The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 909: Control the silver mine

Chapter 909

The Ishigami Silver Mine has been able to become the world's largest in mining for hundreds of years, which shows the huge reserves.

To control a silver mine, Zhang Yu's military expenses were all spent.

Under this circumstance, it is impossible for Zhang Yu not to **** it.

The discovery of this silver mine was a thousand years ahead of schedule. It was because the Fusang people needed to buy weapons, so they sent a lot of people to search for it.

The attack began, the army had landed, and there was no one to stop it when it landed.

Han Dong landed from the west with 30,000 people because there was a silver mine that Zhang Yu needed.

"General, found the enemy, they deployed a hundred thousand people around the silver mine."

One hundred thousand people are deployed in a silver mine, which shows how important this silver mine is to the Fusang people.

The Fusang people don't know how to smelt, but the ore they dug up can be exchanged with Zhang Yu and the others for copper, and they can also buy weapons and equipment.

After they found out, they sealed the lock tightly, fearing that Zhang Yu would know.

However, Zhang Yu and the others had buried a lot of spies on it long ago, and the silver mine was close to the sea, making it difficult not to be discovered.

"The whole army listened to the order and assaulted from the front." Han Dong gave a shocking order.

Yes, Han Dong directly ordered the army to make a head-on attack.

This order has many people questioned, and of course more people are excited.

The Fusang army is not capable of fighting, so what about the frontal assault.

"If you don't take this place quickly, all the enemy troops in other places will be killed."

Han Dong is not afraid of these enemy troops, but he is afraid that he will be late. You must know that there are two other troops who have already killed in from other places.

"Prepare for battle."


Thirty thousand troops formed a war, and the soldiers had complete weapons and armors.

"Kill kill kill!"

There is no strategy. After 30,000 armies form a war, they will start to advance.

The neat pace makes people feel shocked.

Stepping on the ground, there is a feeling of overwhelming.

Thirty thousand troops slowly pressed on.

The Fusang army shook. They had been in an internal war and had never experienced such a scene.

They felt that these 30,000 troops were more powerful than their 100,000 troops.

Some people began to shrink.

"Don't be afraid, we are crowded."

"We still have weapons in our hands."

"The ministries are ready to attack."

Some generals of the Fusang people hurriedly stabilized the army and directed the army to prepare for an attack.

When someone came out to give orders, the situation was naturally much better.

The Fusang people slowly began to gather.

But no matter what their actions were, Han Dong's army was just like that.

The Fusang army was finally about to fight back, and their troops slowly gathered together.

The Fusang people have not received much training. Half of them have purchased weapons, and half use weapons made of wooden sticks and bamboo to fight against them.

There are many people in Fusang, and there is also a mighty appearance.

The Fusang people were still neat at first, but when there were too many people and crowded with each other, the formation became loose.

"The mob." Han Dong was very contemptuous.

Although contemptuous, Han Dong still maintained his own rhythm, slowly pressing on.

No impatience, let the Fusang people mobilize and arrange.

"We are crowded."


Fusang was finally organized and led his troops to kill.

Hundreds of thousands of people organized and charged. Although the formation was chaotic, they could not be seen at a glance.


Han Dong did not even order the army to stop for defense, but instead ordered an attack.

The spear pierced out, bringing up a **** color.

The simple killing started, and the Fusang people rushed wildly, while Han Dong just ordered the army to advance slowly, with blood every step.

Yes, Han Dong and their army did not stop, but continued to kill.

The killing continues.

"The Fusang people are as crazy as the lord said."

Han Dong saw that the Fusang people suffered heavy casualties, but he still launched an impact desperately.

They had no armor and were wearing common clothes. They collided with the steel division led by Han Dong, and the result was naturally obvious.

The madness of the Fusang people did not change the result.

Han Dong and their army marched on the corpse and blood.

On the battlefield, like hell, I don't know how many people died.

The two sides continued to attack, but Han Dong's army never stopped. Some soldiers fell, and the soldiers behind made up for themselves.

Fusang's army has been rushing forward.

Fusang’s generals were ashamed, and the army lost so much that tens of thousands of people fell, but they could not stop Han Dong’s army.

But they couldn't run. Not long after this silver mine was discovered, the entire Fusang had great hopes for this silver mine. As long as they can be mined, they can buy a lot of weapons and equipment, and they can rise again.

It is this silver mine that is so important that 100,000 troops need to be sent here, and there are also tens of thousands of civilians digging and mining here.

The Fusang general was bitter, and they didn't know that this silver mine brought them not only wealth, but also destruction.

Enough to destroy this entire country.

Fusang was initially set, and the various states had not yet been subdued. Queen Fusang was also a slave country established after destroying many tribes. However, this country was just established, and was unstable.

Originally, if there was time, this silver mine could be enough to change, but now everything is gone.

When the Han army came up, 30,000 troops made their 100,000 troops unable to resist.

They had money to buy weapons first, but armors were so expensive that they couldn't afford them.

However, in this battle, the Han army was well equipped, well-trained, and the battlefield was also powerful, and it was defeated as soon as it collided.

The army continued to rush up, but the result was doomed.

Han Dong gradually approached the mining area, and then went to the mining area. The Fusang people continued to attack along the way, but could not stop them.

One hundred thousand soldiers and horses, more than seventy thousand people were defeated, and they all died under the army led by Han Dong.

"It's gone, these Fusang people are crazy enough," Han Dong said.

The army was about to die before dispersing. It was crazy.

Han Dong and the others occupied the mining area and at the same time controlled tens of thousands of civilians.

"Hehe, not bad, there is still a lot of food, unexpected."

There are hundreds of thousands of troops stationed at and tens of thousands of civilians. How can they do without a large amount of food? This is convenient for Han Dong and the others.

"Send a good news to the lord, our army has occupied the silver mine." Han Dong said happily.

There is nothing to be proud of destroying tens of thousands of Fusang troops. They are a group of civilian men with weapons, led by a group of generals who have never fought a decent battle.

"Send five thousand people to manage the mining area, so that these Fusang people will start mining tomorrow, and they will be lazy and have no food to eat."

Han Dong knew Zhang Yu's purpose for controlling this silver mine, so he had people ready to mine as soon as he occupied it.

Only by mining as soon as possible, this silver mine can provide its function as soon as possible.

According to statistics, Han Dong and the others also killed more than 5,000 people and 30,000 against more than 100,000 troops. This casualty can be said to be a big victory, but Han Dong still feels ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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