Naval Academy!

“Number 010101, Prescott! Male, age 18! ”

“Number 010102, Blais! Male, age twenty-one! ”

“Number 010103, Gloria, female, age seventeen!”

“No. 01010…..”

Standing in the ranks of many new military academy students, Liuge touched the number plate on his chest.

010152, that’s his number.

Looking around, looking at the appearance of these students, each of them was at least fifteen years old, and among the many teenagers and even adult students, Liug’s short and immature physique was particularly eye-catching.

Even in front of the military academy instructors, these eyes still glanced at Liuge’s body absently, and some inaudible discussions could not escape Liug’s ears.


“Number 010142, Smogg! Male, age twenty-one! ”

“Number 010143, Tina! Female, age nineteen! ”

Two loud voices rang out loudly, overshadowing all the discussion.

Liug’s eyes lit up, he didn’t expect that just the casual move of joining the Navy turned out to be in the golden generation of the Navy!

However, others were untouched, after all, how could they have thought that these two seemingly older students would be promoted to vice admiral of the G5 Navy and rear admiral of the headquarters in just thirteen years?

So, no one stopped and read their name and age aloud along with their numbers.

“Number 010151, Ruth! Female, age fifteen! ”

Soon, a girl with long hair in a golden ponytail next to Liuge spoke with a serious face.

“Number 010152, Liug! Male, ten years old…”

Compared to other people, Liuge thought that he still couldn’t pronounce his age so vigorously, and he seemed to be just weak.

However, no matter how weak it was, the voice still reached the audience solidly!

At this moment, everyone’s gaze was no longer sneaky, or even upright, and the discussion rose to an indescribable level, and even Smog and Tina turned back frequently.

At the Naval Academy, this is the first time that there are students under the age of eleven!

How can it be acceptable to join a military school at the age of ten for students who are already in their twenties? What a joke, children in their twenties and ten-year-olds taking the same kind of curriculum are personally unbearable …. Humiliate?

“Quiet!” However, the instructor of the military academy had already expected this, although he did not understand why the above pointed out the attention to this ten-year-old hairy boy named Liug, but he still faithfully performed his duty: “You are the navy!” Not a pirate who waves at sea! If it is the navy, discipline must be obeyed! Disobedience to discipline is all expelled! ”

“Keep calling!”

The instructor’s loud and terrifying voice, coupled with the majesty of being an instructor, overshadowed these young students who had just entered the military academy!

Although the dissatisfaction was still in his heart, no one dared to talk about it loudly, and a teenager beside Liuge glanced at him unpleasantly, and then said in a slightly hostile voice: “Number 010153!” John Bryce, age seventeen! ”

After that, the boy named John Blaise didn’t seem to stand firmly, leaned to the side, and the whole person pressed towards Liuge…

Glancing at Blais, Liuger was too lazy to talk to this idiot, and in fact did not have time to spend more time on it, so he kicked it sideways and kicked it directly on Bryce’s waist …

.“ Bang! Bryce screamed, and was directly kicked out…


On a high platform in the distance of the military academy …

Three men in justice coats held binoculars and watched the every move of the military academy students…

“Mr. Zefa, aren’t we going to stop it?” Seeing that Liu Ge actually started directly, the whole scene had a tendency to become chaotic, and one of them asked.

“Stop? Why stop it? Young people should have this kind of flesh that is not afraid of anything! The tall figure known as Zefa laughed, he stared in the direction of Liuge with his mouth cracked, and then said: “If you suffer a little, the water chestnut will be smoothed…”


PS: This is a supplement to yesterday!

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