The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 127: Mirajane's Confession!

Liu Yun's exhortation was a bit redundant.

In normal times, Natsu and the others are a little skinny, but they never slack off in cultivation, and basically practice on their own.

Of course.

It's not okay to leave it alone.

Liu Yun told Erza to take care of the plumbing museum on her behalf, and Liu Yun could rest assured only if she was there.

After explaining everything, Liu Yun set off on the magic airship,

Almost instantly, it disappeared into the distant sky.




The airship rose into the sky.

Shuttle among the clouds, overlooking the beautiful scenery below, Liu Yun's mood can be said to be extremely joyful, took off his clothes and jumped into the swimming pool in the middle to swim.

"It's so comfortable.

Feel the cold water across your cheeks,

Although this is just ordinary water, not the fountain of life, it was the first time Liu Yun felt so relaxed physically and mentally.

No wonder.

After all, the burden of the teacher was temporarily relieved.

The pressure is reduced, the burden is reduced, and people will naturally become happy.


Liu Yun lay directly on the water to rest.

At this time, there were footsteps in my ears, and there were only two on the magic airship, except for Liu Yun, the other one was naturally Mirajane.

In the next second, a soft voice sounded.

"Teacher, I've brought you a drink."

"Huh? Thanks."

Liu Yun replied directly.

But in the next second, when he raised his eyes and saw Mirajane clearly, their eyes froze for a moment.

I saw

Mirajane's long white hair fell down.

The casual clothes she wore on weekdays were also replaced by a white bikini, which set off her proud figure even more, holding a tray in her delicate hands.

There are wine glasses and wine on the tray, walking slowly towards Liu Yun step by step, very charming.

Liu Yun resisted the urge to spray nosebleeds and said.

"Wait......... Mirajane, why are you dressed like this? Didn't you agree, are you just going out for a trip~~?"

"That's what you wear for traveling, Master Tu."

Mirajane smiled slightly, and said with a very bewitching expression: "And you are the only one I wear like this, you are the first to see it."

"How is it, does it look good?"

While talking.

Also turned around.

Since returning from Magic Council last time,

Mirajane remembers very clearly the scene of Erza wearing a swimsuit in front of Liu Yun, and naturally she would not let go of such a scene showing her figure, which is a rare opportunity.

Compared to Erza.

Mirajane doesn't think she will lose to the opponent at all.

Not only in terms of strength, but also in terms of beauty, she will not admit defeat.

But, at this moment.

an unstable,

In the process of turning around, the wine on the tray in his hand shook and fell forward.

Mirajane was taken aback.

Subconsciously prepared to save, but fell into a familiar embrace in the next second.

Looking up at that handsome face, and...that pair of bright black eagles

Mirajane's mind flashed the moment when she saw Liu Yun as a teacher for the first time, and recalled how Liu Yun took care of her, and her little heart began to beat wildly.

She bit her cherry lips lightly.

She has a lot to say.

However, only two words were uttered in the end.


for a moment,

Liu Yun's heart seemed to be hit hard, and his heartbeat accelerated.


Two beating hearts leaned together.

As everyone knows.

The poured red wine has fallen into the swimming pool, and the bright red wine has stained the entire swimming pool red.

early morning.

The magic airship is still flying slowly in the white clouds,

The sunlight pierced through the clouds and scattered on the deck, as well as on Liu Yun and Mirajane.

Liu Yun woke up slowly.

After sleeping on the deck all night, my neck is inevitably a little stiff, and my arms are also a little sore, but I saw Mirajane who was sleeping soundly.

This little soreness disappeared in an instant.

"Still can't escape."

Liu Yun was a little emotional.

However, the joy at the corner of his mouth couldn't be concealed, and he stretched out his hand to gently stroke Mirajane's hair.

Seemingly enjoying the stroking like this, Mirajane also came over and leaned into Liu Yun's arms.

See here.

Liu Yun smiled lightly.

"It's already dawn, and it's almost time to get up."

Mirajane did not answer,

When it was normal, Mirajane had already been obedient, but this time it was just her little head poking into her arms again, expressing her thoughts with actions.

The intimate movements are like a white kitten.

If this scene is seen by those who know the name of the 'devil', I am afraid it will be difficult to associate the two together.


That being the case, Liu Yun simply tightened Mirajane.

It's been a long time.

It's time for me to accompany this girl who has been watching me silently.

The magic airship headed eastward all the way.

As for where to go, I don't know where I'm going, even Liu Yun doesn't know, it doesn't matter where I go anyway.

The magic airship was traveling all the way, unknowingly spanning over tens of thousands of meters,

the next few days,

Liu Yun and Mirajane were not on the way to travel, but on the way to play, completely forgetting about collecting magic.

have to say.

A woman is the gentle hometown of a man.

No matter how hard steel is, it will soften when placed inside.


deck chairs,

Liu Yun hugged Mirajane to enjoy the aftertaste after the battle, and Mirajane also looked heavy, and kept burrowing into Liu Yun's arms.

As if wanting to embed himself into the opponent's body.

∼Hey, teacher, when do you think I will be able to have children? "

by moonlight,

Seeing Mirajane's hand pressing on his stomach, Liu Yun just felt amused: "How can it be so fast, at least it will take a while."

"By the way, do you like children that much?"


Mirajane nodded, and said (Li Dezhao) with an intoxicated expression: "The children are so cute, soft and cute, just like a little milk cat. By the way, teacher, do you like boys or girls?"


This analogy is indeed a bit strange.

But seeing Mirajane's longing look, Liu Yun also replied.


I really have to choose.

Liu Yun must choose the intimate little padded jacket.

"Why not a boy?"

Mirajane got up and asked while lying on Liu Yun's chest.

Looking at the moving appearance, Liu Yun gently scratched her little nose.

"Because... I will be jealous, you can only be my one person."


Mirajane snorted coldly, but her heart was very sweet, and hugged Liu Yun tightly again.

"Won't you relax a bit?"

"No, that's fine, so the child will run out."


Liu Yun had a speechless expression.

with him,

Afraid of not having a chance? .

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