The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 936: Cao Cao, call the prince soon

Chapter 936

After fighting with Zhang Yu for a few days, Cao Ang didn't take advantage of it.

Cao Ang felt that it was not the time to negotiate with Zhang Yu. At this time, the negotiation was completely at a disadvantage.

But soon a shocking news made him at a loss.

Zhao Yun suddenly entered Bohai County and jointly controlled Bohai County with Huang Zhong.

Originally, Bohai County was still the object of their negotiations. Now Bohai County does not need to negotiate, so Zhang Yu must have other places.

But this is not what Cao Ang cares about. What Cao Ang cares about is that Zhang Yu doesn't want to negotiate.

Indeed, Zhang Yu no longer wants to negotiate.

He has personally brought the soldiers and horses to the border between Qingzhou and Jizhou, and if necessary, he will kill himself.

Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun attacked and captured Bohai County, driving out Yuan Jun and Cao Jun.

The entire Jizhou squeezed into the tripartite force.

Cao Cao also received the news, strengthened the line of defense and suspended the attack.

Cao Cao was very irritable. Originally, after Yuan Shao's three-day funeral, he was about to order an attack, but there was a problem in the rear.

From the rear, Zhang Yu actually aggressively attacked, making their situation very unstable.

Cao Cao's brows were furrowed, and another headache was placed in front of him.

At this time, the Yuan family is expanding its forces and strengthening the defense line. If it is delayed for a while, the difficulty will be even greater.

It was the best time to attack, but Zhang Yu stepped in.

To completely stop the offensive, every day is a huge consumption of food and grass, and this is when Cao Cao is most in short supply.

Cao Cao was very embarrassed and had a headache for him.

He found a few counsellors, but failed to discuss a countermeasure.

Is it necessary to withdraw troops just now?

Another day passed, and no good way had been figured out yet, but the situation got worse.

Bad news kept coming, and this Youzhou showed signs of intensive use of troops.

"What the **** is Zhang Yu going to do?" Cao Cao had been studying in the big account for a whole day, but still could not figure out any clues, and then received that Youzhou was mobilizing troops and horses.

Several counsellors studied with Cao Cao all day, but still had no clue.


Cao Cao was dizzy and wanted to rest. At this time, a soldier called out.

"Come in." Cao Cao said in a low voice.

A soldier entered, then knelt down on one knee and said, "Master, eight hundred li is in a hurry."

The soldier held a letter with red ink in both hands. It was an urgent report of 800 li, which was already the highest level urgent report. When they saw this urgent information, everyone's expressions were slightly darkened.

Without waiting for Cao Cao's answer, Cheng Yu stood up, took the letter, and handed it to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao's hands trembled before accepting the letter.

Cheng Yu stepped back, then let the soldiers out, and distracted all the soldiers outside the tent. No one was allowed to approach your tent.

After Cheng Yu came back, he saw that Cao Cao's expression was very bad, and something must have happened.

Cao Cao was silent for a long time before he said, "Tai Shici took one hundred thousand soldiers and horses to attack Yuzhou, and Ling Cao took one hundred thousand soldiers and horses to attack Xuchang."

Two heavy news, this matter is very serious.

Cao Cao kept his face dark without saying a word for a long time.

About the time of silence for a cup of tea, Cao Cao said: "Zhang Yu's action, no matter whether it is true or not, we can't ignore it. I'm afraid we must give up Jizhou."

Cao Cao made a decision and immediately made up his mind.

Several counsellors did not persuade Zhang Yu to attack from several directions with hundreds of thousands of troops. This was to force them to stop the attack.

"But, I can't figure it out." Cao Cao was very unwilling, seeing that Jizhou was at his fingertips.

Everyone couldn't figure it out, they all thought Zhang Yu would negotiate with them.

In fact, Zhang Yu also wanted to negotiate a peace, because that would be in his best interest.

Zhang Yu is developing at a high speed, and what he lacks most is time, and it takes time for him to reorganize his troops and horses.

Cao Cao thought for a while and said, "I'll leave it to you here to prepare for the retreat, but don't relax the pressure on the front line. I want to meet Zhang Yu in person."

Cao Cao was still deeply unwilling.

The attack on Xuchang and Yuzhou was actually not smooth. Cao Cao also focused on defense against Zhang Yu, so Zhang Yu and the others could not attack immediately.

However, Cao Cao mobilized hundreds of thousands of troops to attack Jizhou in an attempt to quickly take it down, so the defense was mainly in other directions, and his troops were not very large.

Zhang Yu's sudden attack made Cao Cao very nervous.

Cao Cao made the decision to stop the attack and prepare to retreat, and at the same time went to negotiate with Zhang Yu himself.

At this time, Zhang Yu was commanding the battle with Jizhou in Qingzhou. His soldiers and horses fought guerrillas everywhere, making a mess of Cao Cao's rear.

Cao Ang had to take the initiative to send in an invitation to negotiate, but Zhang Yu directly ignored it.

A few days later, Cao Cao came to Cao Ang.

"Father, the child's incompetence has frustrated my father's plan." Cao Ang said when he greeted Cao Cao at the gate of Daying.

Cao Cao shook his head slightly, did not rest for a few days, his face was a little pale.

"Nothing, come in and talk." After Cao Cao finished speaking, he went straight into the camp.

After arriving at the big account, Cao Cao sat on the head and listened to Cao Ang's report.

It was more than an hour after Cao Ang finished his report.

After taking a short break, Cao Cao said, "Zhang Yu wanted to negotiate before, but then he suddenly got into trouble?"

Cao Cao was very puzzled after hearing the report.

After thinking for a while, Cao Cao said, "Make arrangements, I want to see Zhang Yu."

Cao Ang sent someone to pass a letter to Zhang Yu.

This time I received a reply quickly, and Zhang Yu agreed with him.

So Cao Ang went to arrange the time and place to meet.

After the arrangements were made, he reported to Cao Cao: "Father, let the child accompany you."

Cao Cao stretched out his hand and waved it and said, "You must stay with Xun You, and you are ready to respond. Mr. Wen He will go with me."

Zhang Yu only agreed to meet with Cao Cao, but did not agree to a truce. The army continued to attack.

At this time, even if Zhang Yu attacked Cao Cao, there was nothing wrong.

Cao Cao made a decision, and Cao Ang obeyed.

We met just two days later. When we met, we could bring 5,000 soldiers and horses. At the same time, we could arrange 30,000 people to meet them five miles away. No other army could reach the meeting place now thirty miles away, except for scouts.

Zhang Yu naturally has nothing to worry With five thousand soldiers and horses under the protection, he can definitely rush back.

Cao Cao is naturally not afraid, he also has generals.

Two days later, at the agreed place, both Zhang Yu and Cao Cao's troops appeared.

Both sides led the army slowly forward, and the soldiers were on guard.

"Hahaha, Cao Mengde, why haven't you named yourself a king? I'm embarrassed to be short of the king when we meet." Zhang Yu said with a big smile more than a hundred meters apart.

Cao Cao's face turned dark, this Zhang Yu has always been like this.

"Then I am going to call the prince." Cao Cao said a few meters after he stepped forward.

"If you want to get something, this king likes to let others call me the prince." Zhang Yu didn't say humbly.

(End of this chapter)

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