Zhang Yu wants to fight Cao Cao desperately here, but does Cao Cao dare?

The two armies are here, what size will the fight be?

Cao Cao didn't know, he began to discuss with some of his staff.

"Lord, Changshan County must not be transferred to Zhang Yu, otherwise Zhang Yu can completely suppress us in the north." Cheng Yu said.

Cao Cao also understood, but now the army is assembled here, whether to fight or not to fight.

If you don't fight the city, Zhang Yu will definitely occupy it, but there is no way to control the scale of the fight.

Cao Cao struggled, unable to make up his mind.

After a while, Cao Cao asked several counsellors to think about calculations and evaluate the impact.

Losing the city of Changshan County is very dangerous, and Zhang Yu will always suppress him in the north.

Xun You said: "Lord, once a war starts, the scale is difficult to control, but Zhang Yu's logistics and support are far away, and it is estimated that he will not invest at all costs."

Several people judged that Zhang Yu would be crazy and would fight a **** battle with them, but it was impossible to invest hundreds of thousands of troops.

If you fight against Zhang Yu, the result will be more time for the Yuan family. They will inevitably encounter trouble when they attack the Yuan family.

Zhang Yu's supply route is very long, so Cao Cao and the others judged that they could fight Zhang Yu.

Although Cao Cao and the others were also far away from the rear, they had shot down this piece. They could already collect food on the spot, and they could also coerce those noble families to cooperate.

Of course Zhang Yu could also use this method, but after all, the North was poorer than them, and they still had an advantage after all of their consumption.

Cao Cao decided to fight with Zhang Yu.

The 200,000 army consumes massive amounts of grain and grass every day. Without enough grain and grass support, it is really impossible to keep going.

On the one hand, Cao Cao ordered the others to gather forage and grass, and he began a tentative offensive.

Cao Cao brought tens of thousands of troops to Zhang Yu's camp to test, but did not rush to attack.

After turning around, Zhang Yu has made the camp very strong, and looks like he will stick to it for a long time.

Zhang Yu also understood Cao Cao's plan, it was precisely to fight a big battle with him here.

Then they tried to test each other constantly, and there was no big battle. The soldiers and horses of the two sides remained motionless, and the small groups of soldiers and horses moved frequently.

"Master, Han Sheng is only one day away, can we consider attacking?" Dian Wei said eagerly.

"Calm down, the endurance of this battle, to see who can stick to it, it has been more than ten days, the logistical pressure on both sides is very huge."

Dian Wei didn't dare to talk nonsense, Zhang Yu had his overall consideration.

The grain and grass can last for a while. Zhang Yu has been studying the map recently to see if he can find a way to cut off Cao Cao's logistics supply line.

But after some research, Zhang Yu found that it was very difficult. Cao Cao could supply supplies from three directions: south and east.

At the same time, Cao Cao was also studying, and after studying he gave up taking risks to attack Zhang Yu's rear.

In this way, there is only one way left for both parties, which is to go shopping.

"Fight, fight early and solve it early."

With the arrival of a new batch of grain and grass, Zhang Yu planned to go to war.

Huang Zhong did not come up to support him. Zhang Yu asked Huang Zhong to build a strong line of defense in the rear. Once they couldn't beat them, they had to escape, and there would be no problems in the back.

What happens when you fight a war and you have to count your defeat before you fight.

Zhang Yu wrote a letter in the big account.

The letter is simple: Prime Minister Cao, three days later, outside the West Gate, there will be a battle and a showdown.

The letter was quickly sent to Cao Ying.

Cao Cao called a few staff, and then said: "Zhang Yu chose to make an appointment to fight directly with us at the West Gate. What do you think?"

Xu You said: "Ximen can hold up to 200,000 troops for a decisive battle. Our two sides are close to half a million troops. This may be a protracted battle."

It is said to be a decisive battle, but it is impossible to pull out all the troops and fight a battle to see who persists to the end.

Both sides are actively preparing.

After research, Cao Cao and others said: "Zhang Yu will take Dianwei and several young generals, and our generals are gathered, and we are not afraid of the decisive battle. We should fight Zhang Yu in advance while the heavy cavalry is away."

Everyone is actively preparing.

Three days were very fast, and the day of the decisive battle arrived, and Zhang Yu went out with one hundred thousand soldiers and horses.

30,000 cavalry, 30,000 infantry, 50,000 Fusang army.

This configuration makes people feel strange.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses slowly moved closer to Simon.

Cao Cao also brought people, and all his generals arrived.

The two armies arrived, facing each other more than a thousand meters apart.

Cao Jun knew Zhang Yu's lineup was a bit strange, but it was just a fight at this time.

Cao Cao naturally knew about the existence of the Fusang army, after all, Zhang Yu had used it many times.

"Do you want to use this method to consume our troops?" Cao Cao thought.

"Prime Minister Cao, you are a lot of age. If you don't go home to hold your grandson, why do you come out to fight and kill?" Zhang Yu smiled.

Cao Cao was speechless, Zhang Yu could always find a way to beat him.

"General Zhang is expensive to be a prince. Like this king, he leads his troops out to fight and kill."

"Haha, Prime Minister Cao, then you can stay a little longer and don't flash to your waist."

With a strange expression on Cao Cao's face, Zhang Yu can really toss.

Zhang Yu and Cao Cao each retreated back to the formation.


With Fusang's army behind, Zhang Yu arranged 30,000 infantrymen in front, and he and Dianwei led cavalry on both sides.

Such an arrangement was afraid that Fusang's army would be swept down.

The two armies moved up slowly, without a strong shock.


At a distance of several hundred meters, the two armies began to charge, and Cao Jun rushed over under the leadership of several generals.

Cao Jun has several generals, such as Zhang Xiu, Xu Chu, Xiahou Dun, Xia Houyuan, Le Jin, Zhang Chi, and Cao Hong.

The infantry finally collided, and Cao Jun exploded with great combat power, which caused Zhang Yu's soldiers to stop.

Several Cao generals showed their sharp edges, and they used their powerful explosive force to break through Zhang Yu's defense.

Zhang Yu's army did not mess up the formation under the efforts of a dozen young generals, but desperately resisted.

It was very fortunate to resist, and the two armies fought bloodily.

Flesh and flesh fly, the soldiers are desperate.

Cao Cao observed the battlefield from the rear, and exclaimed: "Zhang Yu's soldiers are indeed the strongest soldiers in the world."

Thirty thousand infantry stubbornly resisted Cao Jun.

Both sides ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhang Yu and Dian Wei also started to attack.

The cavalry led by four Cao generals also attacked.

Zhang Yu faced Cao Hong and Zhang Xiu.


Although there are many enemy generals, Zhang Yu is not afraid and brazenly enters.

"Overlord is invincible."

With full combat power, only two points of strength remained, Zhang Yu, who had not experienced battle for a long time, began to explode in combat power.

Zhang Xiu and Cao Hong attacked with a halberd, changing their moves and attacking the two.

Zhang Xiu and Cao Hong were shocked, but Zhang Yu burst out so terribly.

In a few years time, Zhang Yu's combat power was shocking.

(End of this chapter)

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