In the face of Liu Sheng’s rebuke, the system did not speak.

But Liu Sheng was not in the mood to pay attention to it at this time, and after learning that meditation could produce sword intent, he immediately went to the quiet room of less than ten square meters and sat up.

In the Pirate World, meditation is an extremely important practice, and images of meditation have appeared in Koshiro, Solon and even Hawkeye.

What can be obtained when meditating is firstly the perception of kendo and the second is sword intent.

The stronger the sword intent! The stronger the slash you play! At the same time, the mastery of the sword and the feeling when using the sword are closely related to the strength of the sword intent! At the level of Great Sword Hao, sword art actually doesn’t have much meaning, because those who can be called Great Sword Hao have already reached the pinnacle of their sword skills! Just like when Hawkeye and Bista fought against each other, there was basically no gap in swordsmanship.

It really determines whether a great sword master is strong or not! It’s — sword intent!

The stronger the sword intent! The stronger the slash! Hawkeye’s slash can divide the sea! So he is the world’s number one sword hao! Bista can only be regarded as one of the best, because he cannot deliver powerful slashes, and he is far from Hawkeye’s opponent in terms of sword intent.

Liu Shengkong has the sword Dao comprehension of the Great Sword Hao level, but does not have the sword intent of the Great Sword Hao level, speaking of which, Liu Sheng is the weakest type of Great Sword Hao.

However, with the help of Da Jianhao’s kendo understanding, Liu Sheng’s meditation on the growth of sword intent was also rapid.

Although it is not that only Da Jianhao can comprehend sword intent, some special geniuses can also comprehend sword intent and send out weak slashes even if they are just a swordsman, but compared to swordsmen, Da Jianhao’s comprehension of kendo is deeper, and comprehending sword intent is naturally half the effort, far easier than ordinary swordsmen to comprehend.

The dojo gifted by the system has all kinds of magical functions, and sitting in the quiet room, Yanagi can easily abandon all distractions and enter the best state of meditation—- emptiness.

In the empty state, everything in heaven and earth will become extremely clear, because without the interference of troubles, the sense of sword intent will become extremely sharp and will not be easily interrupted by unnecessary emotions.

Soon, Liu Sheng felt the presence of sword intent.

Under Liu Sheng’s powerful sword art comprehension, the speed of sword intent generation can simply be described as amazing! After all, if the sword path comprehension reaches the great sword hao but does not have a trace of sword intent, I am afraid that Liu Sheng is the only one in the whole world.

Gradually, Liu Sheng could feel that there was a sharp force gradually condensing in his body, and these sharp forces gathered around Liu Sheng’s body, faintly emitting a piercing edge!

From the perspective of the outside world, Liu Sheng’s body does not seem to have changed, but Liu Sheng’s momentum is changing rapidly! Get sharp! Amazing sharpness! Even the surrounding air formed small vortices like sharp blades….

At the same time, the phaseless sword bone also seemed to sense the existence of sword intent! He began to absorb the scattered sword intent in Liu Sheng’s unconscious state, slowly sharpening Liu Sheng’s bones and transforming them into sword bones.

The sword intent and sword bone echoed each other, and then increased simultaneously….


Meanwhile, the village of Seymour Chiki, a suburban forest.

“Strength and body don’t matter! It is agreed, among the two of us, there must be one of the world’s number one big swordsman! ”

Under the moonlight, the two young men made a fatalistic agreement.

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