? Cai Hao's change of attitude towards Zhang Yu is not surprising at all. Zhang Yu is too powerful, and there are so many more states and counties all at once, and he is already the first prince, plus he has already become emperor.

After Cao Cao failed, no one could stop him.

Zhang Yu developed rapidly at this time, training troops everywhere, losing hundreds of thousands, and he had recovered before one winter had passed.

Although there are some gaps in combat power, the difference in strength will not be too great.

In winter, Zhang Yu had no plans to go to war.

But the South has been mobilizing food and grass.

The winter in the south is not too cold, Zhang Yu ordered the people to start transporting the harvested grain and grass to various places.

Mainly Yuzhou and Yanzhou, here may become a battlefield in the future, to store food and grass in advance.

Speaking of Cao Cao, after he failed, he was seriously injured and his condition worsened after being sent to Luoyang.

He was injured and could not get a rest on the road. He bumped back all the way and almost killed him.

Cao Cao is seriously ill, and the whole force is on the defensive.

Cao Ang is in charge for the time being.

He summoned several important advisers from the Cao Group, but Xunyou was not among them.

Xun You was originally one of the advisers he relied on most, but the affairs of the Xun family last time forced Cao Ang to exclude him from the core.

This Xun You was actually put under house arrest, and there was no impact on his normal life, that is, someone followed him when he was out, and he could not be allowed to leave Luoyang City.

If Xun You was like Xun Yu this time, it would have too much influence on them.

"Everyone, Zhang Yu is already powerful, he controls half of the country, and it is a place of wealth. We may have a chance to fight out." Cao Ang asked.

Cheng Yu came out and said: "Grand Prince, Zhang Yu himself is wise, and he has capable people. It is not easy to be practical. Therefore, our strategy should focus on defense and wait for opportunities."

Jia Xu also said: "Defense can consume the most of the enemy. Zhang Yu is a man with great ambitions. He will definitely want to unify China. If he is military and military, we will have a chance to fight out."

Several counselors agreed with the defense, and then looked for opportunities to fight out.

But Cao Ang knew that it was difficult. As long as Zhang Yu was alive, there was basically no possibility of playing out.

Zhang Yu will not be aggressive.

Although he has great ambitions, in order to develop the economy and strength, he has endured not to expand.

Now that everything has developed, he is strong, even if he is poorly armed, it is not what Cao Ang and the others can support now.

After thinking about it, Cao Ang said, "I will try my best to convince my father to form a state of separatism, and then wait for the opportunity."

The most important thing for Cao Ang now is to calm the hearts of the people. In this big defeat, everyone knows that Zhang Yu has fully gained the advantage.

Cao Ang and the others have no good way, they can only try to maintain their current appearance.

In fact, they have a great advantage, because there are two big cities before Chang'an and Luoyang. There are also a lot of people here, and the development is also very fast.

As for Zhang Yu, braving the wind and snow, returned to Beiping.

Now that things have come to an end for a while, Zhang Yu wants to go back and discuss the next strategy.

On the way, Zhang Yu specifically asked about the situation in Jiaozhou.

"Sure enough, it didn't disappoint me. It took Zhuge Liang more than half a year to clean up the entire Jiaozhou. Now it is no longer a place outside the law, but completely under my control." Zhang Yu was very happy after receiving the report.

Many people have committed crimes, or have money, and went to the port city of Jiaozhou, or evaded taxes, then extravagantly, or tried to get away with it.

However, Zhuge Liang was very effective after he left.

With Ling Cao's help, Zhuge Liang started things very smoothly, especially with the support of Zhang Yu's large number of talents.

"When Jiaozhou develops, it will definitely contribute a lot of wealth."

Zhang Yu learned about the financial situation again.

Naturally, this year was unable to make ends meet. After playing for about nine months, he consumed a lot of wealth, and Zhang Yu's finances were empty again.

But he can sustain it and recover soon.

Before the New Year, Zhang Yu finally returned to Beiping.

When Zhang Yu went back, he did not rush to deal with government affairs, but asked the cabinet to prepare first, and sort out the report, before he went there.

Zhang Yu came back and spent a few days with his wife and children.

After that, Zhang Yu held a meeting.

After entering the meeting, Zhang Yu sat at the top of the round table, and on both sides were several cabinets. The difference was that this time there were two more people who recorded the meeting.

These two people are not anyone who can take care of them, because they will involve a lot of secrets, they must be senior talents, and they may be reused in other places in the future.

"Okay, Zibu will report on our polity and finances first." Zhang Yu said first.

Zhang Zhao took out the prepared materials and said: "Master, we will collect taxes this year. After statistics, we can basically cover the consumption of military expenses. Now we owe tens of millions of dollars. It is not a big problem. All back."

In this battle, hundreds of thousands of troops died. I don't know how much this cost. But now, the autumn tax revenue, plus other money, can be basically balanced. It must be said that this is a big miracle.

Zhang Yu had raised a lot of military expenses before the war began. In addition, during the war, the cabinet did not initiate any major projects, so he saved some money.

After understanding, Zhang Yu knew it in mind.

Later, Zhang Yu asked Gu Yong and said, "How much funds can we use in the bank?"

"My lord, although a large number of families in Yanzhou and Yuzhou deposit their money, we also need to open up banks in these two states immediately, and there won't be many that can be used."

Zhang Yu nodded, that is, he does not have much cash in his hands, but he has a strong ability to make money, and he has more and more funds overseas.

After development, it is net income.

"Well, the cabinet will make arrangements right away. I want to build a few roads."

Road repair is another road repair.

Zhang Yu said: "Jizhou and Yanzhou are both rich and prosperous. The roads must be linked. In the future, it will be very important to mobilize troops and economic development~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The next year, there will be no big outbreaks. For the war in China, we must effectively link all sites in one year, develop well, and reserve talents."

"After one year, all the mechanisms will be completed, and the battle will be endless. If China is not unified, the war will not be easily stopped."

The cabinet has no objection. They are developing too fast and the talents can't keep up. What Zhang Yu is most worried about is that the cabinet and the multi-sectoral system cannot function effectively, and time must be spent sorting it out.

Nowadays, the competent manpower of various departments is basically in place, but many problems will still occur in the implementation.

Zhang Yu asked the cabinet to slowly solve these problems in one year and reserve talents. One year later, it will be the time for a big battle.

The princes are also preparing nervously.

Sun Ce, Cao Cao, and Liu Bei are ready to become emperors, and Cai Tao is also planning to become kings.

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