The Strongest System

Chapter 835: Scared to death (fourth more)

“Hey, congratulations on the success of the process.”

“Hey, congratulations on the success of the process.”


These black robes are not high, but they are placed in the ancient sacred world. They are absolutely not low. They are generally five-fold and six-fold.

There are even seven heavy, eight-eight masters.

However, in the face of real arrogance, it is not a problem to repair three or four.

The "Daduhua Buddha Light" is extremely overbearing. Otherwise, when it was ancient, the king of the Buddha would not be suppressed by the ancient sacred world.

Now Lin Fan has cultivated "Daduhua Buddha Light" to a certain level, but there are still some gaps beyond the king of the king, but the gap is already small.

"Haha, yes, yes, this time I will not lose money at the Essence Base Camp."

Lin Fan laughed, and every time he was successful, Lin Fan would receive it in the hole.

Let these black robes give themselves a day and night.

Especially when I saw the steady stream of Shengyang Dan piled up there, Lin Fan’s heart was very happy.

The evil Lord is already going crazy at this moment. He did not expect that the Terran Emperor was so fierce, and what he did was beyond his expectations.

"The Terran Emperor, my evil Lord and you are not dead."

The evil master roared, and the temper trembling, the hands slap, it was the tens of thousands of palms to go to Lin Fan.

Under the tens of thousands of palms, the void was bursting open, and the void was violently violent, and the small world that had been opened up began to oscillate.

"The average **** in your district is ten-fold, and you want to kill the emperor. Today, the emperor will turn you over, so that you can sing the holy sun for the emperor day and night."

Lin Fan's big hand turned over, the pressure surged, and the powerful force directly squeezed the void to collapse.


The roaring explosion sounded, and there was a crack in the wall of the small world of the earthquake. The violent emptiness of the void penetrated through the gap and vanished in the whole small world.


The evil master looked at his own hands and was ruthlessly crossed. His heart was also anxious. This is to destroy his foundation.

Their magic outside the domain, invading the ancient sacred three times, but these three times are the end of failure, and in the near future, it is the fourth time, and he is the third time to survive the extraterrestrial magic, now is the guard camp, On the day of the opening of the world, open the realm of the extraterritorial world, then your compatriots will be able to flood in.

But if it is suppressed now, everything will fail.

"Void cut!"

The five evil fingers open, and each finger is wrapped with a black line. These black lines are erratic and clear, but there is a feeling of non-existence.

Oh la la!

Suddenly, the evil master's finger moves, and the square of the square is suddenly changing to the waves, and continues to rise and fall.

Tear off!

The void seems to have been cut by a sharp blade and turned into five.

"The Terran Emperor, this mainly cuts you into pieces." The evil lord screamed and his fingers moved without any fluctuations.

However, Lin Fan felt that there was an unrivalled force sweeping through the depths of the void.

Void cutting is the sacred method of the evil Lord. It is difficult to cultivate, but once it is cultivated successfully, there will be a terrifying power. This is a magical power that can cut off time. Even if it is the body of the King Kong, the Giants are encountering this void. Cutting the magical powers, they all have a big change.

Because this is a supernatural power that claims to be able to cut everything.

"Cut the void? It's a bit interesting, just don't know if I can break you." Lin Fan crossed the black robe and thought about the evil cutting ability of the evil master.

"Sword cut."

Now Lin Fan's kendo practice to the peak level, and even comprehend the nine kinds of sword meaning, but also can be combined into one, this is the realm of every kendo master dreams.

But for Lin Fan, comprehending these things is just like playing.

One pointed out, there is no earth-shattering momentum, and there is no such thing as a sultry one. Just such a common finger, but the face of the evil Lord suddenly changed.

The evil Lord who cuts the void, feels that in the void, a powerful force is like a fierce beast.

"How come this is."

The evil master was shocked, the emptiness of the sky, and the magical power of cutting the heavens and the earth, he was actually cut.

boom! boom!

A huge counter-attack broke out, and the evil spirits of the earthquake swayed. When the evil Lord reacted, an ordinary sword whistle and whistle, and cut it directly into two halves.


The body was cut in half and the evil master screamed.

"What cuts the magical powers, it is like that, boring." Lin Fan looked at the evil spirits of the evil master, shook his shoulders with boring, and did not put it in his eyes, and then gradually turned these black robes with one heart and one mind.

Compared with these black robes, Lin Fan still feels that black robes are more interesting.

“Hey, congratulations on the success of the process.”

"The evil Lord, the Emperor gives you some time to let you think about how to confront the Emperor, otherwise you will end the tragedy," Lin Fan said with a smile.

Feeling the other person's disdainful tone, the evil Lord's heart will be blown up.


The evil master shouted, the boundless power broke out, and the whole small world began to tremble, especially the altar was violently shaking.

"Chaos konjac, the power of the source, the magic of the sky."

At this moment, above the head of the evil spirit, a dark vortex suddenly formed, and this whirlpool is like a mysterious place.

At the same time, the altar is entwined with light, rushing into the dark vortex, pulling some mysterious things.

"The Terran Emperor is all forced by you. The Lord will come to all strength today and kill you to death."

In this whirlpool, a huge coffin suddenly appeared. This coffin is incomparably dark, full of infinite evil, and even gives people a feeling, as if between heaven and earth, all evil is from this coffin. Emitted in general.


A burst of noise, the coffin cover suddenly quietly opened a trace.

Hey! Hey!

It seems to be the sound of water bubbling. When you look closely, you find that in this coffin, a group of dark water flows out from the sky, forming a dark waterfall and watering the evil master.

Lin Fan’s heart trembled. When he saw the dark coffin, his heart seemed to have been pulled.

It’s weird feeling!

"Haha... haha." The evil master bathed in this dark water, suddenly laughed, and the endless breath broke out.

A sinister evil atmosphere is filled with fear.

Lin Fanyi, a big hand, waved all the black robes into the sky, followed by a footstep, a thousand miles, and instantly appeared behind the evil Lord.

A large red brick appeared in the palm of Lin Fan.

When the first brick!


"Well, scare the younger brother, this smell is not right, how can you let it go."

Lin Fan first wanted to see what the evil master could make, but he didn't think that the evil master had made such a wicked door, and it was so chilly.

"You guy, I thought it was shooting a horror movie, it was horrible, I don't know what Xiaoye was most afraid of. I originally wanted to give you a chance to let it go. I don't fight for it, I can't blame people."

Lin Fan looked at the stunned evil master and also took a careful shot of the liver.

But at the moment, a burst of sound like a beast roared suddenly from the coffin.

Lin Fan was shocked and looked up. In an instant, the liver was violently beating.

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