The sea breeze blows slowly.

Liu Ge looked at the blue sky above his head with some sadness, forced himself to resist the idea of shouting Lying Cao, and accepted the fact that he had crossed into the pirate world!

Although he couldn’t understand why he could cross through the game, at first he thought he was just dreaming! But after he was adopted by a woman named Belmel, and a few days later, two younger sisters named Nami and Nokiko came to the family….

Liug finally understood that he had indeed crossed over! He also traveled into the world of Two-Dimensional One Piece! He also accidentally became the older brother of Nami and Nokigao!

But, that’s not the most important thing!

The important thing is that there are no days left to be as leisurely and happy as those of today.

It won’t be long before Kokoa West Village is overrun by Aaron the fishman from the Great Voyage! All the people in the village have to pay a monthly protection fee, 100,000 beri for an adult and 50,000 for each child, otherwise they will be killed by Along!

And Bermel, a female streamer, pulls Nami and Nokigao and Liuge’s three children, and the source of income only relies on that orange forest, it can be imagined that Belmel’s money is barely enough to survive, where is the money to pay the protection fee?

In the plot, Bermel’s possessions are only 100,000 berry, and she pays protection fees for Nami and Nokigao, while she herself died tragically at the hands of Aaron, becoming a major tragic drama in the pirate world.

After that, in order to make the people of the village no longer exploited by Along, Nami exchanged her excellent navigation chart for Aaron’s promise that as long as she could save 100 million berry, Aaron would return Coco Yasi Village to Nami, for which Nami endured thousands of dangers at sea and died nine times for eight years before she could muster treasure and money worth 100 million berry.

Those treasures were even stained with blood, and you can imagine what a heavy price Nami paid to get these treasures.

Unfortunately, Aaron obviously has no intention of keeping his promise, and he teamed up with naval scum to snatch Nami’s treasure, making Nami’s eight-year efforts come to naught! In despair, Nami’s heart-rending cry is unforgettable!

Since Belmer adopted Nami and Nokiga, whenever the night came, Liuk could always dream of Nami’s desperate crying, although after waking up from the nightmare, Liug understood that Luffy would come to save Kokoasi Village, but when he thought of Nami’s pain and despair, Liug’s heart was very dull.

Of course, as a traverser, Liuge also has his own goldfinger.

For example, he can easily ‘see’ the favorability of various characters, in addition, he also has a skill called “Theft”!

At that time, when he saw this theft skill, Liuge was still shocked, because before he crossed over, the game character he played was a full-level thief! In the moment before crossing, he also touched a world boss with his theft skill, and then the next moment, he came to the world of One Piece! And the skill of theft!

What’s even more outrageous is that in Liug’s mind, there is also a specific description of stealing skills!

Theft: (5 seconds cooldown) After casting a target, there is a 20% chance to get an item from the opponent, 15% to get an item from the other party, 10% to get a skill from the other party, 5% to get a talent from the other party, 3% to get an ability from the other party, 1% to get a bloodline from the other party, and 0.1% to get random. After a failed theft, favorability drops by 10 points.

Note: The full value of favorability is 100 points, below 50 points will be hostile to the other party, below 30 points may be attacked, below 10 points the other party and you will not die.

Very good and powerful! At least not too much more powerful than the theft in the game! The theft in the game can only steal some of the opponent’s equipment and items at most, but the theft in reality can even steal the opponent’s ability bloodline!

Then Liug took Belmer.

The goodwill between Bermel and Liuger is the highest! That’s ninety-five! It shouldn’t matter how many times it fails.

It was with this thought that Liug took advantage of Belmel’s sleep, stretched out his salty pig hand, and quietly launched the theft skill.

And then, without a doubt, the theft failed …

What made Liuge even more unexpected was that Belmel, who had slept very dead, woke up immediately after suffering from Liuge’s theft, and then angrily grabbed Liuge was a fat beating, and after the beating, Bermel came to his senses and quickly apologized to Liuge, saying that even she didn’t know why she attacked Liuge, which was definitely unintentional.

Then Liuge conducted several more experiments, and each time he failed, he would undoubtedly be beaten, which allowed Liuger to discover a hole in stealing skills! That is, no matter how much favorability there is, as long as the theft fails, it will automatically trigger the attack of the stolen target, and a fight cannot be run.

And after the favorability declines, the other party’s attitude will also become very obvious, for example, when the favorability is ninety-five, Belmer simply wants to spoil Liuge in the nest of his heart and not take away from his body for a minute.

But after falling to 85, Belmer was obviously a little cold, and would no longer pester Liuge often.

Fortunately, Bermel was born to be a person with a flood of maternal love, although because of several tests, Belmel’s favorability dropped a lot, but after Liuge’s unremitting efforts (MAI) force (MENG), Belmel’s favorability suddenly rose to more than 96! It’s just not too good to brush.

Of course, Liuge’s theft was not all failures, and in the continuous experimentation, in addition to being beaten by Bermel, Liug also accidentally stole several good things from Belmel…

For example, the navy body boxing, orange farming, and Belmer’s closeness. Fat times!!

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