The Strongest System

Chapter 853: a sword torn open (second more)

Once a peaceful, beautiful Yunzong, this time is not beautiful, the building is broken, the sky is almost red.

Yunzong is a large number in the ancient holy world. His disciples are all-inclusive, and all races are available.

In particular, its sovereign, it is the strength of God's eight heavens. Recently, it has broken through the barrier and has been upgraded to the realm of God's heaven and earth.

The elders under the door are also vast and powerful, and they are powerful and powerful. Even today, they are faced with the ruin.

Three days and three days of bombardment, the barriers of Yun Zong's solid glutinous soup were also thoroughly blasted.

In the sky.

The Yunzong disciples looked angrily and looked at the dense shadows in the distance.

"The cloud lord, you are hidden in the world of the dimension, and you can't break it, but under the giant shark, any defense will break."

A huge battleship, with a length of hundreds of thousands of feet, the boat body is full of shimmering light, and to promote this huge Shenzhou, at least 30 gods and eight talents, to fully infuse the mana In order to maintain the operation of Shenzhou.

At this time, on the Shenzhou, a shark's first human body, domineering side leakage, fierce and peerless, this is one of the top ten beasts of the ancient giant sharks.

"I didn't expect your giant sharks to turn to the ancients." The cloud lord stared at the void and sighed.

"I know that the time is for Junjie, and Yunzong's air transport is over. You Yunzong dare to confront the ancients. It is simply to find a way to death. In the order of the ancients, you will completely eradicate Yunzong."

The shark is king, one of the twelve shrines of the giant sharks. It is powerful and powerful. This time, it led the orders of the ancients and came to completely suppress the Yunzong.

"You guys, do you really want to betray the sect?" Meng Hengtian looked indignantly at some people on the huge boat.

He did not expect that the elders in the Zongmen had betrayed the Zongmen, which led to the exposure of the Yunzong site, and also allowed the giant sharks to break the Zongmen barrier so quickly.

This time, the Yuan world was opened up by the ancestors, enough to shelter them from the offensive of the ancients, but now under the giant shark's sacred sacred sac, it bursts instantly, and there is no trace of resistance.

The elders who betrayed changed their faces and then said, "Dream Hengtian, the only choice is to rely on the ancients. If you surrender and return to the ancients, you may be able to spare you, otherwise there will be only one dead end."

"Fart, if I am dead, I will not be with you, this group of people who are greedy and fearful of death, and they will be confusing." Meng Hengtian burst into tears.

Some disciples of Yunzong looked at the situation at this time, and the heart was fierce and full of awe.

Among the voids, the mighty giant sharks caused a lot of pressure on them.

The top ten beasts of the ancient times, the strength is extraordinary, it is not what they can deal with.


At this moment, a burst of blast came, sharks and kings armed with the sea **** scepter, a fierce knock, the sky swayed, a huge massive skyrocketing, covering the entire world.

"Hengtian, go back with the disciples." Yunzong master knows that this time it is impossible to fight.

Once Yunzong was in the invincible world by the ancestors who opened up the world of empire, but now this barrier has been broken and it is impossible to resist the offensive of the giant sharks.

The cloud lord knows that the Wanshou will probably be opened, otherwise the ancients will not begin to clean up the major gates.

"Lord, then you?" Dream Hengtian asked worriedly.

"I am fine, immediately lead the disciples back to the Zongmen." Yun Zongzhu said.

"Red Cloud." Meng Hengtian hesitated for a moment, then shouted.

"Elders." Red Cloud Fairy wandered, a serious face, this time in her view, Yun Zong is afraid of danger.

"Lead the disciple to return to the Zongmen, and hand it over to me and the lord." Meng Hengtian said.

"Yes." Red Cloud Fairy did not hesitate. At this moment, the situation is serious, and naturally I can't think so much.

"Sovereign, I know what you think, but this thing has to be combined with you and me."

Dream Hengtian naturally knows what the Sovereer is thinking, but this matter is not a matter for the Sovereign, but for the owner of Yunzong.

Keeping the fire, how can Yunzong be shattered, even if they sacrificed, as long as they can protect Yunzong from leaving, then all this is worth it.

"Hey, want to keep the fire, it is just a dream, this time you Yunzong will completely dissipate in the ancient sanctuary, what are you waiting for, blockade." Sharks shocked the king coldly.


In an instant, the cloud masters and other people changed their faces. I don’t know when some of the elders in the Zongmen were completely betrayed and directly blocked the entrance of Yunzong and prevented a disciple from entering.

A ray of light emerged, and those disciples who were about to rush into the sect of the sect were instantly smashed into pieces.

"Wang Tianlong, really fire, what are you doing?" Meng Hengtian's eyes burst, and a group of anger burst into flames, as if you can't believe it.

"This king said, knowing that the current affairs are Junjie, these two elders have already returned to the ancients." Shark Wang said.

Those disciples, who are constantly retreating at this moment, eventually retreat to the side of the cloud lord. For some disciples, the scenes that have taken place now have made them fearful.

"The Sovereign, what should I do now?" Red Cloud Fairy did not expect the Presbyterians in the Zongmen to betray.

This will directly block the way, so that the Zongmen disciples have nowhere to escape.

The two elders are not in the status of Yunzong, and their strength is also very strong. Although not as good as the cloud lord, it is also the strength of God's seven heavens.

Now these two elders are at the door, and basically no disciples can pass.


At this time, the cloud lord screamed. "I didn't expect that at this critical time, the ruins of Yunzong were turned out to be the elders that Yunzong worked hard to cultivate."

"The ancient tribes are ancient and holy, and all this is our own fault."

"Whether, even if you die today, you must leave a fire for Yunzong."


The cloud singer screamed and the whole body swelled.

At this moment, if you want to keep the fire, you can only sacrifice yourself, otherwise there is no way at all.

The strength of the shark king is not what he can fight.

"The Sovereign, can't be." Yunzong suddenly exclaimed, and they did not expect that the Sovereign had to sacrifice himself.

"Giving everything, escorting Yunzong to leave."


A beam of light wrapped the cloud lord and rushed straight into the sky. The shark stared at the brow, but did not expect that the cloud lord would sacrifice himself.

"Hengtian, Yunzong can rely on you later." Yun Zongzhu said.


Dream Hengtian exclaimed, but at this time, he knew that he could not stop the sovereign, because now I am afraid that only this method can leave a flame for Yunzong.


But at this time, the power of the sacrifice suddenly dissipated, and the cloud lord looked at it with disbelief.

"how come?"

"Haha..." The shark was shocked to see this scene, but it was a big laugh. If the sacrifice was made, he couldn’t resist it, but now the sacrifice was suddenly interrupted, as if it had been cut, this is Let the shark stunned and laughed.

"It turned out that even God has abandoned your Yunzong, it seems that the end of your Yunzong is here."

"Give me a crush."

The shark was shocked by the big hand, and the giant sharks were roaring from the Shenzhou. The mighty giant sharks opened their mouths and smashed toward Yunzong.

The muzzle of the giant shark Shenzhou even condensed this light, and then banged and ran away.

The disciples of Yunzong saw the pillar of light, and they were stagnant one by one. The power of this gun was not what they could resist.

At the moment when Yunzong’s disciples thought they were dead, suddenly a swordsman suddenly fell from the sky and stood upright in front of them.

This sword is huge and fierce.

The beam of light was instantly cut into two halves.


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