Chapter 1010

   Zhang Yu looked at the soldiers lying on the ground, and there were many soldiers who died in a terrible state.

   There should be many soldiers who burned to ashes.

   Zhang Yu feels uncomfortable.

   Zhang Yu's heart became even hotter in this hot field of fire.

   He held his hands tightly, and said silently: "I will seek justice for you."


   Zhang Yu loosened both sides.

   Then slowly walked out of this hell-like battlefield.

   After arriving outside the city, Zhang Yu ordered: "We have hundreds of thousands of fellow robes buried here. We will bury them well. We will find a place outside the city to build a large cemetery, and we will enjoy the worship of future generations in the future."

   Zhang Yu turned to the city and said, "Cao Cao, I will pay the price soon."

   Zhang Yu immediately found pen and paper and wrote an urgent letter.

   The letter was addressed to Zhang Liao, and Zhang Yu ordered that the enemies over there must be wiped out, and they must not be allowed to run away, even if they pay more casualties.

   Zhang Yu and the others were stationed outside the city, praying for the robes who died inside.

   The barracks have been very depressing.

   In this battle, Zhang Yu lost more than 200,000 soldiers and horses together with the burned to death.

   gave a full 270,000 people.

   And Cao Cao also paid a price of 210,000 people.

   Cao Xiu went back with only more than 10,000 people.

   "The prime minister, I will be incompetent at the end, in order to bring Cao Chun back." Cao Xiu knelt on the ground and cried after returning.

   Cao Cao was also sad, the loss in this battle was too terrible.

   This Cao Chun is a general of his own family, he can give a lot of trust, and his ability is strong. At this time, he has lost, and he is really sad.

   "Get up, this battle is not your fault." Cao Cao said.

   Cao Xiu just got up.

   Cao Cao asked them to enter the camp to rest, and then Cao Cao secretly listened to Cao Xiu's report.

   After the report, Cao Cao was relieved that Zhang Yu lost more than 200,000 soldiers and horses in this battle, and it must be impossible to continue the fight.

   Cao Cao used this cruel method to ease his crisis.

  Although he has lost more than 200,000, but without supplying the food and grass of the more than 200,000 troops, the entire territory can take a sigh of relief.

   Otherwise, if it lasts for a long time, you will be dragged down.

   Cao Cao also knew that this was very cruel, but he had no choice.

After   , Cao Cao summoned several counsellors to study countermeasures.

"Lord, after this battle, we can only take a full defensive position. It is not that we are too weak or Zhang Yu is too strong, but that economic development cannot keep up. Without Zhang Yu's financial resources, we cannot afford to fight such a battle." Cheng Yu said.

   But Cao Cao didn't want to fight, that doesn't mean Zhang Yu doesn't fight.

   Zhang Yu has already ordered Zhang Liao to attack and end the war over there early at any cost.

   At the same time, Zhang Yu asked the cabinet to prepare and transport grain and grass from various places to prepare for a bigger battle.

   Zhang Yu certainly didn't intend to bear this tone.

   Zhang Yu wants to impose a comprehensive sanction on Cao Cao.

   Zhang Yu gave this place to Dian Wei, and then asked Ling Cao to return to Jiangdong to become an instructor. At least for a period of time, Ling Cao would not be activated.

   There is nothing wrong with Ling Cao, at least someone must be held responsible for this battle.

   At the same time, the military academy also needs a capable general to bring out more good players.

   The officers at the grass-roots level directly affect the quality of the entire army, which is very important.

   So Zhang Yu asked Ling Cao to go to the military academy for a while.

   Zhang Yu returned to Beiping, this time he won two counties, but Zhang Yu was not happy at all.

   After returning, Zhang Yu received all kinds of information.

   Zhang Liao attacked several times from the west.

   And Zhao Yun directly killed hundreds of miles away, burning down one of their grain-holding county towns, intercepted and killed a group of troops transporting grain and grass on the road, and burned a lot of grain and grass.

After   , Zhao Yun left again and disappeared directly.

   A few days later, he appeared in another direction and also attacked a county seat. There was not much food and grass in this county seat, but it also made Cao Jun uneasy.

   was intercepted by Zhao Yun back and forth in the rear.

   Cao Jun sent tens of thousands of troops to encircle and suppress Zhao Yun, but Zhao Yun's march had no rules, and they were all light cavalry. They came and went like the wind. They never caught up. Instead, they ambush a chaser of Cao Jun.

   Then, Cao Jun’s city was tightly guarded, and Zhao Yun attacked two more times to no avail, and then went back.

   When the xizhi arrived, they sent a letter to the Yuan family and asked the Yuan family to cooperate and help them reclaim the land.

   The Yuan family has not much space left, so when he sees an opportunity, he will cooperate with Zhang Liao.

   Zhang Liao sent Huang Xu with tens of thousands of cavalry to attack the rear of Cao Jun and flanked the Yuan family.

   Cao Cao suffered a lot. In order to avoid losses, he took the initiative to retreat many soldiers and horses. The Yuan family took the opportunity to recover many counties.

   Yuan family saw the opportunity and led the army to pursue it.

   However, he was ambushed by Cao Jun and surrounded by more than two hundred thousand troops.

   The two armies began to fight, and Cao's offensive was fierce, and Yuan Jun was in danger of annihilation.

  At a critical time, Huang Xu attacked Cao Jun and caused Cao Jun a heavy loss. Of course, Yuan Jun also suffered a heavy loss.

   The Cao army had to retreat from the western front.

  In this case, the western front only has the army of Zhang Liao's army.

   The two sides fought for more than a month, and each suffered heavy losses.

   Xi Zhicai and others received a letter from Zhang Yu.

   "Crazy and crazy, it's just crazy." Zhang Liao cursed after receiving the letter.

   "Sir, what should we do?" Zhang Liao asked.

   Drama Zhicai also looked and said: "According to the lord's words, storm the city and wipe out the Cao army inside."

The army in    still has about 130,000, and it cannot be defeated very quickly.

   After consumption, Zhang Liao only had 150,000 troops in his hands.

   "After Zilong comes back, we will attack day and night, don't be afraid of casualties, our support is already on the way." Xi Zhicai said.

   This is already a decisive battle, the Eastern Front has ceased, and only the Western Front is still fighting at this time.

   Cao Jun is already weak, and it is not very difficult to knock down the western front.

   It is not useless for Zhao Yun to wander outside. He attacked many places of Cao Jun and completely disrupted their arrangement.

   Zhao Yun came back more than a month after going out, and he knew about Lu Guojun as soon as he came back.

   "General Zhang, Master Drama, I led the light cavalry to intercept and kill Cao Jun on the periphery, so that they could not support or break through."

   Zhao Yun's handsome face was covered with frost and said.

   Xizhi nodded and said: "Our secret weapon is used in this battle. The lord has always used more territory to deal with powerful enemies in the West. Now that time is important, we have broken the city in one fell swoop.

  The so-called secret weapon of Xizhicai is the incendiary bomb, which is made of clay pots filled with high-purity alcohol.

   Throw this kind of alcohol on the city, it may explode, or it may be a sea of ​​fire.

   Several people split up to act.

   Zhang Liao organized several death squads. The death squads were responsible for throwing the clay pots up, and they had to climb up the city wall.

   They chose to attack at night. After everything was ready, they waited for the opportunity to attack suddenly.

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