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, as if he was uncertain, Fang Tian quickly recalled. Those who practiced two skills, Wang Yanbing, Li Erniu, He Chenguang, Song Kaifei, and Xu Tianlong, they were already at the peak of fighting and their new skills!

Lei Zhan was the only one who specialized in fighting, and he had also reached the peak level!

The only uncertainty was Ye Cunxin.

"I remember Ye Cunxin practiced flying knives before? Did he give up after mastering the skill?" Suddenly, Fang Tian thought of Ye Cunxin's learning of flying knives, and his heart was shocked.

"It shouldn't be a flying knife!"

Fang Tian couldn't help but frown.

These days, Ye Cunxin has been focusing on hacking technology.

There is no reason for her to make a breakthrough in flying knives!

In a short period of a few tenths of a second, Fang Tian has already quickly thought of many aspects and possibilities!

"It definitely couldn’t be Ye Cunxin, and it definitely couldn’t be Ye Cunxin’s flying knife!"

"As long as it's not a flying knife, it means that an S-level has finally appeared!"

Suddenly, Fang Tian couldn't help but roar and shout with all his strength, and even beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

There was nothing he could do!

He was too excited! He was about to go crazy with excitement.


Finally, someone broke through!

"I just don't know who it could be. Fang Tian's breathing became a little short.

Fan Tianlei, who was standing by, couldn't help but be a little terrified. What happened to Master Fang?

Why did he become so scary after reading the information he gave him? He even broke out in sweat?

Could it be that this document caused him some harm or shadow?

Fan Tianlei couldn't help but step back. He had no choice but to confirm from the information in his hands that Fang Tian was at least a very rare and terrifying super-powerful person!

If Fang Tian went crazy and couldn't control himself, and punched him casually, he would probably go to see the King of Hell.

He couldn't joke with his own life!

Of course, he didn't dare!

He still had to cultivate wolf fangs!

Cultivate red blood cells. His mission was not completed yet, and he didn't want to die.

"Ding Dong~"

"Congratulations to the master's eldest disciple Ye Cunxin for achieving the"level" achievement in the strongest hacker, and reward experience"

"Congratulations to the master's eldest disciple Ye Cunxin for breaking through in the guest and achieving the"level" achievement, and reward experience"

"Congratulations to the master's eldest disciple Ye Cunxin for breaking through in the strongest hacker and achieving the"level" achievement, and reward experience"


The system's voice finally sounded, echoing in Fang Tian's heart over and over again.

In an instant... Fang Tian felt full of joy and happiness!

Even... he felt a little sour in the tip of his nose...

Of course, with his powerful control ability, the transparent night cry that was about to spin in his eyes evaporated in an instant.

After all, Fang Tianlei is still here now, he must keep his teacher's image, otherwise it will collapse.

"As expected, it was Ye Cunxin!!! Finally, finally a breakthrough."

Fang Tianzhen was almost crying with joy.……

""Chief of Staff, wait here for a moment. I'll be back soon."

Without a second's thought, Fang Tian left the bedroom like a whirlwind. The next second, Fang Tian arrived at the training room where Ye Cunxin was.

The door of the training room was still closed.

Fang Tian opened the door almost tremblingly.

"Cunxin. Fang Tian moved and came to Ye Cunxin.

At this time, Ye Cunxin was stretching lazily, with a slightly tired look on her fair and delicate face. However, when she saw Fang Tian appear, she was instantly full of energy and smiled sweetly at Fang Tian:"Master, I finally broke through."

Ye Cunxin smiled sweetly and stuck out her tongue at Fang Tian, her tone was light, and her face was full of satisfaction. It seemed that breaking through to the level did not surprise her much. She just completed a small task.

Now, she finally fulfilled her master's wish and felt relaxed.

"Yes, I finally broke through."

Seeing Ye Cunxin's calm reaction, Fang Tian was a little uneasy. Fang Tian quickly came to Ye Cunxin and looked at her solemnly:"Cunxin, Master wants to thank you!" After that, Fang Tian didn't care about Ye Cunxin's reaction and took her soft and delicate body into his arms.

Ye Cunxin was stunned and felt stunned:"Master actually held me in his arms?" At this moment, she felt her mind was blank.

And the moment she was held in his arms, Ye Cunxin couldn't help but close her eyes, feeling the warmth from the master, the faint body temperature, the faint breath of the master...

Ye Cunxin felt as if she was intoxicated.

"Cunxin, thank you so much. Do you know that if it weren't for your breakthrough, I'm afraid Master……"

Fang Tian shook his head slightly. When he mentioned the consequences of not being able to complete the task, he couldn't help but speak excitedly.

"Cunxin, Master said that as long as you can break through, he will definitely give you a big surprise reward. Tell me, what do you want?"

After saying so much, Fang Tian remembered the promise he made at the beginning and immediately let go of Ye Cunxin.

However, at this moment, Fang Tian discovered that Ye Cunxin had closed her eyes and was lying in his arms with an even breathing. He didn't know when she had fallen asleep. Fang Tian thought about it. These days, Ye Cunxin hardly even ate much. She had been working hard to study hacking technology. Maybe she was too tired.

Looking at Ye Cunxin from a close distance.

Fang Tian seemed to realize that Ye Cunxin was so beautiful, breathtakingly beautiful. After coming to the martial arts hall, the traces of slight blackening due to the military training in the Fire Phoenix had long since disappeared. Now she has been reborn, with snow-white skin and a more curvaceous and mysterious figure.

Looking at Ye Cunxin's exquisite���Fang Tian couldn't help it, he slowly lowered his head, and gently pressed his lips against Ye Cunxin's cute little mouth.

With a buzzing sound,

Fang Tian's brain instantly felt blank.

In fact, this was the first time he kissed a girl, and Fang Tian was completely stunned.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment and become eternal.

Unable to feel the passage of time, unable to feel the hustle and bustle outside, Fang Tian completely forgot the space and time he was in now, and let his brain completely sink into this incomparable and beautiful feeling..._

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