After making up his mind, the next day, Liug asked the elder Noka about going on a trip.

Old Norka happily agreed, in his opinion, Liuge’s casting technique is not weaker than him at all, and he has nothing to teach Liuge, if he can travel and absorb the strengths of a hundred families, he can have greater achievements!

With the consent of the elder Noka, Liug went to consult with Bermel for a long time.

Compared with the old Nokalai, Bermel is more sad, although Liug has never regarded Bermel as his mother, but Bermel undoubtedly regards Liug as his son!

Maternal love is unreasonable, let Liuge say break the sky, and Bermel says that disagreement is disagreement! Isn’t it looking for death for a seven-year-old child to wander through the now messy sea?

Despite what Liuge said countless times, the place he went to was only Frost Moon Village near the East China Sea! There is no danger in such a short distance….

But to no avail, Belmer just disagreed.

Not only Bermel, but Nokiko and Nami, who already had some understanding, also stood on Bermel’s side without hesitation, confronting Liuge with silent eyes.

In desperation, Liuge had to find old Norka, and asked the old Norka to help Liug convince Bermel.

Compared with the unreasonableness of Liuge, the old Norka, the teacher who taught Liug a skill, Belmer is still more respectful.

“Liuge’s talent is rare in my life, if you only stay in Cocoa West Village, it is undoubtedly a waste of talent, do you want to ruin Liuge’s talent because of your selfish desire to keep Liuge around?” As soon as Old Norka came up, he praised Liug, and then said to Bermel in an extremely sad tone…


Belmer had nothing to say, because she hoped that Liuge would not leave her more than to worry about Liug’s danger…

All the previous reasons were actually just excuses to cover up her heart…

Of course, what really left Bermel speechless was Old Noka’s words that ruined Liug’s talent!

Before adopting Liuge, Nokitaka and Nami, she had vowed to train the three to be talents who were not inferior to this era! Now Liuger has shown his super talent! Not only is she not able to provide support, but is she going to be an obstacle?

“Forget it, if you die at sea, you won’t blame me.” Sullenly lighting a cigarette, Belmer waved his hand and said with a look of disgust.

Seeing this, Liuge couldn’t help but laugh.

Obviously very reluctant to say, pretending not to care, worthy of Belmel, really practiced not frankness to the extreme…

But, anyway, he finally got permission to go to sea as he wished! Liuger is confident, under Hawkeye’s powerful talent for swordsmanship! I will rise as a comet! The stage of the world seems to be close at hand!


PS: Make up for yesterday’s! Four more chapters today! Horse chicken

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