen was as steady as an old dog, taking 3 steps forward at a time.

This distance makes Qiankun vertical and horizontal without any way. He can neither send people to attack at the distance of these 3 steps, nor have the opportunity to approach. Now he has only one way, and that is to retreat.

The world is full of grievances, and in desperation, he roared, "Retreat, the whole army retreats slowly, the rear team as the front team, withdraw from Mangrove Mountain, and wait for Liu Ziyuan and West."

When the players of the Hundred Cities Alliance heard this, they rushed towards the road where they came. Qiankun Zongheng took a last look at Heyue Xingchen, and found that the boy was still walking three steps. He cursed, "He three steps, You wait for Laozi, I can't spare you."

He Yue Xingchen scratched his head, looked left and right and asked, "Who is he talking about?"

"You!" The captains of the mage teams, such as Xi Jiangyue, Heroic Soul Immortal, and Disperse with the Wind, laughed and pointed to Heyue Xingchen. No one would have thought that Heyue Xingchen would take the dignified Hundred Cities Alliance's team with these three steps. The gang leader Qiankun forced 40,000 people to flee in a hurry.

"Nice job." Xi Jiangyue hugged Heyue Xingchen hard and said, now that he is really convinced by Heyue Xingchen, he really can't understand, where did Wu Tian find such a master, and he was able to stabilize it this degree.

If it was him, seeing the opportunity, he would definitely be more aggressive, but He Yue Xingchen was stable, so that the enemy could not find the slightest gap.

Heroic Soul Immortal, Disperse with the Wind and others also nodded their heads one after another. Originally, they did not agree with Wu Tian's arrangement of He Yue Xingchen to command them, but now they are all convinced.

"What should we do now?" Heroic Soul Immortal asked.

He Yue Xingchen said, "Brother Yanyu, please bring 10 people to explore the road ahead. Your movement speed is fast. If the enemy runs too far, I will not take three steps here. If there is still an ambush, we will continue to move forward slowly. ."

"Leave it to me." Yan Yu jumped out of the defensive position and ran into the depths of Mangrove Mountain with 10 men.

The reason why Yan Yu went to explore the way is because Yan Yu is a player who rarely uses skill sets to improve the skill level. Now Yan Yu has learned the current upper limit of all the movement skills.

"The enemy has run far away, and the nearest one is also one kilometer away. Make sure there is no one on either side." Yan Yu and her subordinates searched, and the news came back.

"Continue to explore forward." He Yue Xingchen looked at the people behind him and said, "The whole army is speeding up with me, the boss is under a lot of pressure, we will go to support as soon as possible."

"Okay." Everyone nodded in response.

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