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"With the emergence of this kind of kick, in today's underground boxing world, once you go on stage, it's either you or I. The mortality rate of boxers has greatly increased. It is precisely because of this environment that the death kick, which exists specifically for killing people, has become extremely powerful. It is definitely the most lethal attack in the underground boxing world, and it is worthy of being called the name of death."

Fang Tian looked at the system description, and felt his blood boiling. The death kick formed under such a high mortality rate is indeed worthy of being the strongest fighting killing skill!

Now, he has mastered this terrifying kick?

Feeling the violent and ferocious kick in his mind, Fang Tian really wants to pull a death row prisoner over and kick his body to pieces.

Looking at the attribute list, Fang Tian's pupils were full of excitement. The 4th strongest fighting can bring a death kick that can be called a unique skill. I wonder how much surprise and shock the 5th level fighting will bring?

Taking a deep breath, Fang Tian's voice suddenly became low:"The strongest fighting, continue to upgrade!"No wonder Fang Tian felt sad. After all, the experience required for the fifth level of the strongest fighting skill has doubled, and it requires 20,000 experience points!

But in order to ensure the success of this mission and to obtain more powerful fighting skills, Fang Tian did not hesitate.

After spending another 20,000 experience points, Fang Tian's strongest fighting skill was upgraded to level 5.

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for reaching LV5 of the strongest fighting skill. The fighting skills have been improved again, and at the same time, the strongest fighting skill of level 5 - Jeet Kune Do has been obtained!"

"Jeet Kune Do?" Fang Tian was stunned when he heard the system prompt and blinked his eyes:"Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do?"

Fang Tian looked at the introduction of Jeet Kune Do carefully.

Jeet Kune Do was created by Bruce Lee (Lee Chun-fan), the pioneer of modern mixed martial arts and MMA, and the master of Chinese martial arts. Jeet Kune Do is not bound by form and has a mature ideological consciousness. It attacks with water as its essence, and counterattacks to dissolve everything into nothingness.

Jeet Kune Do integrates the boxing of various countries in the world, with Wing Chun, boxing and fencing as the technical backbone, and is a practical fighting system concept created mainly based on the Taoist thought of the Celestial Empire.

It is also a brand-new ideological system.

Unlike most martial arts, it is an all-round free fighting technique that integrates the essence of various martial arts in the world.

It is a philosophical thought and methodology.

Like Lao Ma, it keeps pace with the times and moves forward with society.

Simply put,"Jeet Kune Do" means the method of blocking the opponent's punch, or the way to intercept the opponent's punch. Jeet Kune Do advocates"a high degree of freedom in fighting."

The nature of Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do is"abandoning traditional forms and expressing oneself loyally.

""""Using the lawless as the law, and the infinite as the finite" is the program and essence of Jeet Kune Do.

Fang's philosophical concept is applied to martial arts, which is a kind of fighting guidance and methodology; the biggest feature is the focus on"practicality" and abandoning the traditional martial arts routines.

When the opponent attacks, block and counterattack at the same time, or even without blocking, directly rely on speed and force to defeat the opponent, taking the initiative.

Fang Tian carefully looked at the introduction of Jeet Kune Do.

Jeet Kune Do was created by Bruce Lee (Li Zhenfan), a pioneer of modern mixed martial arts and MMA, and a master of Chinese martial arts. Jeet Kune Do is not bound by the mature consciousness of form, and attacks with water as its essence, and counterattacks will resolve everything. Invisible.

Jeet Kune Do integrates martial arts from all over the world, with Wing Chun, boxing and fencing as the technical backbone, and is a practical fighting system concept created mainly based on the Taoist thought of the Celestial Empire.

It is also a brand-new ideological system.

Unlike most martial arts, it is an all-round free fighting technique that integrates the essence of various martial arts in the world.

It is a philosophical thought and methodology, just like Lao Ma, it keeps pace with the times and moves forward with society.

Simply put,"Jeet Kune Do" means the method of blocking the opponent's punch, or the way to intercept the opponent's punch. Jeet Kune Do advocates"a high degree of freedom in fighting".

The nature of Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do is"abandoning traditional forms and expressing oneself loyally.

""""Using the absence of rules as rules, and the infinite as the finite" is the program and essence of Jeet Kune Do.

It applies Eastern and Western philosophical concepts to martial arts, and is a kind of fighting guidance and methodology; its biggest feature is that it focuses on"practicality" and abandons the complex forms and routines of traditional martial arts.

When the opponent attacks, blocking and counterattacking are carried out at the same time, or even without blocking, directly suppressing the opponent with fast and powerful attacks, taking the initiative, which is an extremely profound fighting method and can be called the epitome of fighting!


's a pity that due to the premature death of Mr. Bruce Lee, many Chinese people do not understand Jeet Kune Do, which led to the short-lived Jeet Kune Do, and it has been passed down to this day as a form without a second person to truly carry it forward!

"What a profound, clean and fierce boxing technique!"

Feeling the exquisite essence of Jeet Kune Do in his mind, Fang Tian couldn't help but admire Jeet Kune Do.

Simply put, Jeet Kune Do has no moves or tests, and there are no rules or regulations for any situation. However, as long as the opponent makes a move, it can quickly allow the practitioner to launch the most effective attack to defeat the enemy!

The death kick is a kick technique specially created for life and death fighting, and this Jeet Kune Do is a martial arts secret specially created for defeating the enemy!

"What a great Jeet Kune Do!"

After learning Jeet Kune Do, Fang Tian couldn't calm down for a long time. No wonder Bruce Lee is highly respected abroad, but many people in China slander him and don't believe in his martial arts...

Perhaps it is because the young generation in China have not personally witnessed and felt the era of Mr. Bruce Lee...

Feeling the true meaning of Jeet Kune Do, Fang Tian was completely convinced. With the Death Kick and Jeet Kune Do, although Fang Tian's physical fitness has not yet reached the perfect limit of human beings, he now has a fearless attitude in the face of any master. Fearless.

He is confident that he can intercept any attacking fist!

He is also confident that he can kick and blow up the opponent's head!

He can attack or defend, so what is he afraid of?

After upgrading the strongest combat to level 5, Fang Tian only has 6100 experience points left. He simply upgraded the strongest military doctor and the strongest firearm to level 4. In the end, he only has 100 experience points left and there is no possibility of further improvement.

Afterwards, Fang Tian took Ye Cunxin and Lei Zhan and set off in a mighty manner, rushing to Jinling International Airport and flying to the United States! _Please download the novel without underline

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