But how can warships scatter so easily?

What’s more, the pirate ship is already very close to the warship! There was simply no time to carry out the order, and before more than half of the warships had time to disperse, they were rammed by pirate ships filled with fire oil!

In an instant, all the warships that were hit and even the warships around them were shrouded in a sea of fire! Even the vice admiral of the Slaughter Order level could only jump ship to escape, not to mention the ordinary navy on the warship, and nearly 10,000 people were burned to death in an instant!

However, before the navy could come to their senses, they only saw that above the sky in the distance, a pirate ship with wings actually flew towards them…

That’s right, it just flew over!

“A flying ship?!” The navy was shocked and did not recover, and today their logical outlook was struck!

But there was no chance to shock them! More than fifty cannons suddenly appeared on the pirate ship with wings flying like birds! The muzzle of the black hole hole was aimed at the navy, and immediately launched a rain of shelling!

The situation seemed to have been reversed in an instant….

“Don’t panic! It just caught us off guard! “The commander of the warship on which Liug is riding is the famous fighting dog Dauberman! Although the situation had been chaotic to a certain extent, Daubman still did not show half a panic, a cold smile was pulled out on his scarred face, and then he jumped high, threw out a kick, and flew towards the pirate ship in the sky with a slap!


With a loud noise, I saw Daobman’s dark blue Lan foot turn into a match, and the moment I saw that it was about to hit the pirate ship, I saw a black shadow blocking Daobman’s Lan foot at once, with a dull bang! Daubman’s Lan foot was actually blocked abruptly!

“Raven Bima…” Looking at the black shadow blocking the pirate ship, Daubman’s face became slightly gloomy…

This kind of sea thief with a bounty of more than 200 million, even the lieutenant general of the Demon Slaughter Order is deeply troubled, and what is even more disgusting is that the other party is still a bird ability…

“Kill the pirate ship first! Otherwise, all these navies will be lost here! At this moment, a figure jumped up from the sea, and Liuge saw that it was the commander of one of the three warships destroyed by the pirate ship earlier, Vice Admiral — Weasel!

At the same time, the other vice admirals who fell into the water also jumped on Daoberman’s warship, although they were not Lieutenant Generals of the Demon Slaying Order, but the strong lineup of the four lieutenant generals of the headquarters still instantly attracted the attention of the pirates!

At that moment, countless artillery fire was pouring in!

One of the shells, right at Liug!

Liuge, who wanted to watch the play, had no choice, so he had to take out Long Yuan and cut it out! I saw a sharp blade flash flashing, and in an instant, the incoming shell was cut in half!

Although the skill was amazing, no one paid too much attention at this time, and the lieutenant generals blocked most of the shells, and then launched the moon step in unison! The six vice admirals actually rushed straight up to the pirate ship in the sky!

However, soon, the six vice admirals had to retreat, because the other ship actually flew down eight birds and birds, although their monthly steps can provide the ability to step in the air, but they need to constantly step on the air, when it comes to flexibility and physical exertion, naturally far down!

The situation fell into a scorched scorching for a while….

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