"Monster! What a monster!"He Chenguang couldn't help but sigh

"The pilot is definitely a rare talent in cooking!" Xu Tianlong also shook his head and sighed, but he changed the subject and suddenly laughed:"It's good to have talent! From now on, our brothers will have a good time!"


Lei Zhan, who was standing next to him, was stunned for only a short moment when he heard the news. Then he started sweating profusely again and started training. He trained like crazy according to the exclusive fighting skills created by Fang Tian!

In his eyes, only martial arts and fighting are everything!

Ye Cunxin, who was standing next to him, didn't care when she heard the system prompt. She snorted angrily and wiped the fine sweat on her snow-white forehead:"It's just cooking skills, what's so rare, fighting is the kingly way!"

As if affected by Song Kaifei, lunch time came, but no one stopped training!

Everyone seemed to be injected with chicken blood and was training like crazy!

As for Wang Yanbing?

He was like Fang Tian when he was reading novels back then. He seemed to be fascinated by the secret book and didn't stop for a moment!

In front of the simple and spacious dining table, a table full of delicious food was placed at this time.

Fang Tian picked up the chopsticks happily and ate happily by himself,"It's better not to come. If you don't come to eat in the future, you don't have to worry about leaving food for these bastards."

After these few meals, as Song Kaifei's cooking skills became more and more advanced, the meals he cooked were really getting more and more delicious!

Although Song Kaifei added several dishes to every meal, it seemed that it was not enough for the foodie Fang Tian. He had to leave a little more for He Chenguang, Lei Zhan and the others every time, which really made Fang Tian very unhappy!

Now I can finally enjoy the food!

Fang Tian ate happily, but Song Kaifei at the table frowned and cried, very unhappy and distressed:"Alas, people's hearts are really not as good as they used to be, and the world is going downhill... Master, I finally found my interest in cooking again, and I was the first to achieve great success. Who would have thought that these bastards would not give me any face at all, and they didn't even eat one by one.……"

"This is a dish made by a chef with great cooking skills. I dare say that my grandfather’s cooking skills are not as good as mine now. However, these guys have no interest in eating at all.……"

Song Kaifei complained to himself, holding the chopsticks in his hands and complaining back and forth, looking like he had no desire to live.

"Okay, you kid, you are so proud, aren't you happy that you are the first to achieve great success? If it were you, you should stimulate them severely! It would be better to be faster, reach the peak achievement tomorrow, and tire them to death."Fang Tian excitedly added a piece of West Lake vinegar fish, the signature dish of the state banquet, and ate it to his heart's content.

However - before he finished speaking

"Ding Dong~"

The familiar system notification sound rang again.

"Huh?" Fang Tian couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He hadn't swallowed the sweet fish meat in his mouth yet, and he showed an excited smile:"Someone else has made a breakthrough?"

""Master, you didn't call me when there was something delicious!"

At this time, Ye Cunxin rushed over, and her speed was several levels faster than before!

Fang Tian was shocked, thinking that Ye Cunxin's speed had become so fast? Song Kaifei, who was sitting opposite Fang Tian, was facing the stairs, so he saw with his own eyes how Ye Cunxin appeared in front of them!


He only saw an afterimage!

In fact, Song Kaifei was depressed, hoping that someone would come up, but a green afterimage suddenly appeared!

The next second, the figure solidified, and Ye Cunxin appeared in front of him!

"Oh my god, it’s a ghost!"

Even though Song Kaifei had a very high psychological quality, he couldn't help but be frightened by this scene. His hair stood on end and he cried out in surprise! He was so scared that he almost threw away his chopsticks!

"Congratulations to the host disciple Ye Cunxin for achieving the great achievement of fighting, and reward 3000 experience points."

Then, without Fang Tian reminding, the mighty system prompt sounded throughout the martial arts hall:

"Congratulations to Ye Cunxin for achieving the"Great Mastery of Fighting" achievement in fighting and becoming the first great fighting apprentice in this martial arts hall!"

"Congratulations to Ye Cunxin for achieving the"Great Mastery of Fighting" achievement in fighting and becoming the first great fighting apprentice in this martial arts hall!"

"Congratulations to Ye Cunxin for achieving the"Great Mastery of Fighting" achievement in fighting and becoming the first great fighting apprentice in this martial arts hall!"

"Senior Sister actually made a breakthrough?" Song Kaifei was surprised, his eyes widened!

"It was you who made the breakthrough?" Fang Tian's eyes almost popped out of his head when he heard this voice!

How is this possible!

Ye Cunxin actually made a breakthrough like this?

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