Zhang Yu and the others came back victorious, and they hit Cao Ang. They couldn't think of it. It was impossible for them to attack like this the next day.

After returning, Zhang Yu and Tai Shici began to make the next plan again.

"Master, after the Cao Jun camp, there are a few cities behind. We might not be so easy to attack." Tai Shi Ci said.

Zhang Yu looked at the map and meditated for a while and said: "But after Cao Ying, we can threaten Cao Jun when we go north and south, so Cao Ang chose to set up a big camp here a few dozen miles ahead."

The purpose of Cao Ang's construction of the big camp here is obvious, which is to limit Zhang Yu and the others to a certain range to ensure the safety of their rear.

After Cao Jun's camp, there will be a few cities, and there will be more places that can lead to the north and the south.

Cao Ang's reason for setting up the base camp there would naturally make Cao Jun's rear safer.

At this time, Cao Ang had already planned to retreat. If he didn't retreat, he only needed to strengthen his defenses. More troops and horses could be deployed from other places to defend Zhang Yu.

But after evaluating Cao Ang and the others, they felt that they might be in a state of mutual consumption with Zhang Yu, so they decided to abandon the big camp and withdraw.

When Zhang Yu went to Cao Ang's camp to provoke the next day, Cao Ang had already led his troops to retreat.

As Cao Ang retreated, Zhang Yu naturally could no longer come to provoke him.

However, Zhang Yu immediately changed his approach.

Zhang Yu and his army are on the border between Qingzhou and Jizhou.

In the north, Huang Zhong made rapid progress and had already captured half of Bohai County. The main reason was that Yuan Jun could not resist and kept retreating.

In the south, Zhang Yu had a lot of places to attack on the border between Qingzhou and Jizhou, and the border between them was too long.

"Order the army, break it into pieces, and harass everywhere, but you must not lose too much." Zhang Yu ordered.

There are hundreds of miles of border between Qingzhou and Jizhou, and there are always places of attack.

Zhang Yu intends to break into parts and attack from several places.

Zhang Yu's purpose was to hold Cao Jun in more places, and when he attacked everywhere, Cao Jun should be cautious in attacking Jizhou.

Tens of thousands of troops scattered out, all led by young generals.

Zhang Yu and Tai Shici hid in one place with 20,000 soldiers and horses, taking care of these divided troops at any time.

More than a dozen soldiers and horses scattered, and the range of attack was very large. Some of them along the border of Jizhou and some along the border of Qingzhou began to go far away.

Cao Ang had been paying attention to Zhang Yu, waiting for Zhang Yu to attack, but Zhang Yu's army suddenly disappeared.

Cao Ang didn't dare to be careless, and immediately arranged for someone to investigate.

A day later, Cao Ang found detailed information.

"Zhang Yu actually divided the troops, and they were so divided, this is to attack everywhere." Cao Ang said to Xun You and Jia Xu.

"Eldest son, Zhang Yu's move seems risky, but it is not. His purpose is to hold our army, not to fight with us. According to his subordinates, Zhang Yu will not let their army fight with us. It's harassment."

"Moreover, we can't ignore it. If we don't care, Zhang Yu will become a real attack, and once they seize the opportunity, they will also attack us."

At the moment, Cao Ang is facing a huge problem, how to deal with Zhang Yu's attack.

At first, Cao Ang ordered all places to be on guard, because he really couldn't start.

Zhang Yu's soldiers and horses are divided into more than a dozen teams. If you want to intercept them, you don't know where to intercept them, so you can only ask the army and the city to be careful.

For two days, Zhang Yu's army did not launch any offensive.

They have dispersed far, but they are not in a hurry to attack.

On the third day, Zhang Yu's army suddenly appeared in many places, and they were just wandering there, as if they had no intention of attacking.

The sudden appearance of the army made Cao Jun very uncomfortable.

On the long border, Cao Jun suddenly stopped his activities. He didn't dare to transport food and grass, so he hid in the city.

The defenders hurriedly stepped up their defenses, and many cities on the border were temporarily closed.

Zhang Yu's army whizzed past, and then immersed again.

The entire border is active, and Zhang Yu's army moves around this long border.

Too active, the city was there, and Zhang Yu and his horses turned around outside the city.

Some went straight through the city to the rear.

When Cao Jun sent someone to check, they ambushed a team of dozens of scouts, and then drove away.

This made General Cao Jun dumbfounded. Five thousand troops came out to ambush dozens of scouts.

But Zhang Yu's army really did just that.

Zhang Yu's army was interspersed back and forth on the border, and sometimes a city would pass by three armies in one day.

"Go and prepare ten days of dry food. We are going to ambush a wave." Han Dong spent five days on the border and suddenly smelled an opportunity.

The own army interspersed back and forth, not to mention the enemy, Han Dong himself felt confused.

So after thinking, he smelled an opportunity.

When there is a chance, Han Dong decisively ordered preparations.

Han Dong is a young general Zhang Yu focused on training. He had outstanding performance when he was in Fusang. In this battle, Han Dong still has the opportunity to play.

There are now more than 130 young generals trained by Zhang Yu, but more than 50 people have died before and after battles, and the rest will continue to experience, and the ones who can grow up in the end are definitely the pillars of the army.

In the follow-up, Zhang Yu will also select some people to focus on training every year. No doubt, they are all highly educated people, many of whom are graduates from colleges.

Han Dong led the army of five thousand. After wandering for a few days, he judged that the enemy must have been confused by them.

After Han Dong and the others returned to Qingzhou to supplement their supplies, they came out again as usual.

In the evening, they slipped into the path, then took a detour in the woods, hiding their whereabouts.

There were more than a dozen soldiers and horses on the border, and the sudden loss of one ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ did not arouse other people's ideas, and even our own army did not know that they were hiding.

There is a lot of intelligence on the border. The enemy can receive more than a dozen different pieces of information in one hour, and these pieces of information seriously interfere with their judgment.

They collected so much information, they couldn't analyze the purpose of the enemy. Often, they reported that a soldier and horse appeared in the west a few minutes ago, and a few minutes later they reported that a soldier and horse appeared in the east.

Even the number of the enemy army, the number of the enemy army, etc. have not been figured out and the enemy army disappeared again.

The city on the border cannot be peaceful, Zhang Yu's army will move deep into the border for dozens of miles.

After Cao Jun sent a large army several times, they immediately disappeared.

Cao Jun also understands that something big will happen sooner or later, but there is currently no good way.

Sending a large army to encircle and suppress Zhang Yu's goal will be achieved, and Jizhou will not be easy to fight.

At this time Cao Jun felt that Zhang Yu was simply too rascal. Please use the latest domain name to read books on this site

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