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  ? Chapter 1038 Occupy Jizhou

   Zhang Jai naturally hesitated in his heart. Now that more troops are surrounded, Zhang Yu and the others have an absolute advantage.


   When Zhang Yu hesitated, Zhang Yu had already killed him.

   They don't surrender, Zhang Yu will kill until they surrender.

   Zhang Yu moved, and the army behind followed suit.

   The army rushed forward, like a broken bamboo.

   Zhang Yu killed Zhang Jaw.

   The Overlord Halberd slammed down in the air, with nine minutes of effort.

   The strength was so great that the jaws of both hands were numb.

   A huge shock in his heart, opened his jaw not to be distracted, and dealt with it all.

   After Zhang Yu gained power, he attacked continuously, all of which were ultimate moves.

   Zhang Yu challenged carefully, but Zhang Yu chased him very tightly.

   In desperation, Zhang Jaw wanted to retreat. At this time, Dian Wei came up and hit the war horse with a halberd.

   fell to the ground with his jaw open.

   A few soldiers rushed forward, subduing their jaws.

   Zhang Yu was very satisfied when he saw Zhang Jaw captured.


   "I was taken prisoner with my jaw opened, and you have not surrendered quickly."

   Zhang Yu shouted again.

   This time the main commander was captured, but the surrounding soldiers could see clearly, and suddenly there was no fighting spirit.

  The people around began to surrender.

   Zhang Yu's army let them squat down, and then quickly passed them to attack other troops.

   There was surrendering piece by piece on this side, but seeing bad things in other directions, it gradually began to surrender.

   It took more than an hour without much attack, and Zhang Yu slowly forced them to land separately.

   In the end, more than 30,000 Cao Jun surrendered.

   "Evil comes, Huang Xu, you will immediately take the light cavalry to support Wenyuan."

   Zhang Liao went to chase Cao Cao. Without knowing the result, Zhang Yu sent troops to support him.

   "Finally took it down."

   Zhang Yu looked at Yecheng and exclaimed.

   Yecheng won, very important.

  This indicates that the entire Jizhou will be taken by Zhang Yu, and Zhang Yu has won a complete state.

   Now, Zhang Yu has controlled several northern states, Youzhou, Bingzhou, Qingzhou and Jizhou.

   These states have completely suppressed the strength of the South.

   At the same time, Zhang Yu also controlled all the states in the east, pressing over from the east and the north in two directions.

   It is said that on the battlefield, Zhang Liao pursued Cao Cao, and Cao Cao divided a part of soldiers and horses to resist.

   Zhang Liao attacked for about half an hour, annihilated a part of the soldiers and horses that had been broken, and then took a part of the soldiers and horses over, and then killed Cao Cao.

   After Zhang Liao pursued for a while, he was ambushed by Cao Jun's army, and Zhang Liao fought with them.

   fought for more than two hours, and both sides lost more than 10,000 soldiers and horses. Then Dian Wei and Huang Xu rushed to annihilate them.

   It turns out that this part is no longer Cao Cao’s deserters, but soldiers and horses mobilized after Xun You and others escaped. They budgeted for Cao Cao and others to break through, and budgeted to ambush here.

   Knowing that there was an ambush ahead, Zhang Liao and others gave up the pursuit, and then withdrew back.

   After Zhang Liao and the others withdrew, the battle was completely over.

   The two sides lost hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, and Jizhou finally decided the winner and had the final ownership.

   However, Zhang Yu still deployed heavy troops in Jizhou, and the army still did not leave.

   "Someone in Jiangdong must preside over the overall situation, Wenyuan, tomorrow you will lead a hundred thousand elite soldiers to go, you can try to take back Poyang Lake and other areas."

   At this time, Cheng Yu had already occupied the Poyang Lake area, but when he attacked Chaoxian County and Poyang Lake, he had lost hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses. They had no attack power and could only stop.

   is the Cao group, this round of war, the loss of more than 500,000 soldiers and horses, it can be described as a great loss of vitality.

   Zhang Yu was also badly injured, not only consuming all his finances, but also owing a lot of debts.

  The amount of these debts is not small, and interest is also paid.

   But everything is worth it. If Jizhou is taken, the benefits that Jizhou will generate will be huge.

   Zhang Yu smashed Jizhou, and many aristocratic families came to surrender one after another, and some even gave up a lot of wealth.

   Zhang Yu, of course, is not welcome, so I accepted them all.

   "In Jizhou, my old husband has to go ahead."

   Zhang Yu immediately wrote to Zhen Yi, asking him to come to Jizhou to help clean up the mess.

   This Zhen Yi was a county guard a long time ago, and later became the largest business family and the first local tyrant in Jizhou.

   Although many changes have taken place now, he can return again this time, and his status is different.

   He wanted to marry Yuan Shao because Yuan Shao was the lord of Jizhou.

   Now Zhen Yi is married to the lord of Jizhou again, the difference is that he is replaced by Zhang Yu.

   Zhang Yu asked several generals to deal with the affairs of Yecheng. It would take a few days to clean Yecheng.

   And he called Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai.

   "Take Jizhou, our hegemony has been achieved, the two can have suggestions." Zhang Yu said to the two cabinet members.

   Guo Jia stroked his beard, and said for a while, "Lord, we dominate several states. We only need to develop for a year or two. The lion swept over, and the world can be determined."

   Guo Jia, this is completely nonsense. Zhang Yu is very clear about the general direction. He has achieved the general trend. As long as there is no major change, the battle for reunification is only a matter of time.

  Xi Zhicai said: "Master, this Jizhou rich man, we don't even need to invest, just need to manage it well. This Jizhou has a large population, and 200,000 troops are recruited on the spot. In one year, we can conquer the west."

   Both of them are slippery. Zhang Yu doesn't entangle these grand strategies. These have already been set and only need to be adjusted according to the actual situation.

   Zhang Yu said again: "This king intends to become the emperor and recruit the world's talents for my use."

   proclaimed the emperor, Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia couldn't help showing joy.

   Zhang Yu proclaimed himself the emperor, and those of them who were fighting with him can become the founding heroes.

   Founding heroes are what they think.

   When Zhang Yu said this, neither of them made a statement.

   They agreed in their hearts, but they didn't dare to make a decision to Zhang Yu easily.

   "Bong Xiao, you speak first."

   "Lord, our army needs a rest. You can be the emperor, and you can gather talents and people's hearts. When the time comes, the general situation will oppress a few princes, and you will be able to get twice the result with half the effort." Guo Jia said.

   Zhang Yu looked at Xi Zhicai, who naturally understood that it was time for him to speak.

   "Lord, your subordinates agree to be emperor. You can be emperor. Apart from other things, the Jiangdong Foundation's gift will probably solve many problems."

   Zhang Yu proclaimed himself emperor, when people from several states would come to celebrate, Zhang Yu would receive the gift, and it is estimated that he could make a lot of money.

   The key is that Zhang Yu proclaimed himself emperor, and his subordinates all had hope, and they could all be appointed officials. By then, they would be able to gather a lot of people.

   Zhang Yu nodded, and then said: "Okay, you will go back to Xinbeiping to make arrangements, and also order Zhuge Liang to be transferred to Jizhou, let him manage a wealthy county, and let him develop Yecheng for me."

   It was not long after Zhuge Liang became an official, he was still in Bingzhou at this time, but Zhang Yu wanted to transfer him to Jizhou.

   Nowadays, local development needs talents, and Zhang Yu feels that Zhuge Liang should be given a bigger platform.

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