The Strongest System

Chapter 932: You dare... (first more)

At this time, Lin Fan said that he was very helpless. He was a very low-key person. With his own arrogant strength, he was willing to hide in a small pharmacy as a boss.

But now it’s good, and it’s actually being provoked by people.

This can't be tolerated at all.

At this time, these royal enshrines were shocked to see Lin Fan, just the feeling, the extraordinary horror, as if facing a savage beast.

In front of them, Lin Fan is like the sullen and savage beast. In the moment of opening his eyes, the boundless breath burst out.

"The big prince, the situation is a bit wrong." A sneaky said, he felt that the young man in front of him was extraordinary, it seems not simple.

"Hey, what's wrong, it's it." The big prince snorted and didn't feel anything wrong.

The beautiful face of Shangchengcheng is as if it is about to spurt out.

The eyes stared at Lin Fan, as if they wanted to kill Lin Fan thousands of times.

In the scene of her own humiliation, she will never forget that this abominable guy has stepped on his feet under the crowd, which makes her endure.

I am in the imperial city, the first beauty, the goddess in the minds of countless men, every trip, is held in the hands of everyone like a star.

But the wicked man in front of him actually stepped on his feet and let her lose such a big face in the eyes of everyone.

In any case, she must report this hatred.

"Sister, don't look at me with such resentful eyes. People who don't know think that I will give you away. I am very concerned about my reputation." Lin Fan said indifferently.

This group of children is really too eyeless to see.

If you want to break out of your strength, you won’t scare them.

Yang Wantian guarded his son behind him, and looked at the situation in front of his eyes with vigilance. As long as the situation is not right, he immediately shot.

"Shut up, I must let you regret, what are you still looking at? Don't hurry up." Shangchengcheng snarls at these offerings.

Although there are some concerns in the hearts of those who worship, at this time, they can only shoot.


These offerings are not weak, and they are vigorous and provocative.

Lin Fan blinked and didn't move. In the blink of an eye, these bodies were like guns, flew directly out and fell on the street.

Lin Fan did not die, and he will stay in this Imperial City for a while.

The enemies who fell on the streets looked at the man in the house with horror.

They simply don't know what happened.

Just between the moments they started, it seemed that there was a powerful force that directly bombarded them, and when they reacted, they fell here.

Master, the top master.

These offerings are not stupid, they are all seen, and they also know that the man left their hands and did not kneel, otherwise it would not be so simple to lie on the ground.

"This this……."

The big prince had a well-behaved mind, but at this moment, it was completely devious.

This is special... it’s too fake.

These offerings are all strong, guarding this imperial city, but now this situation has made the great emperor shocked.

In an instant, these offerings were suppressed by the other party, and even the means were not clearly seen.

too fast.

Yang Wantian originally thought that there would be an inevitable battle, but now this situation has shocked Yang Wantian.

He knows the strength of these offerings. He is the strongman of Litiancheng Imperial City. He guards one party and has unparalleled combat power, but now he is all suppressed.

Yang Wantian looked at Lin Fan with amazement. What is the origin of his master? How can strength be so powerful?

"Now there are two of you left." Lin Fan blinked and his voice was dull, as if he was talking about a very common thing.


Shangchengcheng looked at the scene in front of him, the whole person was dumbfounded, the bumpy body, trembled fiercely, she was really scared.

This is where the abnormality comes from.

These can all be the royal city's offerings, the strength is strong, like a man of God, but now in front of this man, but with the ants, there is no room for rebellion.

"What do you want to do?" Shangcheng City took a step back, because the action was too big, and the two things on the chest were also trembling.


Lin Fan smiled and smiled as if he was looking at something, and then he looked at the big prince.

After the big prince felt this look, the heart was also a tremor, and some horrified words. "I am the great prince. If you did something to me, you are absolutely inseparable from here."

"Two, rest assured, I will never let you know. After all, I am a pacifist." Lin Fan said with a bright smile.

However, this smile is a bit horrible in the eyes of Shangcheng and the Great Emperor. The heart is as solid as it is. They feel a kind of cold wind from the smile.

"Oh, God, bring the broom." Lin Fan said.

Yang Batian glared at his big eyes. He didn't understand what he was doing for a while, but then he ran away and took the broom twice as high as him.

Lin Fan took the broom and a sneer at the corner of his mouth. "Come here, if you don't leave something, this impression may not be so profound."

"What are you doing?" The two were shocked and didn't understand what the horrible guy was going to do with them.

"Oh, what do you say?"

Lin Fan smiled lightly, then took the broom directly and shot directly on the **** of the two.


A crisp, resounding on the pharmacy, followed by a scream.

"I am a big prince, how dare you..."

"Ah! Help!"

The big prince was directly beaten up and down, and there was fire in the foot.

It was completely dumbfounded to see this scene, but at this time, she suddenly found the man looking at herself.

Can not help but swallowed, and looked at Lin Fan with some horror.

"you dare."


At this moment, the two figures jumped up on the street, and the broom hit the body. It was really a pain.

This kind of thing for them has never been thought of happening to themselves.

But the reality has beaten their faces.

"You give me a hand, I am a big prince."

"I will not let you go."


A scream of screams resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the screams were terrifying, making people shudder.

The surrounding civilians looked at the scene in front of them and were completely dumbfounded.

They have already discovered that the two people who were beaten, one is the great emperor, and the other is the first beautiful woman in Litiancheng.

At this moment, they were jumped up and down by the mysterious man, holding a broom, very miserable.

Those offerings swallowed and swallowed each other and looked at each other.


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