“Toot !!!”

I saw that as the referee blew the whistle at the beginning of the game, the clone hidden dragon instantly kicked off, and after passing the ball to the clone Qianqian on one side, everyone in the Asura team immediately rushed towards the defense line of Xiao Zheng’s team.

“Obsessive~ Let’s go! Kick them for me! ”

“That’s not how football is played!!”

Looking at the clones who quickly organized an offensive and pressed towards the opposite side, Nie Xiaohua’s scarlet eyes suddenly stared closely at the Arctic Star team that began to organize defense on the field, and a strange laugh could not help but come out of his mouth.

“Thousand changes~Let’s do your best~”

“They’ve changed players twice~ and won’t be giving the opportunity to change players~”

“Moreover, he himself threw down all the substitutes that could be used, there is no need to hide!”

And at this moment, Xiao Zheng saw this scene, but laughed strangely, facing Nie Xiaohua, who died himself, he couldn’t complain about others~

I saw that as Xiao Zheng spoke, the thousands of changes in the stadium suddenly flashed a flash of essence in their eyes, and they couldn’t help but have a confident smile on each other’s faces.

“Cut~ I really endured me so tired ~”

“Let’s let go and kick!!”

As the two of Thousand Changes and Wanhua spoke, Thousand Changes suddenly burst into a chorus of laughter, and terrifying energy instantly gushed out behind them, and a huge phantom fan array instantly enveloped the four people.

Facing this scene, the clone hidden dragon suddenly couldn’t help but change their faces, especially the hidden dragon, because the energy of these four people in front of them was not a level at all compared to the first half!

“Hmph!! And so will we! ”

But except for the clone latent dragon who felt this, the other clone players did not react at all, looking at the thousand changes that formed the Transformation Maze Formation in front of them.

I saw that the clone light source suddenly snorted coldly, and the clone kaleidoscopic two on the side glanced at each other, and the three instantly sandwiched the clone latent dragon in the middle, and the terrifying energy suddenly gushed out into the air.

“Oh!!!! Come on, come on!!! Victory must win!! ”

“Wonderful!!!! wonderful”

At this moment, looking at the two teams that launched battle formations and charged each other in the second half of the showdown, all the fans immediately cheered excitedly one by one.

I saw that the two teams launched the Illusion Maze Formation at the same time, and the terrifying battle formation instantly collided in the midfield, and the original and the clone players suddenly confronted each other.

“Variable Speed Dribbling !!!”

“All-round interception!!”

And at this moment, the clone latent dragon with the ball instantly launched the skill to break through towards the thousand changes, but at this moment, all the members upgraded to the seventh generation of thousand changes, and their ability to transform is not the slightest!

Only met the clone latent dragon’s variable speed dribbling, was wrapped in the magic maze array, the thousand changes suddenly flashed, instantly turned into a nuclear look, maximized the all-round interception, towards the hidden dragon interception.

“I’m not alone!”

In the face of the ever-changing interception, and it is a thousand changes that maximize the output, the clone latent dragon can’t break through for the time being, and his face can’t help but change slightly, and he passed the football horizontally with a movement of his feet, and instantly passed the ball to the clone thousand changes at their feet.

“It’s just a change! And so will we! ”

“Gravitational dribbling!!”

The corner of the clone Thousand Change’s mouth that received the ball suddenly hung a provocative color, and his eyes looked towards the Thousand Changes who had changed back to their original state.

I saw that in an instant, the clone Thousand Changes instantly turned into the appearance of a shooting star, and the gravitational ball under his feet instantly cast a gravitational ball, and he rushed towards the Illusion Maze Array formed by the Thousand Changes alone.

“Don’t !!!”

The clone latent dragon who saw this scene suddenly changed his face and hurriedly shouted to Thousand Changes, but at this moment, the Clone Thousand Changes had already rushed to the Thousand Transformations Maze Array.

“It’s really fun~ Piracy will give me an honest pirate !!!”

“Gravitational Ball !!!” X4

I saw that just after the clone Thousand Changes rushed into the Thousand Changes Transformation Maze Array, the light source suddenly couldn’t help but smile coldly, and the four of them couldn’t help but glance at each other in unison.

I saw that the four people turned into meteors at the same time, and the four people instantly launched the gravitational dribbling of the meteor together, and a huge terrifying drib suddenly appeared at the feet of the four people.

And at this moment, the football carried by Clone Thousand Change, relying on gravity on the disc, suddenly began to move irregularly, and Clone Thousand Change, who saw this scene, suddenly couldn’t help but shrink his pupils.

At this moment, the gravitational pull under the feet of the four of them suddenly increased again, and the terrifying gravity suddenly broke the attraction under the feet of the clone Thousand Changes, and instantly sucked the football to the feet of the four people.

‘Not good!!!! ’

Feeling the changes under his feet, Clone Qianyang’s face suddenly changed, just wanted to stop the ball with his feet, but found that it was too late, and could only watch with an uninteresting look that the football was attracted to the feet and firmly controlled by Qianyang.

“Damn guys, what are you doing!!”

Seeing that Clone Thousand Transformations suddenly lost the original good ball possession, Nie Xiaohua was just thinking about how to pour into Xiao Zheng’s goal, his face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly looked at the clone players in the stadium with a fierce face.

“Drink ~ Counterattack with all your might!”


With the ball in hand, Xiao Zheng suddenly hooked a smile at the corner of his mouth, looked at the angry Nie Xiaohua on the opposite side, and immediately slowly ordered them to counterattack back.

The situation that was reversed in an instant suddenly made Nie Xiaohua stunned for a while, staring blankly at the thousand changes in the counterattack.

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