Huang Gai and Jiang Qin each brought 50,000 soldiers and horses to attack, while Zhou Tai and Han defended the city.

One hundred thousand soldiers and horses culled to Hefei City and Chaoxian County, but Jiangdong's soldiers and horses did not seem to have any response, and they continued to attack the previous route.

Another day later, Jiangdong's soldiers and horses had already attacked outside the city of Lujiang County.

There is not much force to stop along the road, the whole support point is the county town of Lujiang County.

A hundred thousand soldiers and horses surrounded the county town of Lujiang County, but Zhu Zhi, the defender, was not very worried. Although the enemy army was coming fiercely, the Lujiang County was already very strong after Sun Ce’s management, and the food and grass in it were too much. More.

It is close to Poyang Lake, and a lot of grain and grass are stored in this Lujiang County, so there is no need to worry about grain and grass in the surrounding cities.

Zhu Zhi patrolled around the city.

"What is Zhang Yu doing? Two-line combat?"

Zhu Zhi didn't understand, and he couldn't judge whether Zhang Yu was here to scare people or really wanted to attack.

Things in the north were very troublesome. Zhang Yu established a cabinet with Peking as the center of gravity. Everyone believed that Zhang Yu would consolidate the north.

However, Zhang Yu still did things that surprised them.

Zhu Zhi looked at the enemy army outside the city, and then checked the city defense again.

The teenager guarding the city carefully accompanied him.

"Don't worry, the troops in Lu'an City and Shouchun City will not do nothing. As long as the two cities are there, we in Lujiang County will not have a major event." After that, Zhu Zhi patted the young general on the shoulder and left.

This Zhu Zhi is not worried that it is true, he is still very calm now, even if Jiang Dong really wants to attack, it is not that they can attack if they want to attack.

On Ling Cao's side, his movements were also very quick, and it took Wuwei City in one night.

This is just a small city with only thousands of soldiers and horses defending the city, which will soon be attacked.

This city has always been too close to Chaoxian, so Sun Ce did not deploy heavy troops here.

The big city has heavy troops to defend against the enemy, while the small city has heavy troops and can only give food to the enemy.

After Ling Cao attacked this small city, he sent a part of soldiers and horses to continue to the next city. However, he and Guo Jia did not go south immediately, but immediately blocked the Yangtze River.

"Military strategist, at the beginning, our tens of thousands of troops, a few young generals slaughtered Fusang's army for thousands of miles, now is it really useful to fight with Fusang's army?"

In Ling Cao's words, he distrusted Fusang's army very much. He came to the riverside this time and blocked the Yangtze River just to pick up the 100,000 soldiers and horses from Fusang.

This Ling Cao had not personally participated in the battle against Fusang, so he didn't know the characteristics of Fusang's army.

Guo Jia smiled and said: "The lord's arrangement naturally has profound meaning, and General Ling will use it boldly when the time comes."

When the two of them arrived at the river, the other side of the Yangtze River was ready. Just as the signal was sent out, the other side began to cross the river.

Jiangdong has mobilized a large number of large and small ships.

The Yangtze River is also rarely forbidden to pass. During this time, fleets on both sides of the Yangtze River are performing tasks to temporarily intercept the passing merchant ships.

The army crossed the river slowly, not fast, and it was expected that it would take all of it at night.

"Military teacher, it is expected that Lu'an City and Shouchun City have already moved, should we also speed up?" Ling Cao asked.

Guo Jia looked at the Taotao river and listened to the sound of the water and said: "This Huang Gai is an experienced veteran and will definitely be cautious. Our army may not be able to pay a certain price."

The two chatted and watched the army crossing the river. In the second half of the night, Guo Jia was tired, so he went to rest first.

Ling Cao looked at these very short, down-to-earth Fusang troops and didn't like them at all.

"Can such an army fight a good battle?"

Ling Cao doubted. He saw that the training of this army was not long, the queue was not neat, and there was not enough energy.

But thinking that this is just for consumption, I didn't care about that much.

The army continued to cross the river, and Ling Cao finally went back to rest.

By the way, Huang Gai and Jiang Qin had already killed out of Hefei with soldiers and horses.

The two first jointly attacked the city of Hefei.

One hundred thousand soldiers and horses besieged the city.

Various siege equipment was also brought by the rear army.

The two met under the city, Jiang Qin said: "Old general, we should attack for a while, otherwise we will not be able to test the reality of the city."

After being silent for a long time, Huang Gai said, "We may have to fight on all sides for a day to test it out."

It is not easy to test out the reality of Jiangdong's soldiers, because even if they are not strong enough, they will never retreat.

Jiang Qin was silent, and the price would not be small.

The two surrounded the city. From the outside, there was not much change in the city.

Generally, if you want to confuse the formation, you will even pretend to put up a lot of military flags.

Usually a military flag represents a soldier and horse, but in real battles, Jiangdong soldiers and horses rarely use military flags.

The military flag is a symbol and the spirit of the soldiers, but Jiangdong does not seem to need it.

The military flag can command the soldiers, and the military flag can condense the morale of the soldiers and so on.

The two waited until dawn.

After daybreak, the divisions of the two armies were under the four walls, and then they were ready to attack.

After the army is assembled, it is ready to attack.



Huang Gai and Jiang Qin respectively commanded two armies to launch a fierce attack.

The onslaught began, and there was nothing strange at first. They rushed into the city wall and the enemy counterattacked.

There were no special circumstances in the process, and the army on the wall was not particularly violent, but it did not allow them to attack easily.

After half an hour, nothing has changed.

Huang Gai commanded and patrolled back and forth, trying to see the flaws in the city, but there was no change in the rhythm of the army on the city.


"Let's release the arrow."

"Arrow strikes."

"Don't let the enemy have a chance to withdraw."

Suddenly a large number of archers appeared in the city, some of them attacked directly on the battlements, and some formed an arrow formation behind them.

There were at least more than 20,000 soldiers in the They formed a sharp arrow formation and killed the attacking army.

At this time, many people wondered whether they would arrange more troops if it were not for the limited location of the city head.

The arrows flew randomly, a large number of arrows tilted down towards them.

The attacking team immediately had a meal, and I don't know how many people died under this arrow.

The team in the middle fell off directly, leaving the attacking army without support.

Those soldiers who were climbing the city wall found that something was wrong and wanted to retreat, but they were hit by arrows in the process of retreating.

"Is there really heavy soldiers deployed in this city?" Huang Gai said puzzledly.

The two hurriedly withdrew their troops back, but this time they lost thousands of people.

It's not that they didn't have defense, but they let the army violently attack, and the defense was naturally much less. Please use the latest domain name to read books on this site

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