? Generally speaking, to trap a city, the defending party basically does not increase much consumption.

The cost of the encircling party will be several times that of the defending party.

For the defending party, the food and grass are all by his side, and there is no need to transport it from other places, while the besieging party is different.

If the same 300,000 troops, Zhang Yu's side would have to mobilize hundreds of thousands of people to transport them grain and grass, and these hundreds of thousands of people would also have to eat.

Calculating like this, Zhang Yu's side is not the food and drink problem of 300,000 people, but the food and drink of millions of people.

Calculating in this way, the test for Zhang Yu and the others is very huge.

Huge consumption, which will overwhelm the entire site.

However, Zhang Yu had no such concerns.

He has money and has a lot of funds to use, and food and grass are not a problem.

A large amount of grain and grass were transported here.

Zhang Yu and the others began to dig trenches so that the troops inside could not get out.

After a few days of digging, a trench with a width of more than ten meters and a depth of more than two meters was dug to surround the entire city.

"Zhang Yu wants to trap us?"

There was no battle, Cao Cao led people to the top of the city and watched.

Cheng Yu shook his head and said, "Zhang Yu is not a wise person. They must have other purposes."

Several counselors and Cao Cao didn't think of what Zhang Yu was going to do, but if Zhang Yu didn't attack, they were not in a hurry.

After watching the city for a few days, Zhang Yu's army was training except for defense. There was no other action.

This makes them very puzzled.

Zhang Yu's army squatted guarding outside the city, and in the end they simply trained there.

Cao Cao went to the top of the city again. Seeing the army outside the city, he was always puzzled.

Only Cheng Yu went to the city with him on this day.

"This Zhang Yu is not trying to induce Lu'an's army to come to support and then annihilate them." Cao Cao asked.

Cheng Yu said: "Lord, it is possible, but Zhang Yu has been very urgent in the past two years. Several times, he would rather sacrifice more to speed up the progress of the attack. This time, the situation is very unusual."

This time it is indeed unusual that Zhang Yu changed his tactics and even surrounded them in the city.

This may be protracted.

And Zhang Yu, let the soldiers train well, just to supplement a large number of recruits.

And he is planning in the big account.

"You can make more remarks to make Cao Jun's internal chaos."

"While Cao Cao is not here, they are expanding again, desperately in need of talents, secretly arrange some people to pass, and the position can not be high, then it will depend on their ability."

"The north side has stepped up its offensive. Without Cao Cao's instructions, some internal problems may arise."

Zhang Yu is planning, and Cao Cao is not there. It is a good time to disintegrate their internal affairs.

Zhang Yu wrote out one item, ready to be implemented.

He trapped Cao Cao here was not useless, on the contrary, it was extremely effective.

Trapped with Cao Cao, he has no control over the entire Cao Group.

Although there are still Cao Ang and many of his subordinates, if he is absent for a long time and rumors spread, there will definitely be chaos inside.

Zhang Yu wanted to cause a lot of chaos inside the Cao Group.

Moreover, with Cao Cao's absence, many things cannot be dealt with in time, and there will surely be something internal at that time.

Soon, a month later, Zhang Yu did not fight again, and Cao Cao and the others became more and more anxious.

At this time, he hadn't received information for a long time, and he didn't know what was going on here.

At the same time, the surrounding Cao Jun was also very anxious.

They wanted to infiltrate, but Zhao Yun sent soldiers to cover all the surrounding ten li, and then intensively searched for thirty li to prevent the enemy's scouts from coming in.

In this way, Cao Cao completely lost contact with the outside world.

Cao Cao is still calm here, but not calm outside.

Cao Cao was surrounded inside, and the other Cao troops were very nervous. Cao Cao lost contact with his general for about a month, which made them very nervous.

Very nervous, don't know what to do.

The surrounding Cao Jun was restless, but did not dare to send troops easily, afraid of being caught by Zhang Yu's trap.

Cao Cao realized this, and then said: "We have been under siege for a month, and the outside world does not know our situation. This is very detrimental to us. I am afraid that some troops will be fooled and come to rescue hastily."

Cao Cao asked the people to see if there was any way.

As a result, everyone has no choice.

"Kill out?"

Obviously impossible.

Zhang Yu built a strong line of defense outside, and then dug a trench. It was impossible for them to jump through the trench.

In this case, Cao Cao and the others had no choice.

However, Zhang Yu really wanted to draw out the troops from other cities, but this was not the main purpose.

For a month, Zhang Yu did not move.

The person who spread the rumors is ready, just wait for it to start.

In addition, Zhang Liao's offense is also smooth.

Everything is developing in the direction Zhang Yu envisioned.

After another few days, Zhang Yu still did not move.

A large amount of supplies have been transported.

Zhang Yu had planned for a long time in the big account, and came out to stroll around this day.

"Hehe, there are markets here."

Zhang Yu made a round of inspections, and some people came here to sell them.

Of course, this is also allowed by Zhang Yu, and the people who can come are also selected, and they are all people in Hefei.

But they can only be in the periphery, because Zhang Yu wants them to help transport grain and grass, and some people bring some things to sell.

"Well, yes, there are fruits to eat."

Zhang Yu bought some fruits to eat in a small market.

"General, if you like, eat more. No money." said the seller.

Zhang Yu took another orange to eat.

"Money must be given, otherwise no one dares to eat."

The people were also smiling. They dared to come here to sell things, knowing that the army here would definitely give money.

Other places are afraid of the army, but they are not.

Zhang Yu was strolling around and saw the people helping to transport grain and grass, as well as a large amount of firewood.

The army here needs to burn the fire and let the people transport it.

Zhang Yu felt that these people must have spies of the enemy, who happened to spread the news.

Zhang Yu deliberately bought something to eat at a small vendor.

"Brother~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is selling Chaos here, is business good?"

The one selling Chaos was an old man. He laughed and said, "Haha, everyone is helping me. Business is good."

Zhang Yu took a few bites and then praised the taste.

The old man saw that Zhang Yu was very talkative. At this moment, he was just idle, so he asked: "General, how long will this battle be going to take?"

"I don't know, then Cao Cao is very ill. If he can be delayed until his death, this battle will be much easier, and there will be no need to die so many people in vain." Zhang Yu said after taking another bite.

The old man said: "Yes, what a wonderful baby, it would be a pity if he died on the battlefield."

Zhang Yu deliberately revealed some less important news.

Zhang Yu turned around and ordered some troops to train in the periphery.

(End of this chapter)

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