The Strongest System

Chapter 864: Let me go with you (first)

“Hey, congratulations on refining the delicacies.”

"Day Shark Fin Soup: The collection of congenital water, the innate fire, the heaven and earth furnace, the shark's wing, is the **** food."

"The role: a lot of magic."

Lin Fan heard the sound of the system, but it didn't feel much. It felt like everything was normal.

The shark's wings can be said to be a big tonic between the heavens and the earth, not to mention the use of other good things. This refined food is naturally no small feat.

At the moment of the opening of the furnace, the glow of the sun shines, dazzling, and the aura rises out and condenses on the melting pot of the heavens and the earth.

"What kind of magic is this." Ling Weiwei looked at the scene in front of him, and sighed with shock. In their view, this is simply against the sky.

The strong aura came to the surface, and when I heard it, I felt that the mana in the body began to riot.

When the spirits without any cultivation are smelling this smell, the whole person is almost like flying.

Although they did not have any cultivation, but under this wonderful food, they also felt that they have undergone great changes.

"It looks like this, it's not bad." Lin Fan said with a deep sigh.

"Brother, this is too good." Chicken smells this smell, especially the mana contained in it, it is even more fascinating.

"Haha." Lin Fan laughed, then a sleeve of a sleeve, a finger, a mana creation, a crystal clear porcelain bowl, densely floating in the void.

The shark's fin feast was then split directly down and everyone was given a copy.

Those spiritual people who have not been cultivated, if they are finished drinking, the talents may be able to break through to the blue sky, and the talents are excellent, even if it is a wasteland, it is not impossible.

This day's wings are big tonics, especially with the addition of other excipients. The effect is even more abnormal, which is not comparable to the average god.

The uncles who did not cultivate looked at the treasures in their hands and swallowed them without hesitation.


Void oscillates.

These are the spiritual people who have not been cultivated. After swallowing this wing, they have undergone tremendous changes. The majestic mana is surging and directly shocking the void.

"I didn't expect it to be so powerful."

Lin Fan looked at all of this, his heart trembled, this ridiculous place was actually small, and some spiritual people, even broke through to the realm of God's heaven, transformed the mana.

In Lin Fan’s view, the effect of this wing is really powerful.

At this time, among the spiritual people, there were huge waves.

"I have real money, I feel that I am full of strength."

"Mana, this is mana."

"This this."

After Ling Weiwei and others swallowed this Tianyi, their own realm also fluctuated and even hit the next realm.

"If you don't see it with your own eyes, it's hard to believe." Ling Weiwei said.

In particular, seeing those compatriots who did not have any cultivation, they all had weak strength at this moment, and even more shocked faces changed.

These means are simply against the sky.


At this moment, countless spirits are lying on the ground, and they are grateful to Lin Fan. In their view, Lin Fan is their benefactor.

They have been devastated by the giant sharks. Nowadays, the Terran Emperor descends and kills the giant sharks. It also enhances their strength. These gifts are nothing to return.

Lin Fan looked at this scene and his heart was happy. This is the scene that he wants. Especially, these spirits are so grateful to themselves, and they are even more proud of Lin Fan.

"Predecessors." At this time, Ling Weiwei came to Lin Fan's face, and his look was respectful.

In the face of these strong players, Ling Weiwei did not have a trace of pride, and put the mind and body to the lowest.

"Well? What's the matter?" Lin Fan asked calmly.

"Thank you for your predecessors and save the spiritual family. This kindness is remembered in your heart." Ling Weiwei is grateful to zero. As a spiritual family, he can see his compatriots. From the deep waters, he has embarked on the road of happiness. Naturally, he is grateful.

Lin Fan smiled and waved his hand. "Hands over."

"For the predecessors, although it is a little effort, but for the Lingzu, this is undoubtedly not the re-creation of grace, please be respected by the younger generation." Ling Weiwei did not hesitate, bowed to the ground.

Ling Weiwei, the younger brothers and sisters, was also completely admired by Lin Fan at this time, and they all fell to the ground like a spirit.

These strong, rare encounters, now encountered, but also shock their hearts.


At this time, a jade card at the waist of Ling Weiwei was broken.

In an instant, Ling Weiwei and other people changed their face color, and the face color became ugly.

This broken jade card is turned into a starlight, and these stars are constantly condensed, forming a sound in the void.

"The Ling Tianzong disciples who are outside are listening to orders, the demon invasion, the sects are shattered, and they are not allowed to return to the ancestry, ah..."

Listening to this last scream, Ling Weiwei and others looked very different.

And the hundreds of spiritual people, at this moment is also showing the color of horror, that is the voice of the sovereign.

"Brother, this..." Everyone looked at the brothers and didn't know what to do.


Lin Fan heard it, but it revealed the color of contemplation. How can there be a demon in this world? No one knows the ancients, and it cannot be called a demon.

"Predecessors, seniors leave, Zongmen accident, I have to go back." Ling Wuwei said that this thing is a matter of Zongmen, and even the lord can not face, obviously not a general enemy.

Although the seniors are powerful, there is no friendship, especially the predecessors have just saved the spirits. If you ask the seniors to help, obviously there are some problems.

"I will go see it with you."

Lin Fan was puzzled in his heart, and he did not know what it was that came out to harm the sentient beings.

However, in Lin Fan's view, it is obviously impossible to be an ancient nationality. The ancients suppressed the ancient times. If it was an ancient one, the person who had just spoken in the jade card could not be said to be a demon.

Naturally, it is said that the ancients did it.

If Ling Weiwei hears this, it is natural to ask for it. If the seniors are willing to help, it is naturally good.

Even the lords are not against each other, even if they go back, they may not get any help.

"Tell me your ancestral address." Lin Fan said.

"The northeast is 100,000 miles." Ling Weiwei said.

"Well, the chicken is gone." Lin Fan, a beckoning, is eating and drinking. He heard this, although he was disappointed, but at this time, he jumped up and jumped to Lin Fan’s shoulder. .


Lin Fan's sleeves slammed, and Ling Weiwei and others were shrouded, and then directly cut through the void, and rushed toward the 100,000 miles.

The spiritual family here has lived for a long time and is naturally familiar with it.

Now that the giant sharks are destroyed, their threats naturally dissipate.

Naturally, it is impossible for the ancients to put these spiritual groups in their hearts. After all, for the ancients, these weak ones are like ants.


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