An enemy army appeared thirty miles away, while the other was still a hundred miles away.

Zhang Yu is absolutely confident that they will be eaten before another army arrives.

This soldier and horse hurried over, wanting to go back to grab Shouchun City.

Thirty miles away, I will be there soon.

Zhang Yu led the people out of the hiding place and killed the soldiers and horses.

The cavalry is vertical and horizontal, extremely fast.

Half an hour later, Zhang Yu and the others approached the enemy.


Zhang Yu and the others entered from the side and cut off the enemy.

A moment ago, the enemy troops were still on their way quickly, trying to reach Shouchun City as soon as possible.

"Ah, Zhang Yu and the others have left?"

"The intelligence is wrong, why did Zhang Yu appear here."

"This great devil is terrible."


In fact, this army was a bit wronged by the sneak attack.

They were guarded along the way, just because they were afraid of being attacked by Zhang Yu and the others.

At that time, the two soldiers and horses were separated by less than thirty miles, in order to support each other.

However, he received news two days ago that Zhang Yu and the others had left Shouchun City without where they were going.

So the general Chen Li speeded up his journey in order to grab the credit. Who knew Zhang Yu was lying in ambush dozens of miles away from Shouchun City.

Chen Li resisted desperately, but the army did not disperse, was cut off by the waist, and lost control.

Zhang Yu and Dian Weibing split into two directions, breaking through from the middle to both ends.

The cavalry crossed and trampled the enemy line.

The enemy was scattered and the formation was chaotic.

The soldiers scurrying on the road have lost their clues.

Zhang Yu's blow was too sudden.

Chen Li was ashamed, looking at the scattered soldiers speechless, he originally wanted to take the credit, but it turned out to be like this.

The horses galloped to recover and cut each life.

Rout, an unprecedented defeat.

With 15,000 soldiers and horses, there was not as much force as the enemy. The opponent was still a sneak attack, it was still a cavalry, and there were two warriors.

How to fight this battle?

One-sided slaughter.

Zhang Yu and Dianwei led the people, quickly cutting the enemy's army into small pieces, and then forced landing and killing.

Chen Li found something was wrong, and ran to Shouchun City with his guards early.

He didn't dare not run, the enemy was terrible.

Zhang Yu also found them, but only a hundred people ran away.

Zhang Yu didn't want to chase. Although it was the enemy general who ran away, in Zhang Yu's view, it was just a trash fish.

After running away a few miscellaneous fish, Zhang Yu was really not in the mood to pursue it.

After hacking and killing, the enemy's heart and nerves were split and they surrendered.

Not surrendering is death.

The whole battle ended in less than an hour.

Being attacked by Zhang Yu and the others, there is only one destiny.

"It's really boring, why are they so weak, spicy chicken." Dian Wei came back from the killing, cursing in front of Zhang Yu.

He really hadn't been addicted to fighting, and the enemy was defeated just as he warmed up.

The military forces of the counties in Yangzhou are indeed not strong, they have not gone through many battles, and these generals have little ability.

But too many people are also troublesome.

Zhang Yu asked Dian Wei to gather the captives, and then sent them off directly.

Zhang Yu couldn't take these prisoners away. They had surrendered and couldn't kill them.

What they want at this time is speed. These people have not been trained by cavalry. Even if they are trained, Zhang Yu and their horses are not enough.

If these people are dismissed, some of them will be recruited again, but Zhang Yu doesn't matter.

In Shouchun City, Sun Ce originally thought Zhang Yu and the others would have left long ago, but he did not expect to hide under their noses.

"Arrogant, too arrogant." Zhou Yu was furious, because it didn't take them seriously.

Zhang Yu and the others left. In order not to provoke them, Sun Ce only sent people to follow them thirty miles away and then withdrew.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yu and the others did not go far, but hid them, and then ambushed the aided army.

Some people fled to Shouchun City, and the family of Shouchun City began to tremble again. This great devil was too terrible, and he could do everything.

"Bo Fu, we were so easy to let Zhang Yu and the others leave, maybe we were wrong." Zhou Yu said.

Sun Ce frowned, remembering that Zhang Yu was selling Dongting Lake to him, did he really want to buy it?

Zhou Yu added: "Zhang Yu's departure will definitely cause a storm. Judging from his performance, he is very calm and must have made a lot of preparations."

"Gong Jin, it's okay, now we have nothing to lose." Sun Ce said.

But did they really lose nothing?

Zhang Yu is very vengeful, and this incident will definitely be found back later.

After Zhang Yu and the others dismissed the prisoners, they led the army and began to attack, killing another army a hundred miles away.

The distance of hundreds of miles, not very far, Zhang Yu and the others rushed quickly.

"What are you talking about? They escaped?" Halfway through the attack, Dian Wei yelled after receiving the report from the soldiers.

"Yes, they fled and threw everything out of food and weapons on the road," the soldier said.

"Grandma bear, hen, soft egg, these people dare to attack us." Dian Wei sat on the horse and started spraying.

Zhang Yu did not speak on the side, wrinkling every day thinking about what to do His original plan was to eat this soldier and then attack other places.

If both of the supporting soldiers and horses were eaten by Zhang Yu, the other party would lose 30,000 soldiers and horses, which would have a huge blow to them, which is very important to Zhang Yu's strategy.

But now, the other party has escaped.

Tens of miles away, when the generals of this army received an attack by Zhang Yu from the previous army, they immediately led people away.

Knowing that the opponent was a cavalry, and afraid that he could not run, he even ordered to throw everything away.

The road was full of food, weapons and flag lights.

"Run, run, hurry." The general Huang Ren shouted as he ran.

They have been running for more than an hour, very fast.

"General, it can't be any faster, no matter how soon the soldiers will be unable to hold it, we might as well run into the city as soon as possible, and then it will be safe." The deputy said.

"Yes, yes, where is the nearest city, we hurried to the city." Huang Ren said.

This Huang Ren was scared away by Zhang Yu, and even thrown away his baggage.

"Lord, the other party is really bad, do we want to chase after him?" Dian Wei said.

Zhang Yu gently shook his head and said, "No matter how many people are killed, it's useless. Now, if you want to break the game, you will have to break through more of their cities, leaving the frontline army unwilling to fight. If you are not sure to attack Kuaiji, retreat is just Their only choice."

Zhang Yu and the others slowed down and moved forward at the speed of the horse's normal running.

When they rushed to Huang Ren where they ran away, they were also very speechless.

The ground is full of things, and they are thrown away indiscriminately. This is what it looks like to be frightened.

"True." Dian Wei scolded again.

Zhang Yu also didn't expect that his own name would scare the other party like this, and he would simply run away from the wind.

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