Out of the wild city o

Long Fei hadn't even landed when a shadow soldier chased after him and said, "Boss, sister-in-law has been arrested, and hundreds of brothers have also been arrested."

Once the shadow soldiers are exposed, they will be caught just like people.

As long as the Cultivation Base is stronger than them, they are equally difficult to escape o

Long Fei's face sank, and he secretly said in his heart, "No wonder my son is being held hostage by me, and Tian Ting, the purple light boss, didn't chase after him, so I'll just say o"

dragon fly down

Li Yuanba carried Tianling, Lin Yousheng, and Luohan also fell down. Looking at Long Fei's brows, he couldn't help asking, "Boss, what happened?"

"Tianxing was caught o" Long Fei replied o

At this time o

Tianxuan immediately said, "Long Fei, as long as you let me go, I will immediately let Senior Sister Tianxing go when I go back. One exchange for one, a fair deal."

"Long Fei, Tian Xing is so beautiful, you don't want to lose her, do you?" Tian Xuan said anxiously.

Long Fei ignored him.

Tianxuan kept saying: "Long Fei, my life is very important, I believe my father will definitely exchange Tianxing with me..."

"You give daddy a break!"

"Come on, daddy will kill you." Long Fei's eyes got angry, and he let out a loud o

Tian Xuan immediately shrank, and he didn't even dare to breathe.

Tian Xing was arrested, Tian Ting's purpose was not Tian Xuan but him

If Tian Ting's purpose was to save Tian Xuan, he would have chased after him when he escaped, but he didn't, which is enough to show that he didn't care about his son's life or death.

Tianxuan couldn't think of it, but Long Fei thought it very clearly.

thus o

Long Fei also thought that Tianxing is currently safe, at least there is no danger to his life.

Thinking of this, Long Fei's heart loosened secretly, and he said, "Wait for me, give me a little time o"

immediately o

Long Fei ordered: "The remaining brothers of the Yin Soldier Corps will stare at the wild city for me, and I will be back in three days!"

After speaking, Long Fei mentioned Tian Xuanfei and went out.

Li Yuanba carried the three of them and followed him closely.

After flying fast for a few hours, Long Fei came to a valley o

The most urgent task now is to awaken Lin Yousheng and the three of them, so that they cannot be controlled again, otherwise Long Fei has no intention of returning to the Wilderness City at all.


"How can the three of them get rid of their control and regain their freedom?" Long Fei stomped Tianxuan on the ground, his eyes were angry, and he shouted heavily.

Tian Xuan hurriedly said: "I really don't know this, they are a generation of evolutionaries, and they are controlled by the powerhouse in the Chaos Realm, he can't let us know o"

"Do not say?"

Long Fei's eyes were fierce, his eyes were killing, and the heavy pressure was crushed down, saying: "Tell me!"

Tianxuan said: "I really don't know, Long Fei, I swear to God, if I know and don't say it, I'll be killed by five thunderbolts."

Evolvers, each of them has a different aura of power in their bodies

can say o

No one in Tianwu Continent knows how they evolved. This kind of power is also a controlled power. The strong man in the Chaos Realm is not a fool. He will not give everything to the Tianjia without the means to control the Tianjia. If you think like this, Tianting and the others are too naive.

Ancestor Yanhuang said: "He really doesn't know, this is the unique control power of the Chaos World."

"If you want to crack, unless someone who uses this Cultivation Technique can break through it himself, otherwise, it will not work at all, and you will only be reduced to a puppet for life."

Long Fei's heart sank, his teeth rattled, staring at Tianxuan: "Who caught them?"

"not me o"

"It's not me, I've never been to Nantianyu, I don't know anything." Tianxuan was scared to pee, and the aura on Long Fei's body was too compelling.

immediately o

Tianxuan kept stepping back and said, "Long Fei, your woman is still in my father's hands. If you are smart, let me go, otherwise..."

"Threatening daddy?" Long Fei's mouth turned cold.

Tianxuan said: "I'm telling you the truth. Your woman is in my father's hands. If you want her to live, you must let me live well. If I die, she will die too..."

Long Fei slowly stepped forward and said, "I don't like reasoning the most."


"Daddy hates people threatening me the most!"

finish o

Long Fei's figure moved, and one step fell in front of Tianxuan. With five fingers, he grabbed Tianxuan's head directly, and with a violent force, he shouted, "Let you live well?"

"It's you who hit the daddy's woman, this account hasn't been settled with you yet."

"It's you who played tricks on my brother, it's not even counted yet!"

"Now still fucking threatening daddy?"


The anger in Long Fei's heart surged, and he used his five fingers forcefully, pinched it violently, and exploded, his head burst, and half of Tianxuan's body swayed and fell to the ground.

The system will sound a prompt tone o


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for killing Tianxuan for gaining 1,500,000 experience points, 25,990 immortal power points, and 10 energy points"

"Congratulations to player Long Fei for getting..."

A few things exploded, none of which Long Fei took a fancy to, all of them were swallowed up by the ancestors of Yanhuang.

This kind of first-generation, second-generation evolutionary things burst out to the ancestors, it is simply a perfect pill, and they are all good things.

Long Fei looked at Tianxuan's corpse on the ground and said coldly, "You also overestimated your worth. In your father's eyes, you are worthless!"

Li Yuan is domineering: "Boss, what should we do next?"

"Sister-in-law was arrested, let's go back and save o"

Li Yuanba has a serious look on his face, but now his heart is still very excited. Following Long Fei, he is not afraid even if the sky falls.

Long Fei said: "No hurry, she is not in any danger now, the most urgent task now is to awaken the three of them."


"Take off the Xuanshen sarcophagus on you," Long Fei said.

Li Yuanba was taken aback for a moment, showing a sad look, and said, "Boss, don't you need me to carry the scabbard for you? Don't you want me?"

He was carrying this huge sarcophagus from beginning to end.

I just want to do something for Long Fei.

In the past few years, he has become accustomed to it, and even if the strong man in the Chaos Realm used his mind to control him and let him untie the sarcophagus on his back, he did not do anything.

This belief penetrates the bone marrow

It is also because of this that Li Yuanba's silly personality can be the first to break through the bondage.

The only center of gravity in his world is Long Fei

This is the stupid big guy!

Long Fei was moved for a while, and said, "Silly big man!"

Li Yuanba said: "Boss, let me carry it for you, it's not tired at all, hehe..."

silly smile o

He has left Long Fei once, he really doesn't want to leave a second time o

then o

With a thought, Long Fei took out the giant spirit coffin in the Interspatial Ring, and said slightly: "Yuanba, this is your power!"

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