Of course, the exchange with Guina was just a relaxing episode in Liug’s busy training…

Sending Guina away, Liuge immediately began to train more intensely!

Holding a bamboo knife in his backhand, Liuge almost frantically slashed at a special scarecrow, and the frequency of attacks was even as high as 110 times per minute! You know, this is not a forehand! Once the backhand knife is struck, it must be retracted before it can be issued again! Generally speaking, the attack frequency of the backhand knife is about 30% lower than that of the forehand knife!

Can swing a backhand knife one hundred and ten times per minute! It’s almost that there is only one afterimage left! For a moment, the entire dojo was filled with the sound of Liuge hitting the scarecrow, and the trainees in the dojo only felt that they and Liuge were not plane creatures at all!

“Tiger bite!”

After 10 minutes of continuous slashing! The knife in Liuge’s hand retracted sharply, and then violently brought up a white light! Chop on top of the scarecrow!

Just listen to a bang, and the scarecrow made of hardwood is directly beaten in two by Liuge’s bamboo knife!


At this moment, a faint applause broke out.

Liuger took the knife and looked back, and saw Koshiro with a smile on his face, clapping there.

“Master.” Liuger saluted Koshiro.

“Hehe, don’t be inhibited.” Koshiro smiled gently: “I didn’t expect that you have already started to create your own sword moves, which is really rare.” ”

“Create your own sword move?” Hearing this, Liu Ge shook his head.

Although the tiger bite was comprehended by himself, a large number of the power methods are borrowed from the gravity sword Tiger Tiger that laughed at the tiger, compared to the strong power of the tiger breaking the mountain, the tiger bite is far worse.

“Don’t be presumptuous, at your age, it’s really good to be able to do this to this extent.” Seeing Liu Ge shaking his head, Koshiro couldn’t help but show a bit of a wry smile on his face: “When I was your age, I didn’t even qualify for basic swordsmanship.” ”

When Liu Ge heard this, he also understood that he was in a bit of a hurry, after all, his body was only seven years old, and no matter how powerful he was, he couldn’t be powerful! Pushing yourself too much may not be a good thing.

“Come with me, it’s time to teach you something else.” Seeing that Liuge didn’t speak, Koshiro didn’t care, but just smiled and led Liuge to the inner courtyard of the dojo.

Ryuge followed, and after a while, Koshiro took Ryuga to the cicada seat room where Koushiro often drank tea.

Compared to the dojo, the cicada seat room is only 30 square meters in size, and there is a large cicada character hanging in the room, and in the lower room of the cicada character, there is a wooden kang, on which is placed a futon and a pot of incense…

The floor of the room is covered with tatami mats, and as soon as you enter the room, you immediately feel an indescribable sense of tranquility.

“This is?” Liug had vaguely guessed what he was going to learn next.

“That’s right, it’s meditation.” Koshiro laughed: “Meditation is not a monk’s patent, a swordsman must also exercise his spirit and state of mind through meditation, do not think about anything, do not deliberately pursue anything, sit here for an hour every day, and naturally find his own way.” ”

With that, Koshiro lit the incense and withdrew with a smile.

Liuge glanced at the surrounding pattern, and only felt that meditation was too mysterious, but Liuge also often saw Solon sitting quietly when watching One Piece, and there are indeed many martial arts masters on the earth who can sit down, presumably of some use.

At that moment, without hesitation, Liuge took off his shoes and sat down on the futon on the kang.

Smelling the faint fragrance wafting from the incense, Liuge took a deep breath, and his mind was empty.

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