The Strongest System

Chapter 879: I request a substitution (fourth)

At this time, Lin Fan summoned the heaven and earth furnace.

This world's melting furnace is the system's own, the baby who is a fart, was originally used for refining, and later because of the relatively hard, Lin Fan will hide into it every time when encountering an incomparable move.

At the moment when the melting pot of heaven and earth appeared, Lin Fan discovered that the eyes of the death demon were straight.

Of course, this death demon **** has been wrapped in a black robe, can not see the eyes, but in Lin Fan's guess, this death demon is absolutely straight.

"The death demon god, how do you see this baby?" Lin Fan asked.

"Okay." Death Devil opened his mouth, and there was some excitement in his tone.

"Human, you are doing very well. How to turn to the devil, become my men. Between this world, there is a demon covering you, no one dares to provoke you between heaven and earth." Death Devil said.

Lin Fan listened, blinked his eyes and became your sister's hand, but for Lin Fan, the death demon said this, it must be a presence that can speak well.

Then Lin Fan began to wander around, and he had to think about the routine.

"It is a great honor to be a man of death."

"Death God, do you eat spicy food?" Lin Fan quickly infiltrated into the earth of the world, looking for the most delicious food on the earth.

"Mom, death demon, this emperor is going to kill you today." Lin Fan screamed in his heart, and then began to directly integrate the spicy strip into a large number of abnormal drugs.

The spirit of the great brother, refining, refining, refining, directly refining to the most pure point, and then blending with the spicy bar.

"Hey, congratulations on refining a package of Dafange spicy strips."

"Spicy bar?" The death demon glimpsed, I don't know what it is.

Lin Fan has already refining the spicy strips at this time. His heart is filled with infinite hope and must be stabilized. This time it must be stabilized.

"Yes, the legendary hottest strip is my accumulation for many years." Lin Fan took out the spicy strip, and the red hot pepper strip looked so glamorous.

These glamorous hot strips, Lin Fan, who was watching, couldn't help but swallow, but Lin Fan forced himself to resist the effect of this spicy strip.

As long as this death demon eats the spicy strip of the emperor, then it is fun.

I hid myself in the melting pot of the world, and then released the ancient demon, so that the two sides poked each other, and they came out to take advantage of the fishermen.

If the death demon is killed, his own cultivation will definitely rise, and by that time, it will be arrogant.

Although I am now a heavenly place with ten eternal gods, there is still a big gap between them and those devils. But as long as you kill one, then the following can be done.

"Delicious spicy strips."

Lin Fan seemed to have heard the sound of swallowing water at this time, but it was also an illusion and did not put it in his heart.

"Give me." Death Devil reached out and said.

"Sure enough, it is low IQ."

In Lin Fan's view, such a strong man like the Death Devil, it must be a cold and overbearing. If you don't agree with it, you can kill it. Where can you talk to yourself now?

The Death Devil took the spicy strip in his hand, then took it apart, took out one, smelled it, and looked again.

At this time, the death demon lifted the hand hidden under the black robe, and pulled the black robes covering the face up, suddenly revealing the chin.


Lin Fan looked awkward and felt a little surprised. When he saw the whitish chin, Lin Fan suddenly found that it was not good.

How is this going to happen?

Isn't this a death demon?

In Lin Fan’s opinion, it is a terrible horror and an ugly appearance.

But at this moment, Lin Fan suddenly found that it all seemed to be different.

This death demon does not seem to be what he thinks.

This is a sister.

Although I only see the chin now, but with Lin Fan’s eyes for many years, I can imagine the whole face with just this chin.

Pink lips.

The sharp teeth on both sides, the red hot strips put in your mouth and bite.

Lin Fan Meng swallowed his throat.

It’s not right, it’s definitely not right.

Lin Fan wanted to say something, but at this time, Lin Fan swallowed his words back.

"How?" Lin Fan asked cautiously.

At this time, the death demon loosened the sickle in his hand, and then opened the black robe covering the face, revealing a long red hair like a strong sun.

When Lin Fan saw the face of the death demon, he was careful that the liver was violently beating.

My day...

Really as I thought.

But it is not right, the ancient devil of death, should be exactly the same as the ancient patriarch, how could it be like this.

"Well, yes, this demon is very satisfied." Suddenly, the voice of the death demon changed.

The previous gloomy tone disappeared, as if the previous speech had changed through the voice changer.


At this time in the hole.

The ancient demon had received a notice from Lin Fan early, and was prepared to do a big job with this death demon. For the ancient demon, he has become a venting product under the side effects of Dafange.

Although the ancient demon is a Yaozu, but it is not a casual person.

In its view, this death demon must be a sly, or an extremely ugly monster on the face, but at this time, when you see the face of the death demon, the ancient demon can't stand it.

"Master, let me go, although the ancient big demon is the emperor of the Yaozu, but for the master's hegemony, I am willing to sacrifice myself."

In the eyes of the ancient demon, there is exquisite light.

Long red hair, exquisite face, this special thing is to tell others Lin Fan, this is the death demon, killing Lin Fan does not believe.

When I heard the words of the ancient demon, Lin Fan coughed. "No, the Emperor thought about it. Your ancient demon has done enough for me. This thing is still my own."

"Not much, not much, master, I am willing, let me come this time." The ancient demon roared.

Lin Fan did not give the opportunity to tell the ancient big demon, and directly shielded the hole.

The situation at the meeting will definitely be very intense.

But Lin Fan is ready.

I don't go to hell, who goes to hell.

Although this death demon is horrible, he is a hero to save the world.

If this can't be tolerated, this can be done in the future.

As time went by, Lin Fan waited so quietly.

Until the death demon will finish the last hot bar, Lin Fan knows that the coming will happen.


At this time, the look of the death demon has gradually changed, and this change is also the role of the great brother.

"You are very good, the devil is very satisfied, you will give the devil a tribute to these hot strips in the future, this demon **** will not treat you badly." Death Devil feels that there is an inexplicable burning in the body.

"En grace..."

Lin Fan silently nodded and prepared everything.

At this moment, Lin Fan thought of a sentence.

Let the storm come stronger.

Suddenly, Lin Fan found that something was wrong.

"Death God, what are you doing?" Lin Fangang was imagining, but suddenly, he found that the death demon **** had a little finger, the void was slightly turbulent, and the law was condensed into a hinge that tied Lin Fan's limbs.

call! call!

The death demon was heavily gasping, as if the mind was gradually confused, and suddenly the sword of death was held in his hand. The sickle changed instantly and turned into a dark long whip.

This this.

"No, this is to abuse me." Lin Fan suddenly panicked at this moment, and then violently struggled.

But at this moment, Lin Fan's strength is even strong, but also struggle to open.

"I asked for a substitution, I asked for a substitution." At this moment, Lin Fan snarled, and the ancient demon gave me something special.


A black man appeared.

"Human, you make this demon full of tutoring you, you will be the devil's person." In the eyes of the death demon, there is a strange light shining, and the delicate face is also showing the color of madness. .

"I am Nima... The Emperor regrets..."



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