The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 44: Peeping From The Darkness!

Liu Yun intends to cooperate commercially with Heartfilia.

But it's not so much a cooperation, it's more like selling something in exchange for a magic crystal.

The existence of the tree of life is still in the sapling stage, which requires a lot of energy for irrigation, and the energy of the life spring alone is not enough.

Take out some herbs on the market, mix them with spring water with healing effects, and transform them into holy medicines for healing.

The effect of the life potion can be seen from the test drug just now.

However, the general potions on the market are nothing compared to the potions based on Yisheng hot springs.

Presumably no chamber of commerce would be able to refuse.

The water in the Life Spring can't be used up no matter what.

Just a few bottles can be sold at a high price.

This is absolutely a no-loss deal.

What's more, Lucy's father, who has always pursued profit, solved the trouble of Lucy running away from home by the way.

After all, they are the parents of the students.

Knowing that Lucy ran away from home, as a teacher, Liu Yun couldn't ignore it. It's better to explain some things clearly, so as to avoid many troubles later.

Because of this, he also specifically notified Erza to come back.

"Why me? Can't Mirajane do it too?"

Erza was puzzled.

It's not that she doesn't want to take this trip, on the contrary, she is very happy.

After all, she has been studying in the gymnasium all the time. Liu Yun gave her superb swordsmanship and love that ordinary people can't give her, but never asked her to pay for the gymnasium.

Like Mirajane, Erza also lost her parents since she was a child. In fact, she already regards Liu Yun as a father in her heart, and hopes to do something to repay this kindness.

The reason why I don't understand is that

There is also Mirajane in the gymnasium, and she will rush to do things that Liu Yun usually does, and such things can be handed over to Mirajane directly.

"Mirajane is too impatient. This matter is mainly for discussion. I'm afraid that in the middle of the discussion, she will take action and tear down the entire chamber of commerce."


All right.

With Mirajane's character, it's really possible to do such a thing.

However, hearing such an explanation, Erza was also a little happy, after all, she was also valued.

"Okay, teacher, I will definitely complete the task smoothly."



Oak Township,

Located in the large castle in the central area.

The darkness of night shrouded the top of the tower, and the tall and thin Jose was lying on the bright red sofa.

Thin fingers shook the wine glass, the faint red wine kept shaking, and finally sent it to his mouth and took a sip before opening his mouth.

"Is the investigation clear?"

"The investigation is clear, Lord Jose."


Behind Jose is a middle-aged man in a suit.

With two short beards and a monocle, he looks despicable at first glance, and he is Sol, one of the four elements in Phantom Lord.

At the same time, he is also the person in charge of intelligence in the guild.

At this moment Sol was holding a document in his hand.

"Master Jose, you asked me to investigate the whereabouts of the demon Mirajane. The specific location is in a gymnasium in the town of Agalia."


Jose sneered.

"In what age is there such a thing as a gymnasium, so is that demon Mirajane the owner of the gymnasium?"

"I don't know, but it's not just Mirajane, there are also some members of the Fairy Tail guild." Sol said.

"By the way, Master Jose, besides these, I was surprised to find the daughter of the president of the Heartfilia Chamber of Commerce."

"There is still such a thing."

Jose heard the haze on his face,

At this time, he finally understood why Makarov kept helping each other.

It turned out that there was such a connection between the two parties.

This undoubtedly made Jose jealous.

For a guild to grow, in addition to the necessary sources of talent, it also needs a lot of funds.

If Makarov gets these two at the same time, then Fairy Tail is bound to get a huge boost, which is not the result he wants to see.

turn around,

Jose looked at Sol and said, "Go, keep an eye on that gymnasium, and do it directly when necessary. No matter what, you can't let that old Makarov get it."

"Yes, Master Jose!"




The days gradually calmed down again.

After staying for a few days, only Liu Yun, Mirajane, and Lucy were left in the gym.

Erza delivered the letter for him.

As for Natsu and Gray.

After Liu Yun gave some pointers and corrected the mistakes of the two in cultivation, he released them back to the Fairy Tail Guild to perform tasks.

Bamen Dunjia needs a long time of practice.

Performing tasks is also part of training, and Natsu and Gray are more suitable for fighting to break through themselves than practicing death.

Liu Yun wouldn't be so rigid, he had to finish training before letting them out.

That was really hard work.

Before returning, Liu Yun asked them to bring back a life potion for Elfman.

During this time Lisanna has remained in the Fairy Tail guild.

without him,

Daily tasks like eating are handed over to Mirajane.

It's not that Mirajane is bad, it's just that the constant closeness makes him a little bit uncontrollable, and he unconsciously thinks of the picture of soaking in a hot spring.

"How about...go out for a few laps? Your weather looks pretty good today."

Liu Yun thought.

Speaking up.

After coming to this world, Liu Yun went out very few times, and it is precisely because of this that Mirajane was so shocked when she went out before.

It just so happens that the weather is not bad today, so let's change the taste and come back after eating.

If you always eat one person's food, you will get tired of eating.


Liu Yun was ready to go out.

However, when the door was opened unfortunately, two figures appeared at the gate of the gymnasium.

"Your Excellency Liu Yun, what a coincidence, I was about to knock on the door, but I didn't expect you to notice it so soon."

Liu Yun looked over.

One of them is an old acquaintance Makarov.

The other was a strange boy.

With blond hair and a lightning bolt in his left eye, he looks like Makarov's grandson, Laxus.

The moment Liu Yun saw the two of them, he knew that he didn't need to rest today.

"Makarov, who is this?"

Although he guessed the identity of the other party, Liu Yun still asked.

Makarov explained: "Did your Excellency forget the previous agreement?"

"Oh, so that's the case, of course I haven't forgotten."

Liu Yun coughed a few times, pretending to remember.

During this period of time, I was completely immersed in the life potion, but I forgot about this incident.

Of course,

I definitely can't say that, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.


Makarov didn't delve into it either, and introduced instead.

"Your Excellency Liu Yun, this is my grandson Laxus, who is also a member of the Fairy Tail guild. He is now here as an appointment, and I ask you to give me some pointers."

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