The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 514: In addition to madness is madness

On the city wall, Gao Lan saw that Zhang Yu's army had been pushed over, and all kinds of siege equipment had been moved up.

"Oh, it seems that there is only a deadly battle." Gao Lan understands Zhang Yu's determination, but what can he do, without an order, absolutely can't leave the city, not to mention Yan Liangwen and the others also need time to arrange and they need to drag themselves here. Zhang Yu.

On the three walls, without pretending to attack, Zhang Yu directly ordered a fierce attack on the three walls.

The sword and shield soldiers rushed to the underside of the city wall to protect the rushing team, set up the ladder, and then began to attack the city wall.

As soon as the end of the battle started, Zhang Yu's army used the most violent attack.



The army in Liaodong was not afraid of death. As soon as the ladder was set up, the soldiers rushed up.

"Let's release the arrow."

Gao Lan also ordered an attack, and the ready archers also attacked the siege team under the city.

It only took a quarter of an hour for the battlefield to go from calm to explosive.

"Quickly, bring up both the rocks and the rolling logs, so that the reserve team can also go up the city wall."

"Mad, crazy."

Gao Lan yelled from the top of the city. Zhang Yu was a lunatic. How could there be such a war? There was no temptation attack, and he used the most violent attack as soon as he came up.

Gao Lan has never seen such a style of play. In such a style of play, both sides will suffer heavy losses.

It is said that Zhang Yu is a lunatic, Gao Lan can be seen.

Gao Lan hurriedly called the prepared reserve team, and then asked the soldiers to smash them with rocks and logs.


After the siege team was in place, Dian Wei also led his troops to attack. They attacked for a while and shot arrows.

Under the charge of the war horse, the arrow was very fast, and with a sharp aura, it slammed towards the head of the city.

The two sides started a **** battle, you come and me, regardless of casualties.

This is the first time Zhang Yu has used such a desperate style of play.

Several generals knew that Zhang Yu cherished the lives of soldiers most, and seldom struggled with the enemy.

But this time, the two sides worked hard, without any skills.

After half a day, the sky gradually turned black before Zhang Yu ordered the withdrawal of troops.

The soldiers withdrew.

After several generals had counted the casualties, they all went to Zhang Yu's account.

After several people arrived at Zhang Yu's account, Tai Shi Cixian reported: "Master, 3,542 people in our army have been killed."

After the report, Zhang Yu was expressionless, and then looked at Zhang Liao.

"Lord, there were 3,731 casualties in our army."

The two only reported the number of deaths, the number of injured did not report, but this is already a very large number, and there were no more than 7,000 soldiers on the first day.

Dianwei's army did not lose, but consumed a lot of arrows.

More than 7,000 soldiers, it was the first day.

Zhang Yu's face was naturally not good, but he did not shake his determination.

After everyone reported, Zhang Yu said, "Perhaps you don’t understand my style of play. We can take Changli County at the least cost, but what I want to say is that we don’t have time and we must take Changli as soon as possible. County, continue to attack tomorrow, and attack as usual today."

After Zhang Yu finished speaking, Tai Shici and Zhang Liao were really uncomfortable. They were the soldiers and horses that they had made with one hand. Such a loss, as a general, shouldn't you feel bad about it.

Tai Shi Ci opened his mouth, and finally held back without asking.

And Zhang Liao said: "Lord, tomorrow I will organize a death squad and rush to the city."

Zhang Liao faintly felt Zhang Yu's sense of urgency. Zhang Yu has always been calm and calm, but this time he is not facing a strong enemy, but so urgent.

Zhang Yu nodded and let them go down to prepare.

After leaving the big tent, Tai Shi asked kindly: "Wen Yuan, if we attack slowly, the casualties can be reduced by at least half."

Zhang Liao paused, and then said: "The account is not calculated like this. The lord is wise and looks farther. On this battlefield, we cherish the lives of soldiers, but we lose time, which will lead to more soldiers' lives on other battlefields. ."

Tai Shici was still a little puzzled, Zhang Liao further explained: "The lord should consider two aspects. One is that the Xiongnu has already shown hostility to us and may attack at any time, and the other is that the lord must vacate his troops as soon as possible to hold him back. Yuan Jun, let Gongsun Zan have more time to breathe, so that we can actually reduce losses."

Tai Shici nodded, and also said that after returning home, he would organize a death squad.

The death squad, everyone knows that the death squad is the death squad, but they have no choice.

Zhang Liao’s analysis was correct, that there was a change on the grassland, even if there was no change, Zhang Yu would have to fight for more time to arrange it.

In Changli County, there is the Great Wall to the north, but it is not strong enough to stop the Huns.

Zhang Yu sent people to take over other places before he broke the city of Changli, began administration, and began to arrange arrangements. It can be seen that Zhang Yu is already very urgent.

The next day, just after dawn, Zhang Yu launched another fierce attack.

"Crazy, crazy, Zhang Yu is really crazy." Gao Lan lost nearly 20,000 troops the day before, under tremendous pressure. Early this morning, Zhang Yu attacked so fiercely.

On the first day, Gao Lan thought that Zhang Yu was just going to give him power, but as soon as the war started today, Zhang Yu would be more violent.

Both Zhang Liao and Tai Shici organized a death squad and launched a fierce attack.

Gao Lan kept sending the reserve team to the head of the city, and the casualties changed one after another.

With such a high frequency, the soldiers in the city swayed.

Zhang Yu appeared on the battlefield early and saw his son Lang fall one by one.

Although he is reluctant to give up, he who is the best must still make a decision to make a decision.

Continue the onslaught, uninterrupted onslaught.

In half a day, more than five thousand troops were killed.

The high view on the city’s head is not easy. Recently, Yuan Jun’s army has soared, and it has already broken one million troops, which makes the quality of the army deteriorate.

The enemy attacked so fiercely, they couldn't stand it.

In the afternoon, troops attacked the city.

There has been no enemy attack on the northern city wall. This is the city wall for them to retreat, but it is also a Gao Lan They have been sending people in and out from the north gate to pass news, and they are also conducting surveillance around. ambush.

Zhang Yu doesn't need to ambush. If they go out of the city, his cavalry can chase and kill them without having to wait outside the city.

There is no ambush, which makes Gao Lan even more uneasy.

When you enter the grassland, you lose protection completely, and the whole army is even more dangerous.

Continue the onslaught and stop at night.

In the evening statistics, Zhang Yu killed more than 11,000 people on this side, and Gaoyan’s side, the situation was even worse, directly losing more than 28,000 people.

Gao Lan has no temper. He knows that Zhang Yu is determined to win. As long as he doesn't leave for a day, he will squat to the end.

"Tomorrow, I will personally take people to attack the city, and I must give the enemy the most damage and break the city within three days." Zhang Yu ordered the group to say. The strongest system to dominate the Three Kingdoms

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