Zhang Yu took a look and found that this is indeed a big family, and the house is very large.

At the gate is written Qiao's Mansion.

Zhang Yu walked in.

Outside an employee who was forty away, dressed in Chinese clothes, was surrounded by more than a dozen family members, all of them holding wooden sticks.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Yu shook his head. Fortunately, he encountered his own army and didn't kill him. If someone else's army, relying on a dozen of them, would have been chopped off for a long time, he still wanted to fight.

"Lao Zhang, just because a dozen of you want to fight us? Or just pack things up and go with us." Zhang Yu persuaded.

"You bandits, I, Qiao Xuan, fortunately to accumulate possessions for half my life, how can I just give up like this?" said the old man.

Zhang Yu wouldn't be kind to them, but frightened him and said, "Pack up and go with us. Except for the house and farms, we can take everything else away. It's better than losing your life."

"Huh." The old man still did not compromise, but said: "Soldiers, bandits, bandits, go with you, how can I keep my wealth."

"If you don't follow us, you will kill them all." Zhang Yu was too lazy to continue persuading, threatening directly.

Zhang Yu just wanted to frighten them, even if they didn't leave, Zhang Yu would at best take them away forcibly, and there was no need to kill.



Zhang Yu was frightened, and the two beauties inside were taken aback and ran out quickly.

"Why did you come out."

"Go back, go back quickly."

"Big Qiao, hurry up and bring Xiao Qiao in."

When Qiao Xuan saw the two daughters running out at this time, his shock was almost gone.

"Qiao Xuan? Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao?"

Zhang Yu was stunned, looking at the two beauties blankly, his head a little unable to turn.

These two beauties are about sixteen or seventeen, and they are not inferior to Zhang Yu's wives.

"Broken?" Qiao Xuan saw Zhang Yu's dumb eyes, and he must have fallen in love with his two daughters.

"Go back quickly, go back quickly." Qiao Xuan urged again and again.

But Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao didn't go back. They just ran out when they heard Zhang Yu was going to kill them all.

Zhang Yu pointed to Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao and said, "What are your two names?"

Zhang Yu's question made Qiao Xuan almost fainted, but he knew how beautiful his two daughters were.

Qiao Xuan hurriedly stood in front of the two daughters and said, "This official, just take what you want and let my daughter go."

This Qiao Xuan completely regarded Zhang Yu as a man who bullied men and women.

"My name is Qiao Liang, and my sister Qiao Wan, my father is very old, so please let the army go to my father, and the little girl will let the general handle it." Da Qiao came out and said.

"The little girl too, please let go of my father." Xiao Qiao also said hastily.

Qiao Xuan was crying. He wanted to protect his two daughters, but they came to the door by themselves.

Zhang Yu came back to his senses. Although he didn't know the names of Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, but other information could be matched, these two people must be Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao.

"Really leave it to my disposal?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"Really." Da Qiao nodded firmly and said.

Xiao Qiao also nodded aside.

"General, general, please let the little girl go." Qiao Xuan cried and said.

"Okay, you two will marry me, and you will never be treated badly. Pack your things and go with me. When we get to Jiangdong, I will give you a house and pay you as much land as your family has." Zhang Yu Said directly.

Zhang Yu thought to himself: Zhou Yu, Sun Ce, you dare to design to cheat me, causing me to lose more than 30,000 soldiers and horses, so I will marry both Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao.

Zhang Yu's words caused Qiao Xuan to fall into the ice cave, and the family productivity could not be kept. Now even his two daughters have fallen into the clutches of the clutches.

After confirming that the two were Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, Zhang Yu was also very concerned and sent soldiers to protect them. In addition, he dispatched a small team to help them pack their things.

Zhang Yu even asked someone to find a few carriages to take them, and put all the property separately.

Er Qiao, I didn't expect Zhang Yu to meet him so accidentally.

What Zhang Yu didn't know was that in history, Sun Ce breached Wanxian and then captured Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao.

But Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao had a bad time.

Because both Sun Ce and Zhou Yu died early.

And they were both concubines. When Sun Ce and Zhou Yu died, they became widows. Da Qiao was going to guard Sun Ce's tomb. Can this life be good?

But now I met Zhang Yu, and Zhang Yu directly married.

Taking Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao away, Zhang Yu can calculate a sigh in his heart.

If you Sun Ce and Zhou Yu dare to pit themselves, I will marry your wife.

There are more than two hundred thousand people in the city, and it will take several days to take them away.

However, Zhang Yu had already sent support. After Guo Jia retreated, Ling Cao's 100,000 soldiers and horses would come over to take him.

He had no need to hide now, and Zhang Yu's bureau outside Chaoxian had no effect at all.

Zhang Yu also had to admire Zhou Yu, and he was able to set up such a round for him, and Zhang Yu also suffered a great loss.

Zhang Yu spent a few days completely evacuating Wanxian County.

Zhang Yu finally left, but Zhou Yu's mood was not very good, not because of the population of more than 200,000 people.

Zhou Yu, a population of more than 200,000 and everything in Wanxian, didn't care much. What he cared about was that Zhang Yu had already developed a lot of hostility towards them.

This hostility may be serious or it may not be a big problem.

But Zhou Yu knew that Zhang Yu was more vindictive, and if he offended him, Zhang Yu would definitely find his place.

A few days later, Zhang Yu returned to Chao County, and the population evacuated from Wan County would slowly be sent to Jiangdong for resettlement.

In Chao County, Zhang Yu placed Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao down. Qiao Xuan was also honest and couldn't change the facts. I could only hope Zhang Yu would treat them better.

"Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao, take a good rest and take good care of your father. Don't worry about everything." Before leaving, Zhang Yu comforted Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao.

The two of them were still a little scared, but this way ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhang Yu took great care of them, so that they would not be so scared in their hearts.

After arriving in Chaoxian County, Guo Jia had gathered all the information Zhang Yu needed.

"Lord, Yuan Shu has a hard time going back this way. Sun Ce chased him all the way and didn't stop until he was about to reach the city of Hefei." Guo Jia said.

Guo Jia calculated that Yuan Shu had 200,000 troops out of the city, but when he fled back, there were only more than 90,000 people.

In the end, Sun Ce's soldiers and horses were left with more than 90,000 people.

Both sides suffered great losses.

However, Sun Ce occupied a large area of ​​land, especially Poyang Lake, which is surrounded by fertile land and has been cultivated into fertile land.

"Sun Ce, don't blame me for being unrighteous if you are unkind." Zhang Yu was angry at the thought of being pitted.

"An announcement will be made right away that there are many thieves in Jingzhou, and this general will soon send hundreds of thousands of troops to fight against them." Zhang Yu said. The strongest system to dominate the Three Kingdoms

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