? Zhang Yu's army suddenly came out, which made Cao Jun a little surprised, but it was also Cao Jun's last chance.

Cao Cao felt that his last chance had come.

"Sergeants, the emperor of Datang is right in front of him, grabbing or killing, promoted to fifth rank, and entrusted him." Cao Cao shouted.

This last chance cannot be lost.

Cao Cao ordered the whole army to attack.

A war broke out between the two sides.

"Evil comes, strike out."

Huang Zhong and Tai Shici had opened up the situation and killed them.

Zhang Yu saw Cao Jun's support come up, so he ordered Dian Wei to lead his troops to fight.

On Cao Cao's side, all the generals moved, and several Cao generals were killed.

Cao Jun was crazy, and under the leadership of a few generals, he madly killed him.

The two armies fought a **** battle. Soldiers would fight against each other, and they could not kill each other.

Dian Wei rushed forward and faced Dian Wei.

Cao Ren even Zhang Xiu attacked Huang Zhong, trying to interrupt Huang Zhong's impact.

On Zhang Yu's side, the sword and shield soldier was at the forefront. After rushing for a while, several young generals began to carry spears and attacked.

The Pikemen were very lethal. They took a small team, and after the impact, they retreated, and other small teams rushed up.

Suddenly, Cao Jun couldn't stand it, Jiangdong's teenager was too powerful.

These young generals cannot command major battles, but they are very clever in local tactics.

They can accurately judge the local situation on the battlefield, mobilize troops, and attack directions, all with great accuracy.

Cao Jun rushed up under the leadership of the general, while Jiangdong's soldiers and horses lined up clearly, and there were many gaps in the middle.

Some troops would burst out of these gaps, attack Cao Jun’s side, and suddenly retreat.

When the generals cannot command on the big battlefield, these young generals play an important role at this time.

They replaced the general in command of local operations.

"Alternate cover, kill a wave."

One teenager shouted to the other teenager, and gestured with his hands.

Another young general received it, and the two slammed forward and backward. The first wave rushed up and made a big kill, and suddenly stopped. Cao Jun hadn't reacted yet, and another army rushed over from the side.

Some arrived back and forth. Cao Jun just finished adjusting and smashed with one soldier and horse, while the other came from the side.

The battle between the two armies gradually became stalemate.

"Send another 30,000 soldiers to go right away."

Zhang Yu kept sending the soldiers and horses around him.

The same goes for Cao Cao, commanding the Chinese army and sending the army up.

The two armies formed several battle groups, which had already fought beyond the col, and acted outside.

Now, Zhang Yu has only 50,000 heavy cavalry around him, but none of them rides on horses. The horses are placed in the small col.

In this terrain, there is no place to charge, and the horses can't be displayed. Letting them ride on horses is simply death.

"Kill me."

Finally, Zhang Yu led fifty thousand heavy cavalry soldiers who had become heavy infantry.

Cao Cao didn't have too many soldiers and horses in his hands. He still had more than 80,000 people, and he personally led them to kill Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu committed suicide at the forefront.

The Overlord Halberd exploded with very strong power, and there is no enemy in one, rushing forward, bursting out with great power.

The Overlord Halberd is already full of blood, and when you wave it, blood drops can fly in the air.

The heavy cavalry, without the horse, is still very powerful.

The speed was not fast, but he moved forward steadily and beat Cao Jun back as a whole.

Cao Cao commanded the army, shouted and encouraged the army.

Morale on both sides is high.

The soldiers were not afraid of death, and rushed forward with violent methods.

At this time, the soldiers had put other things behind their heads, staring at the enemy, and doing desperately.

Waves rushed up, killing batch after batch.

No one is afraid. This is a deadly battle. Charge without being killed.

Zhang Yu rushed to the front, slashing left and right, he no longer knew how many he had killed.

Cao Cao arranged one army after another to intercept Zhang Yu, and even tried to die with Zhang Yu several times, but Zhang Yu's combat power was too high, and it was difficult for the person who rushed to get close.

Moreover, there are many guards around Zhang Yu, they are very loyal, and they are all working hard to protect Zhang Yu's safety.

There are fewer and fewer soldiers on both sides, but the intensity has not decreased.

The fierce battle between the two sides, whether it was Datang's army or Cao's army, understood the importance of this battle.

On the side of Datang, the teenager constantly attacked to make up for the weakness of the troops, and the two sides drew a tie.

Now that the generals of both sides have lost control of the army, the two sides will get together and fight, and kill the other side after killing.

Kill the enemy when you see it, and you don't need any command. It's too chaotic, and chaos has formed.

Generals can only command some people around them.

However, Zhang Yu's army is equipped with a large number of young generals, and there are many officers under the young generals who have been trained in military academies. They play a great role in this kind of melee.

In the melee, they can still command a small number of soldiers and horses.

These young generals and some low to mid-level officers did not separate from their own army, but still commanded them and led them to kill the enemy.

An army under the command of an officer is different, and can lead them to explode into greater combat power.

Killed for a while.

From the morning to noon, the two sides were still in a **** battle.

At this time, a soldier and horse rushed over in the distance.

They are all Qingqi, and the leader is Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun has long been lurking nearby, but he has not been close.

He also contacted Zhang Yu a long time ago, through the soldiers, got in touch from Houshan, and agreed in advance.

Zhang Yu asked Zhao Yun to do the calculations, and waited for them to type out, and then appeared after a long time.

Zhang Yu calculated that at this time Cao Cao had put all his troops into battle, and it would be very difficult to deploy troops and horses for defense at this time.

In this way, Cao Cao drew some troops out of the battlefield, causing several places to collapse.

But he had no choice, he had to stop Zhao Yun, otherwise they would be defeated.

Cao Cao had arranged for 20,000 people to intercept Zhao Yun from a distance. After all, Zhao Yun's disappearance was too threatening to them.

In fact, Cao Cao had been on guard, he didn't expect Zhang Yu to suddenly come out, and he would come out before they found Zhao Yun.

Zhang Yu didn't let Zhao Yun approach, just because he didn't attract Cao Cao's attention.

Appearing at this time brought great trouble to Cao Jun.

Some places were deployed to send troops and horses, and had to face the pressure of partial collapse.

"Soldiers~www.wuxiaspot.com~ catch Cao Cao alive with me, our support is here."

Seeing Cao Cao mobilizing troops and horses, Zhang Yu already understood what was going on.

Zhang Yu raised his arms, and the soldiers became excited and attacked again with Zhang Yu.

Shock, shock again.

A little bit of Cao Jun's defense was broken down.

Although Cao Jun had a great advantage in the battle of troops, it was difficult to resist this group of soldiers like wolves and tigers at this time.

Zhao Yun got there and fought with the enemy on the periphery.

Zhao Yun's impact is very strong, and Cao Jun is not an opponent under comparable strength.

It's a matter of rushing over sooner or later.

Cao Cao did not give up, mobilizing superior forces to besiege Zhang Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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