The caravan was suddenly attacked, and the whole caravan panicked.

"God, why are there so many enemies."

"Isn't it that these yellow scarves are afraid of not hitting our attention?"

"Oh my God, what to do."


Everyone reacted differently, but all were caused by panic.

Surrounded on all sides.

There is no way to escape, only resistance.

In order to survive, the leaders of several aristocratic families could only organize their own Zhuang Ding to resist.

Soon after, the melee began.

It started with a melee between the two sides, followed by a three-way melee.

The Yellow Turban treats all non-yellow Turbans as enemies, the bandits treat all non-Bandits as enemies, and the caravans are of course the same.

"Zhuzha" Zhang Yu was stunned when he looked at it.

"Great melee, unprecedented melee."

"Master, do we want to kill?" Zhou Cang asked from the side.

Zhang Yu shook his head and said, "It's not time yet, let them fight."

Zhang Yu actually wanted to kill, because the following group of people are all points.

But the scene below is too chaotic, and Zhang Yu doesn't want to join in the fun.

"Master, are the goods below us all ours?" Zhou Cang asked, licking his mouth.

The following goods are worth more than tens of millions, which is definitely attractive enough.

Zhang Yu's eyes were also very hot, yes, in his eyes, everything below was his.

The two sides continued to fight in a melee, with hundreds of thousands of people fighting.

The number is declining, 90,000, 80,000, 70,000...

"It's almost there, they don't have any formation at this time, it's time to kill." When there were almost 50,000 people underneath, Zhang Yu ordered an attack.


Two thousand archers took the lead to attack.

The rain of arrows all over the sky attacks indiscriminately, no matter which person is below.

Arrow rain attacked, and it was a few rounds of rapid shooting.

All of a sudden, the three warring parties were defeated.

When the arrow rain fell, many people were shocked and shot down.

But they were fighting in a melee, mingling with the enemy, and they didn't dare to retreat easily. Once they retreated, they would fall to one side.

After a few rounds of arrow rain, the enemy became more chaotic.

At this time Zhang Yu raised the Overlord Halberd and said proudly: "Soldiers, kill with me."

Zhang Yu led the people to kill, but only halfway through, saw Dian Wei rushing into the battlefield with his cavalry.

Dian Wei led people to rush to kill, very crazy, crushing all the way.

Zhang Yu was very crazy when he saw Dian Wei, all the way there were corpses all over the field.

Zhang Yu, Huang Zhong and others also rushed to kill.

The chaotic three parties suddenly joined one party and immediately killed them.

No one thought that they were not hunters, but praying mantises.

More than nine thousand soldiers confronted the messy three parties, which was nothing short of a massacre.

Especially where Dian Wei, he just charged and killed, and quickly divided the enemy into two halves from the middle.

After a fight, Zhang Yu and the others were covered in blood, not knowing how many people they had killed.

"The one who descends will not kill."

"The one who descends will not kill."

After killing for a long time, Dianwei took the cavalry back and forth to plow twice, and finally the sound of nature sounded on the battlefield.

Yes, the survivors do not kill these four words, it is too precious for them at this time.

The remaining more than 20,000 people couldn't bear the horrible atmosphere no matter which side they were, and they knelt down and asked for surrender.

Zhang Yu and the others accepted the surrender and sent people to take care of these prisoners.

"Haha, lord, it’s great to kill, it’s great. It’s just lord, why let them surrender? Killing together can save food."

Dian Wei was very happy to kill him, and laughed excitedly when he saw Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu ignored him and asked someone to clean up his belongings.

The purpose of this time is not only to suppress the bandits, but also to these valuable materials.

There are a lot of materials, all on the road, and it is not so easy to clear them out.

It was not cleared up until the evening.

Zhang Yu and the others began to camp.

In this battle, the Yellow Turban and bandits exceeded one hundred thousand, and in the end about ninety thousand were killed.

This is a big scene.

"My lord, all the belongings have been cleared out, and there is no shortage of them." At noon the next day, the belongings were cleared out this time.

Zhang Yu said to Ling Cao who came to report, "You immediately split up with Dianwei soldiers, each with 3,000 soldiers and horses, and wiped out the surrounding city and the bandits."

"Yes, lord." Ling Cao said immediately.

But Dianwei heard that he could go to war, running faster than anyone else, and hurriedly passed Zhang Yu's order, and then went to battle with three thousand cavalry.

"Haha, Brother Zhang, not only did you get a lot of money in this battle, the credit is not small." Huang Zhong came back and just heard Zhang Yu's order.

"I also want to thank Brother Han Sheng for his support along the way." Zhang Yu said sincerely.

Huang Zhong shook his head. If it weren't for Zhang Yu, he really didn't have such a chance to run the battlefield.

At least historically, Huang Zhong stayed in Jingzhou when the Yellow Turban Rebellion broke out and did not make much credit.

Before Zhang Yu had cleaned the battlefield this time, he hurriedly ordered Ling Cao and Dianwei to send troops.

"It's so cool. At this time, the Yellow Turban and the bandits are empty, and they are all damaged here. They go to attack the city and scrape the bandit's nest. It's just like a white pick." This is Zhang Yu's most true ~ Brother Zhang, what are you thinking about? Any bad idea again. "Huang Zhong asked with a smile.

Zhang Yu had just been in a daze, with a smirk on his face.

"Haha, I still can't hide from Brother Han Sheng." Zhang Yu laughed and said, "If you let the Yecheng gang know that the goods they sent out have fallen into my hands, I don't know what it will be like. Expression."

Huang Zhong shook his head, very distressed for these aristocratic families, who is not good to provoke, to provoke the evil star Zhang Yu.

"Lord, when they sent these goods out of the city, they were very much fancied and they also set firecrackers on the city gate," said Zhou Cang on the side.

Zhang Yu and Huang Zhong smiled upon hearing this.

This face hurts.

These aristocratic families did not expect that Zhang Yu transported goods, no one dared to provoke them, and when they delivered the goods out of the city gate, they would attract 100,000 enemies.

This piece of fat is really eye-catching.

And Zhang Yu is actually the driving force among them.

If it hadn't been for their first shipment to be delivered safely, they would not have swelled like this the second time.

And they didn't know that the first time it would go so smoothly, it was because Zhang Yu sent soldiers to protect it secretly.

As a result, they were really fooled and organized such a huge team for the second time.

At this time in Yecheng, the Patriarchs of several families Ye Ye Shengge, as if this turbulent situation had become a way for them to make a fortune.

As everyone knows, they have already gone to the abyss.

Zhang Yu asked Zhou Cang to continue dealing with the battlefield. At least 100,000 corpses could not be buried within a few days.

And Ling Cao and Dianwei sent troops, it is simply a waste of credit.

All the Yellow Turban cities were guarded by only a few people, leaving most of them old and weak.

They took almost a charge, and didn't even have to fight. They surrendered directly when they saw the arrival of the brigade officers.

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