When Zhuge Liang arrived at a place, it was mainly to see how the people lived there, and then what was the production situation of the farmland?

Although it is already winter, there is very little to grow in the farmland, except for some vegetables.

But there are many things that can be seen in the farmland.

"Zhang Yu is really willing to invest, as long as the conditions are available, he will build a canal and a waterwheel."

Zhuge Liang also went to the mountain and saw tea gardens developed on the mountain.

In later generations, Zhuge Liang was best at internal affairs, and at this time, it was also internal affairs that he came to investigate.

And the intelligence officer reported to Zhang Yu: "As for Pang Tong, he has always been in the academy and has never left. He reads books in the academy and listens to courses in each subject."

After listening, Zhang Yu nodded and said: "Well, if they have any needs, try to satisfy them, don't let them be disturbed."

Zhang Yu also asked some of the talents he was more concerned about. Although these people have not yet joined Zhang Yu, their careers in Jiangdong are currently flourishing, and I believe many people will be willing to stay in Jiangdong.

The military performance is over and all the shows are over. It's time for Jiangdong to start harvesting.

Zhang Yu asked the intelligence personnel to leave before calling Zhang Zhao.

"Zibu, so many days have passed, what progress can be made in commercial cooperation?" Zhang Yu asked.

Zhang Zhao stood up and gave a salute to Zhang Yu, then sat down again and said, "It is a great way for the lord to come up with an exhibition. Many people have come to express their intention to cooperate. Although most of them are only intentions, but wait for them. Going back, most of the cooperation can still be achieved."

Zhang Yu learned about commercial projects and it was indeed very effective.

After understanding, Zhang Yu focused on talents.

"Zibu, the most important thing is talent. How is the recruitment situation now?"

Zhang Zhao's face showed a lot of joy.

"Master, there are already thousands of students who have directly signed up to become Jiangdong Academy, and they are waiting for our selection." Zhang Zhao said.

This is the influence. Tens of thousands of people have come and thousands of people have signed up to become students of Jiangdong Academy.

However, foreign students must be selected, because Jiangdong Academy simply cannot accommodate so many people.

Zhang Yu thought for a while and said: "This is really great, but for some students with great potential who were not selected in the end, we have to distinguish them. We can give them a certain amount of subsidies and let them stay, and in a certain period of time. You can open the library to them so that they can learn by themselves and wait for the assessment in the coming year."

Zhang Yu's purpose is to absorb talents from all over the world and use them, so he should keep as many talents as possible in Jiangdong.

Zhang Yu cares about these students, and also cares about how many people are directly contributing.

"Lord, there are hundreds of talents that are currently in effect. They are already being assessed and ready to be arranged." Zhang Zhao said.

There are hundreds of talents. If this were placed in the past, I would hardly dare to imagine that Zhang Yu could not recruit talents.

Hundreds of people came at once, making Zhang Yu happy.

Zhang Zhao went on to say: "Master, do you want to investigate these talents? There must be a lot of detailed work."

Zhang Yu shook his head and said, "No, since you want to use it, you can't be suspicious. These people will definitely have a lot of meticulous work, but it doesn't matter. At the beginning, it must not be placed in an important position. We can make some regulations publicly to reach a certain level or Some positions need to be investigated, no matter who."

Zhang Zhao thinks Zhang Yu's method is good, it can prevent meticulous work, and it doesn't make people chill.

Public investigation is easier to accept than secret investigation behind the scenes.

Moreover, these people are not placed in important positions. They may be county magistrates. Although they are in charge of tens to hundreds of thousands of people in a county, they have little impact on the overall situation.

Zhang Yu pays attention to these things, makes such a big move, and loses a lot if there is no gain.

For this incident, Zhang Yu spent millions of big money, which is tantamount to a big advertisement.

After all the activities, some people went back, but many people continued to stay in Jiangdong.

They can be seen in many places in Jiangdong. A large number of students gathered in the academy, and tens of thousands of students gathered around.

Several masters have begun to debate, and there are lectures in the middle of the debate, which is very attractive to the students.

Even some people did not come, and were still rushing to Jiangdong when they heard the news.

In addition, many representatives of the princes sent people to conduct a comprehensive investigation of Jiangdong.

From the countryside to the city, an inspection of Jiangdong was carried out.

Zhang Yu was collecting all kinds of information, and the feedback was very good.

"Lord, Yuan Shu's people ask to see you." In the hall, Zhang Yu received a report from the soldiers.

Hearing the name Yuan Shu, Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment. Yuan Shu's people would come to him, which really surprised Zhang Yu.

But now Yuan Shu controls many areas in Yangzhou, and even Shouchun is under his control, so it seems that there is nothing impossible to find Zhang Yu.

"Let them come in and serve tea." Zhang Yu still decided to meet Yuan Shu's people, to see what he meant.

After a while, a middle-aged man came in.

"Under Yang Hong, meet Master Zhang."

Yang Hong, Yuan Shu's important staff, Zhang Yu had never seen him, but he also knew him in intelligence.

"Mr. Yang, please sit down and come to see what is important to the officer." Zhang Yu asked directly, saying that Yuan Shu is an enemy, and it is impossible for him to contact him.

Yang Hong stood up and bowed a ceremony before saying, "By the lord's order, come and discuss one thing with Master Zhang."

Zhang Yu lifted his right hand and made a false gift, let Yang Hong continue to say.

Zhang Yu was so direct that Yang Hong couldn't adapt, but after finishing his thoughts, he said, "My lord wants to obtain Poyang Lake, and I am willing to exchange it with Master Zhang."

Zhang Yu nodded to show that he knew, and then acted in thought.

Today, Poyang Lake is within Yuan Shu's territory, but with the Yangtze River in it, Zhang Yu can still control Poyang Lake.

After Yuan Shu arrived, he was overjoyed after learning about the situation of Poyang Lake, and he was about to directly occupy it.

Because Poyang Lake has been developed by Zhang Yu, there is not much fertile land around it.

The food produced is even more shocking~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Therefore, the first thing Yuan Shu came to was his idea of ​​attacking Poyang Lake.

But Yuan Shu was stopped by several of his staff before he acted.

The reason is that it belongs to Zhang Yu. They are not firmly established and dare to touch Zhang Yu's things, and the two sides must have a big fight.

Although Yuan Shu didn't want to admit it, he was still very afraid of Zhang Yu.

Since you are afraid, don't move.

So after discussion, Yuan Shu wanted to buy Poyang Lake, but after the price was negotiated, Yuan Shu was only willing to pay millions of dollars.

Knowing that Dongting Lake was sold to Sun Ce by Zhang Yu for a large sum of 100 million yuan, it was impossible for Yuan Shu to win Poyang Lake by millions.

So no one was willing to go to Jiangdong to negotiate with Zhang Yu, but this time after the wedding, he just sent Yang Hong to try it out. The strongest system to dominate the Three Kingdoms

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