Cao Cao had already made up his mind.

   More than two hundred thousand troops can be abandoned, let alone a useless emperor.

   The role of the emperor at this time is not great, but it can still gather the hearts of some people.

   Once the orthodox emperor is gone, maybe the emperor of the cottage is everywhere.

   However, this matter will definitely leave a reputation for eternity, and even cause a lot of confusion.

   At this time, Cao Cao wanted to carry it by himself, not allowing Cao Ang to participate.

   Cao Ang also understands.

   "Father, are you really going to get the emperor to Luoyang?" Cao Ang asked.

"Otherwise, there will be more folk legends. I don't know when it will be calmed down. We will be dragged down by then. Zhang Yu is right, so attacking the emperor and Cao Xiu means not attacking as the father." Cao Cao He closed his eyes and said.

   This is a difficult problem to crack.

   Cao Ang said: "The boy goes there and prepares well. If anyone dares to rebel, he will kill him without mercy."

   Cao Cao nodded in satisfaction and let Cao Ang do it.

   Cao Cao believes that Cao Ang should be decisive in this way.

  Only in this way can I be a good prince.

   Cao Ang went, Cao Cao was very melancholy. He was very wise to welcome the emperor back, so that he suddenly became orthodox in the world. At that time, he was greatly attracted by the hearts of the people and he developed quickly.

   But only a few years later, as today's prestige has been repeatedly hit, this big man has not much prestige left.

   is now even more negative.

   "The old man has been vertical and horizontal for half a year, but suddenly a young man has emerged. In a few years, it has surpassed my half-life effort." Cao Cao closed his eyes and said very unwillingly.

   Cao Cao convened a meeting here that had a significant impact on the entire situation, which was to determine the fate of Liu Xie.

   This matter is very big, big enough to change the whole situation.

   And Zhang Yu also held many consecutive meetings, the content of the meeting was to attack Cao Cao's field through various methods.

   This series of blows won't be effective so quickly, but after Cao Cao's side discovers it, they may have become more powerful.

   After being busy for more than a month, Zhang Yu had time to stop and deal with general government affairs.

   "My lord, this is the list of imperial examinations this year. Most of them have already been arranged, but the top 100 are still intensively studying. After studying for a period of time, we will make specific arrangements." Chen Gong said.

   These people can become officials, but Chen Gong organized them to focus on learning the concepts here, as well as training on the functions of various government departments.

   There is also the popularization of various knowledge, which will have an important role for them to become officials in the future.

   Zhang Yu picked up the list.

   "Xu Shu?" Zhang Yu saw a name that made him feel very familiar.

   "Send me the details of Xu Shu." Zhang Yu continued to read the list and said.

   After a while, the soldier sent a case file.

   Mu Han looked at it, and was sure in his heart that this Xu Shu was that Xu Shu in history.

   "Xu Shu is here, not bad."

   Zhang Yu was delighted, this Xu Shu was a talent. Although he was ranked seventh in the imperial examination, this does not mean that he is seventh.

   After reading Zhang Yu, no other familiar talents were found on the other lists.

   returned all the documents to Chen Gong, and then said: "A group of useful talents must be put underneath, so that they can be in charge of the party and slowly experience it."

   "Only by letting them do things can they show their talents and discover who has outstanding talents."

   If you don't make mistakes, you can't grow.

   Zhang Yu continued: "I ordered the names of two people, Xu Shu, Xu Yuanzhi and Zhuge Liang. These two will be arranged at the county guard position, and the others will be arranged at the county magistrate or the county guard. It is up to you to discuss."

   Those graduate students, as well as those who are good at the imperial examination, will be placed in higher positions, and Zhang Yu will call them directly and let them sit in the county guard position at a young age.

   In fact, Chen Gong and the others arranged most of them in the position of county magistrates, and most of the officials assigned to the county level were also deputies.

   But Zhang Yu ordered the names of two people, and Chen Gong naturally had no opinion.

  Otherwise, Zhuge Liang has always been one of his favorites.

   This Xu Shu was able to get seventh place among hundreds of thousands of people, and his talent was not small.

   Chen Gong took the list to arrange, these cabinets can solve it, and Zhang Yu does not need to deal with it.

   Zhang Yu and Cao Cao both calmed down and went to recover in various ways. Of course, there were a lot of secret battles.

   At this time, Sun Ce fought with Cai Wei several times, and Cai Wei suffered a lot.

   In order to realize his plan, Liu Bei led his troops to attack the place controlled by Cai Wei. Cai Wei was attacked by both sides, and it was very uncomfortable.

   During the war, Liu Bei secretly eliminated dissidents and turned some troops controlled by the family into his own.

   fought a few times. Although he won, his strength was reduced a lot, and he won very little territory.

   Liu Bei tried hard to attack, one is to consume a certain amount of troops so that when he re-recruits, he can control more troops, and the other is for those families to see.

   Liu Bei has been preparing for a few months, and has been almost ready recently.

   Liu Bei summoned his staff again.

   "Everyone, we are almost ready to enter Shuchuan at any time. You must prepare well so that you can leave at any time." Liu Bei said to everyone.

   Pang Tong added: "Our chance is that Cai Hao will be defeated once, so that he is unable to attack This is also good to persuade those aristocratic families, and if we fail, we can return."

  Everything is arranged, there is only one chance.

   Liu Bei was excited, and the speed of advancing was smoother than he expected. If he hadn't had a senior counselor, he might not be able to get it done at this time.

   Liu Bei later conspired with Pang Tong and contacted Sun Ce to attack Cai Hao.

   As long as they make it, then they can also enter Shuchuan.

   The princes of the world have entered a new round of expansion.

   In a blink of an eye, it entered 205 AD.

   Zhang Yu's attack on Cao Cao also went on for more than three months.

   Cao Cao had been preparing for other things before, but Xun Yu said that he couldn't get ill, and Cao Cao's career had some troubles.

   Cao Cao has determined to send the emperor to Luoyang, and then they will not be able to decide the life and death of the emperor.

   Throw away the emperor, Cao Cao's territory will definitely cause a lot of chaos, so they have been making preparations recently.

   Zhang Yu dumped them, but it didn't affect their territory at first.

   The price reduction of table salt is a good thing for them, because they do not produce salt.

   The price cuts of tea and fairy brew have almost no effect on ordinary people, and they can't afford it.

   Porcelain waited to come in, and slowly became popular among the family.

   These Cao Cao didn't even care about it.

  Nothing poses much threat to them.

   But Zhang Yu is different here. He has been calculating how much cash he has absorbed from Cao Cao.

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