“Young masters~ Do you want to prevent Richard from doing tricks behind your back?”

As Ouyang Blood and the others left Baron Lieba and rushed towards the competition venue of their own and others, a man on the side who was about the same age as Ouyang Blood and the others suddenly cautiously walked up to Ouyang Blood and asked.

“Hehe~ you don’t have to be too nervous, no trace~”

Hearing the worry on the side, Ouyang Blood and the others shook their heads disapprovingly when they heard this, and then looked towards Baron Lieba in the distance.

“You still don’t know about this person Reba~”

“Although it looks bad, it is not to the point of completely falling out with us~”

“Don’t worry about him~ even if he wants to take revenge, he should rely on super intelligent football to compete with us~”

As Ouyang Blood spoke, Ji Yeyu and the others on the side also nodded in agreement when they heard this, and Ye Wuji on the side had to nod and retreat to the side and no longer speak.

And at this moment, the same thing happened on Baron Reba’s side, only to see 010 staring at Ouyang Blood one by one, and they asked Baron Reba for instructions.

“No need!!! I’ll clean up those five messy things myself! ”

“The only thing you have to do is for me to completely crush the team I met before them!”

“I’m going to finish it all at 15:0!!”

As Baron Reba said, 010 and the others couldn’t help but glance at each other, then nodded solemnly, and then the four of them rushed towards the place of the game with the players.

Baron Lieba behind him looked dangerously at Ouyang Blood and the others who had already started the game, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and then turned around and walked towards 010 and them.

At this moment, Xiao Zheng had already stood in front of the battle platform and placed their player box in the platform, but the opposite side was extremely funny.

The five people standing in front of him were actually the orangutan kings who competed with Gao Xun at the beginning~ Looking at the five people in front of him, Xiao Zheng couldn’t help laughing.

“Hey! Bastard! Look down on Uncle Ben!! ”

“Hmph! One will make you look good! ”

Seeing the playful smile of Xiao Zheng, who was a person in front of him, the orangutan king suddenly became furious, and beat Xiao Zheng’s continuous YY in his heart.

“North Star vs. Star Star”

“The game starts!!!

I saw that as the sound of the referee’s robot blew, Xiao Zheng’s light source and others suddenly appeared slowly and looked towards the orangutan king’s team with a confident face.

At this moment, the laser of the orangutan king also stood in the midfield with another striker with an arrogant look, and the orangutan king and others on the opposite side quickly chose the ball.

Seeing this, Xiao Zheng just shrugged his shoulders and didn’t care. Looking at Xiao Zheng’s attitude, the Orangutan King and the others suddenly gritted their teeth with hatred.

“Laser!! Kick them hard for me!!! ”

“Hehe~ understand!”

Receiving the order of the Orangutan King, the laser couldn’t help but look at the two people in front of him with contempt, and when he moved, he instantly kicked off and rushed towards the opposite side with the ball.

“Huh ~ light source ~ organize to play with them ~”

“Don’t expose too much strength~ just play casually~”


Hearing Xiao Zheng’s words, the light source and the others suddenly looked strangely towards the laser rushing over with the ball, and saw the light source and the guard in the backfield glanced at each other and couldn’t help nodding.

Seeing this, Qianyang and Wanhua couldn’t help shrugging, and then quickly ran towards the opposite forbidden area, ignoring the laser that passed through himself and others.

“Hmph! Do you still want to play this ghost routine!! You three show me both of them! ”


Seeing the ever-changing movements, the orangutan king suddenly remembered the scene of being kicked by Gao Xun’s hidden dragon, and after his face changed and he ordered the other four, all the players except the laser surrounded the ever-changing.

And when the laser brought the ball to the light source, I saw that the light source made a surprising action, and as the laser came to the light source, the light source directly turned sideways and rushed over with the laser.

Even the guard in the penalty area was the same, ignoring the laser rushing over, only to give way to the position, and still rushed towards the penalty area by the laser with the ball.

“Damn it!!! abominable”

The laser with the ball suddenly felt a nameless fire gushing out of his heart, and angrily looked back towards the light source and guard.

“Damn it! Laser! Shooting through their goal shows them how good we are!!! ”

Seeing Xiao insulting himself like this, the orangutan king suddenly couldn’t help but roar at the laser angrily, and the laser who heard the command was also unwilling to be lonely and roared, and shot hard towards the goal guarded by the fog.

“It’s really boring~ how many times this soft shot comes back is the same~”

In the face of the laser shot, the fog yawned wordlessly, only to see that the laser had just kicked together, and the fog had already walked to the direction of the ball path to bombard and stopped the ball with a kick, and stepped on it steadily.


Seeing this scene, the orangutan king and the laser suddenly changed their faces, were taken aback, and their eyes looked towards the fog in shock.

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