The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 119: The Joint Attack Of Two Powerhouses!


The black hole is approaching its limit.

Jellal hesitantly releases this black hole!

"Dark Gravity!"

Brain also activated his own magic.

Pressing down with one hand, endless pressure fell from his palm, cooperating with Jellal to launch an attack.

Layer upon layer, it is not just as simple as ordinary one plus one.

The ground below Liu Yun's place collapsed into a huge pit of tens of meters.

It is conceivable how terrifying the pressure is.


There was a soft sound.

A crack burst out from the golden mask, seeing this scene, a gleam of joy rose on Brain's face.

All the attacks just tried failed to break through.

Now, it seems that it is not completely broken.


Simultaneous power between the two!

The golden shield became bigger and bigger, and the area continued to spread out.


The moment they broke open, what was waiting for them was not the figure of Liu Yun, but a terrifying golden dragon instead!


There was a sound of breaking wind.

The giant dragon streaked across the sky and arrived brazenly.

The speed was so fast that it appeared in front of the two of them in the blink of an eye, opened its huge dragon mouth and swallowed it away!


The two subconsciously felt something was wrong.

However, the dragon's speed was too fast, and they couldn't escape the range of the attack at all.


As if being swept away by a small boat in a storm or a tsunami, it was directly hit by the golden dragon itself on the mountain peak, deeply embedded in the rock.

"Did the two of them fly away with just one blow?"

Witness this scene.

Ultear was so shocked again that he was almost speechless.

Two people who can be sent flying with one blow,

This strength, even the chairman may not be able to achieve it.

Are Jellal and Brain just defeated?

Naturally it is impossible.

However, this blow also suffered a lot of injuries.

But before he could catch his breath.

Liu Yun's figure charged towards him again, and the golden power condensed in his hands rushed towards him.

Shall not.

The two could only be forced to fight back.

One on the left and one on the right, each accumulating powerful magic power, writing the collision of Liu Yun's history.


Only stalemate for about two seconds.

The two flew out again,


As if being hit by a mountain, the two flew backwards like sharp arrows and hit a mountain.

"Is this guy a monster?!"

Looking at the figure flying upside down, Jellal gritted his teeth with blood oozing from his mouth.

You must know that Liu Yun has been fighting for a long time before this, logically speaking, the magic power has been solved to the limit.


Looking at the surging golden light in front of him, it seemed like a bottomless pit, and he couldn't see how convinced the opponent was at all.

"Damn it!"


Not long after falling to the ground, Jellal, who suffered a lot of injuries, soared into the sky and charged towards Liu Yun. Judging from the look on his face, he was already somewhat irritated.

"Get down!"

"Eight consecutive stars!!"

The voice fell.

Eight golden magic meteorites floated around Jellal.

The magic power is condensed, exuding the brilliance like a star.

"Huh? You still have the strength to act?"

Suspended above the sky, there was a look of surprise in Liu Yun's eyes, but it was only surprise.


The golden light shines, the dragon roars,

Blocking all the falling beams of light, they rushed towards Jellal at the same time, feeling the crisis coming, and Liu Yun also sensed something bad at the first time.

Turning around, he almost dodged by brushing the dragon's teeth.

Just a little rejoicing in my heart, the next second, a big dragon tail swept over.


The next moment.

Like a baseball being hit by a bat, it hit hard, drawing a long cloud of smoke.

This time he attacked Liu Yun without any hold back.

Under the heavy blow, the magic power in the whole body was almost scattered. Jellal looked at the figure in front of him with deep shock in his eyes.

"It's impossible to get close at all."

Golden wandering dragon, attacking and defending in one.

Even after breaking through the golden mask, Liu Yun still couldn't be hurt at all.

"Why did you stop attacking?"

Suspended in the sky, Liu Yun looked down and said: "It's possible that you have no physical strength. If you only have this strength, then I will send you on the road."

"Eight Gate Dunjia Formation Open."

One step.

The terrifying air exploded by itself, and a red light emerged from Liu Yun's body. The extremely powerful magic power was instantly pushed to a more terrifying stage.


Brain and Jellal stared in shock, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

...ask for flowers‥

If the strength of Liu Yun just now had already made them feel the unreachable distance, then the current Liu Yun gave them the most complete despair.

Thinking of this, a cold light flickered in Jellal's eyes.

"It seems...that method must be used, and it just happened to let me experience the power of that weapon."

look far away.

The direction Jellal looked at was the demonic frozen land that Liu Yun had arrived at earlier.

Originally, he didn't want to use it.

Now it seems that even if it is not used, it will not work.

the other side.

President Wu doesn't know what Jellal's next plans are.

The only thing he knew was that if he didn't try his best, he might die here.

Constant fighting, constant injuries.


The magic power in his body has almost been consumed, and if he is injured again, he basically has no chance of winning.

"Since that's the case! Then do as you wish!"


Brain released all his strength without reservation.

In the next second, the hands were put together, countless dark magic powers emerged, a large number of ghosts emerged, and the whole world was also changing, and the world was plunged into ice and snow.

"Fall into darkness."

Genesis None!

The strongest move of "Wu" is also the acme of dark magic.

Anyone who touches the dark ghost will fall into darkness forever.


"Star crash!"

The other side.

Jellal jumped into the air, reflecting the streamer.

Between waving.

A black vortex unfolded from his palm, suspended above the sky, turned into a black hole, emitting a powerful gravitational force to gather all the power.

Star crash!

The strongest magic in celestial magic.


next moment,

Jellal drank in a low voice.

The black vortex gathers strength and throws out with both hands!

Wherever it went, boulders, ice and snow were all gathered together and turned into a huge sphere with a diameter of hundreds of meters, completely covering the entire sky.

The double attack fell, and the huge sound spread to the entire Snow Country.

And staring at this mighty blow, Liu Yun also felt that the battle was almost over.


Strength gathers.

Liu Yun burst out a strong blood energy, and this blood energy combined with the surrounding thought power, transformed into a more terrifying five-clawed golden dragon yi!.

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