The Strongest System

Chapter 856: Uncultivated race (first)

Lin Fan now knows the name of this child.

small stone.

This name is also very casual.

"As far as you are concerned, if you want to get through the vast sea that covers thousands of miles, it is impossible to have a lifetime." Lin Fan said that there is nothing wrong with it. This sea area is undoubtedly a vision for a child. If you want to drift slowly to the shore, you will not be able to achieve it for a hundred years.

And the creatures under God's heavens, I want to fly over this sea, I am afraid it will take a year.

"I am not afraid, my people live in the shadow of those demons. I want to go out and look for the strong, and learn to return to save my people." Although the small stone is not big, but the eyes are shining with a firm look.

"I am a motivated boy, but if you don't meet me, you have just been swallowed by this sea beast." Lin Fan said with a smile.

I am familiar with the classics and have a good understanding of the thousands of races. The child is full of aura, pure and free of impurities. Although it has not been repaired, this body and flesh, in Lin Fan’s view, can be spirited.

Being able to have such a flesh is obviously a spiritual one.

This race is a bit magical, but it is rarely seen elsewhere.

"Are you strong?" The small stone looked at Lin Fan, his eyes sparkling with a longing look, as if he was looking forward to something.

"Yes, how? Is there anything wrong with it?" Lin Fan said with a smile.


The small stones are kneeling on the knees, and the small body is on the ground. "Please ask my predecessors to accept me as a disciple, and pass me on the martial arts. I have to learn to save the people."

"Haha." Lin Fan looked at the small stone in front of himself and couldn't help but laugh. This kid is really interesting.

"Oh, I pass you a supernatural power, then what can you give me this kid?" Lin Fan said with a smile. "The world has no benefits for no reason."

The little stone heard this, and the look was a little short, and I didn’t know what to do.

Suddenly, the little stone took out a dagger and placed it in front of it.

"Please ask my predecessors to accept me as a disciple. The small stones are the people of the Lingzu. The devils like to eat the meat of my partner. As long as the predecessors pass me a supernatural power, the small stones are willing to cut the meat to the predecessors every day."

Although the small stone is young, the look at this time is serious, as if it is a very important thing.

Lin Fanyi condensed, did not expect this small stone, would have such a statement.

However, Lin Fan knows that there are records in this classic. The Ling people are naturally aura. It can be said that the best is delicious between heaven and earth.

The giant sharks are sure to raise the spirits in captivity, and enjoy the inexhaustible taste anytime, anywhere.

At this time, the chickens standing on the shoulders of Lin Fan are shining in the eyes of the pair of chickens.

"Brother, this kid is very good, some of the style of this chicken." Chicken said.

"You look at it, or do you accept him as a disciple?" Lin Fan said with a smile.

"Well, although this kid is not awkward, but this chicken is a kind chicken, this thing..."

The chicken just wanted to brag about it, but at this time, the little stone suddenly shook his head and said.

"No, I want to worship my predecessors and don't worship a chicken."

When the chickens heard this, they instantly exploded, and the wings were one, and the chicken feathers flew up. "You kid is too ignorant, and this chicken is so good that it is not good enough to suffocate the chicken."

"Haha." Lin Fan laughed, then took a picture of the chicken's head.

"Kid, this thing will be said later, let's go to the place where your spirits are. Let's take a look." Lin Fan sleeved his sleeve and flew straight into the distance with a small stone.

It didn't take long for Lin Fan to be a keen eye.

However, for small stones, it is obvious that some of them are not confident. They have been floating for ten days, but they have returned to their hometown with a blink of an eye. At this moment, Xiaoshi is more convinced that this is Absolutely strong.

"Small stone, is this your hometown?" Lin Fan looked at the front, a city floating on the sea, asking doubtfully.

The city, with ample aura, is a resounding exuding from those spiritual people. It has accumulated a long time, and it has formed an aura storm.

This aura storm condenses over the city, forming a variety of spiritual things that cannot be dissipated for a long time.

"Predecessors, this is the hometown of the small stone." Back home, the face of the small stone reveals the color of nostalgia, but more is the color of horror, as if there is any horrible existence inside.

"Oh, this is weird, I have never encountered it. In a city, all of them are ordinary people." Lin Fan’s thoughts began, and in this vast city, every move, in the **** of Lin Fan Under the hood.

These spiritual talents are like the jade body, without impurities, cultivation, it is also smooth, but the weird thing is that there is no practitioner in this spiritual family, all of them are hands-free chicken Ordinary people.

This is simply impossible in the ancient sacred world.

"Small stone, in your hometown, no one can cultivate?" Lin Fan asked.

"Predecessors, no, the family of Xiaoshi can't cultivate. If they cultivate, they will be killed by the devil, so the little stone will leave here, go outside to find a high-ranking person and learn the skills."

Said the little stone.

Lin Fan didn't talk, but he sensed every move in the city, and then he knew it all.

Among the cities, there are millions of spiritual people, but none of them are cultivated, even if there is no real thing.

It seems that this is indeed being raised by the giant sharks, and the spirits are their own lives.

Work at work, earn a meager living allowance and support the family.

This reminds Lin Fan of the society in which he lived.

This arbitrarily cultivated is like a gun. If it is discovered, it is a felony.

On the street, the members of the giant sharks formed a team, patrolling, and the surrounding spirits saw these giant sharks, all showing a timid color.

"You spirits dare to practice."

At this time, a squad of a giant shark caught a spirit, opened a huge mouth, revealing the sharp teeth.

"No, I have not cultivated." The clan that was caught was screaming in horror.

"Hey, arbitrarily cultivated, only one dead road, swallowed." The member of the giant shark, instantly biting toward the spirit.

The skin of this spiritual family is definitely a great complement to the giant sharks. The aura that is full of aura, once the entrance, will instantly become a pure aura into itself.

The surrounding Lingzu saw a scene in front of him, and they all shivered in horror and did not dare to say anything.

For them, these giant sharks are terrible.

"Rare life." The spiritual family, seeing that they are going to become the food of the giant sharks, is also miserable.

Lin Fan looked at all of this and shook his head. This giant shark is really a running dog of the ancients. It all likes to eat people.

Point out.


The giant shark suddenly burst open and was smashed into pieces, and the dead could not die any more.

PS: The new book is on the street. Although the number of words is very small, but please ask everyone to move the small hand, collect it, "Hey's life" please, or really want to go to Dongguan to sell.

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