"No need! I'm here!" Lin Fei's voice echoed to everyone's ears, and many screens of the entire nuclear test base were directly cracked.

Lin Fei ’s mind covered the entire Lop Nur, and it was easy to find the location of the test base. An Alpha space shuttled and came to the crowd easily!

Under Lin Fei's terrifying star star deterrence, most of them fell on their knees subconsciously! This is not an ancient emperor society. This is an era of modern science and technology. No one in China has bowed down to worship others. Even men have gold under their knees. Many men would rather die than kneel!

However, in Lin Feiheng star powerhouse, even if it shields all the energy of the body, the powerful deterrent still exists, how can small ordinary people dare to look directly into Lin Fei's eyes! !!

Lin Fei lifted his hand slightly, and a gentle air flow lifted everyone: "No need to kneel, I'm not here to become emperor, I just want you to know clearly the relationship between me and you, We are all Chinese, naturally for the benefit of the Chinese, people ’s happiness, rest assured, as long as you no longer stab my knife behind, or even imagine that you can catch me and study me, then I will naturally help you, help the Chinese !!! "

Wang Yihai has been a lot of years old and has a high weight for a long time, but in front of Lin Fei, he is just like an ordinary old man, saying in awe: "Lin Fei, after discussion, all our members have decided that you will be our new commander in charge of China. The interstellar era is led by you! "

Captain? In charge of the entire Chinese military? Alas, Lin Fei did n’t want to bring such a big hat. At the moment, Lin Fei knew very well that in front of the real strong, the whole earth can be blown with one punch, so instead of spending time training them, it ’s better to cultivate and improve their own strength. Secondly, Lin Fei doesn't want to put himself completely on the bright side at present, only in the dark can Lin Fei lead snakes out of holes and eat some game! For example, the mysterious z organization, Lin Fei is still waiting for them to throw themselves into the net to kill themselves! If you let them know that you have become the supreme commander in chief of China, you would not dare to find yourself by giving them 10,000 guts!

Lin Fei Shen chanted: "The position of the highest commander is for you to do for the time being! I have more important things to do. I don't have time to hold this position. However, although I am not the commander in chief, I can enjoy the highest Power, this, you have no opinion! "

"Eh!" Wang Yihai, a white-haired leader, did not expect that Lin Fei, who was comparable to a fairy figure, was as leathery as a child. He was improper commander to take responsibility and enjoy rights. This ...

Many other leaders are also dissatisfied. After all, this does not mean that they will not be able to gain any benefits. Instead, they also invited a Supreme Lord to control them. This is too much of a loss! !!

Lin Fei looked at these treacherous senior leaders in front of him and said in a deep voice: "I know what you are thinking. You think I'm just aggressive, just want to get benefits, don't want to do my duty, don't blame you. After all, you still have too narrow a vision. I still just look at a small earth, but I do n’t know that the earth has already been stared at by the powerful advanced interstellar civilization, and my secret is no longer a secret. I believe you have guessed that I ’m Douyu Live Anchor Lin Fei! All of my powerful power was obtained from the live broadcast room, and what gave me all this was a mysterious and unknown alien system. According to the information I currently have, this alien system monitors at least the like There are tens of thousands of galaxies like our Milky Way galaxy, and hundreds of millions of low-level civilizations to monitor! I do n’t know what the purpose of the system is, is it to train mice like us humans for experiments, or is it like our variety show Like the program, our entire planet is just a show enjoyed by other advanced civilizations after dinner, even for the purpose of forcibly accelerating the planet. City, so that everyone can gain powerful power, and then just like pigs, fattened and eaten, these are possible !! So, I must find a countermeasure system and rescue the earth before the higher civilizations kill our earth civilization. And if I were chosen by you as the highest commander, it will probably attract the attention of the system. At that time, maybe the system only needs to press a button gently, and our planet will die out, so now you think, I Can you still be the commander in chief !!! "

The entire base is dead! !! The information brought by Lin Fei is really shocking! !! Can't digest even in a short time! Higher alien civilizations, systems, mice, pigs, these words are not like humans treat lower creatures! Because there are many pigs raised by human beings, there is no time to care about the pig's ideas and health issues, but once a pig is suddenly different, the whole body is bling, or the pig is destroyed by a huge force, then maybe the entire farm will be destroyed. Humans notice that the entire farm will suffer! !!

As Yao Yao said, there are too many civilizations for system monitoring, and there is no time to take care of them. As long as you don't do things that are too outrageous ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ wary development, you will always find opportunities! This is why many rules and rewards of the Yaoyao system have been modified, and the system has not found it.

Finally, Wang Yihai said in earnest: "I get it! Lin Fei! Rest assured, what happened today will never be leaked out. You are still an ordinary person Lin Fei, but no matter what you do or do, you will enjoy the highest privilege. No one can restrict you, for the sake of China, for the earth, and for mankind, you have worked hard !!! "

Lin Fei is naturally not so great! The premise of saving the world is of course to save yourself, save family and friends, and save the earth by the way! With China's privilege guarantee, it will be much easier for Lin Fei to do things in the future! !!

Lin Fei suddenly thought of the beautiful policewoman Jiang Xinlan who had followed her for more than half a year, and a smirk appeared on her mouth: "Yes, there was a suspended police officer named Jiang Xinlan in the Network Information Center. She immediately resumed her original job and gave her three consecutive promotions. Level, and then let her come to my villa to report. I have a very important task for her to do. This task affects whether human beings can understand the earth. It is very, very important, so the sooner the better !! "

The director of the Network Information Security Center all sweated on his forehead. He wiped the sweat from his head and nodded again and again: "Okay, I'll do it right away!"

Jiang Xinlan was promoted to the third level, which is equal to the minister level. If he is upgraded in the future, his position as the director will not be guaranteed!

Lin Fei waved his hand: "Okay, it's okay, let's break up!"

Everyone retreated in horror, until they withdrew from the test base, and many experts and experimenters did not respond: No, this is our test base. Let ’s get out. Where do we go? ()

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