The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1081 Super Spirit Treasure

midair o

Suddenly, a door was pushed open o

a person came out

Standing in the air, looking at Tong Celestial Immortals Hall not far away, his voice sank, "Gu Tongtian, get out of here for daddy!!"

The sound is so loud that it spreads for millions of kilometers

After the reconstruction of God Emperor City, countless buildings collapsed directly, unable to withstand the crushing of this sound.



The Emperor's Dynasty was in disarray, the palace walls and courtyards were turned into ruins, and some powerful royal family members were directly bled by the shock. The higher the Cultivation Base, the more unbearable they were.

God Emperor Academy o

Several elders splattered blood on the spot, and the buildings in the God Emperor Academy collapsed one by one.


"Ding, ding, ding!"

Long Fei's mind kept beeping, and his heart was stunned, "Damn, daddy is so strong now? Can you crush people with just a few words?"

The current Long Fei is completely different from the Long Fei one and a half years ago.

After merging the power of chaos, his power is even more different o

A random roar is full of powerful and powerful power, and it directly shocks some of the realm's powerhouses to death.

What is strong?

This is!

The entire Tianwai Palace had the greatest impact, trembling in mid-air, trembling violently.

"who is it?"

"Who's here?"

"Whose voice?"

The faces of the elders in the Celestial Immortals hall were pale. If it wasn't for the protection of Tianwaigong, they would have died on the ground now.

Heavenly Palace, in an abyss o

A burst of laughter sounded, "Long Fei, you are finally here o"

Yi Yi's voice!

in an instant o

Several elders who passed through the Celestial Immortals hall flew out, stared at Long Fei in the distance, and shouted loudly, "Where is the dog thing, dare to spread wild here, do you know what this place is?"

Don't wait for him to finish o

Long Fei's thoughts moved, his little finger dug out a lump of booger in his nostril, and flicked his finger.


Chaos power surges

In the flash of lightning, the booger penetrated the Elder's head.

leave a blood skeleton o


Elder fell from the sky, unable to say a word again o

Long Fei grinned excitedly and said, "Who else?"

He couldn't think of it himself, it turns out that he is powerful enough to kill Realm with his booger. This is too cool.

My heart was even more excited, "Gu Tongtian, this time daddy will definitely overturn your ancestor's eighteenth generation, hahaha..."

It is because of his strength that Long Fei came to pass the Celestial Immortals Hall.

He's going to overturn Celestial Immortals

Therefore, he did not go to Nantianyu to join the Eight Vajra and the others.

Long Fei's plan was to first remove Gu Tongtian and the others, so that there would be no threat to Nantianyu.


Long Fei looked at Tianwai Palace, his heart sank slightly, "There is something wrong with the situation o"

also at this time

Through Celestial Immortals Hall, God Emperor City knows that Long Fei is standing in the air

"it's him"

"It's Long Fei, why did he come here?"

"What exactly is the situation?"

Also at this time o

Several elders flew out from the Celestial Immortals hall, their faces turned cold, and they snorted coldly, saying, "Boy, where do you think this is? How can you be arrogant?"

The voice is not finished o

Four figures have come out


"Om..." Four bursts of power sounded, forming a net of power and four forces, and bound Long Fei under the net of power. The four of them showed a smug look and said, "Kid, die for me."

The web of power is crushed down like a cut o

"he's dying o"

"Once the powers of the four elders are gathered and linked together, they are very powerful. Even the powerhouses of Feixian Realm are not easy to resist."

"Hahaha...Long Fei, let's see how long you can be arrogant."

Through the Celestial Immortals hall, many people laughed o


In that instant, Long Fei's figure suddenly disappeared.


"Void Walk o"

Long Fei's body shuttled out, and any force could penetrate it. He landed in front of an elder and said, "Daddy likes to be arrogant, can you bite me?"

Right fist move o

Vajra roared violently and slammed his right fist out of his throat


The stamina sticks out, the head hangs down


The phantom moved, attacked continuously, punched one by one, and four people were killed in almost a second, so fast that it was unimaginable.

then o

Long Fei stared at Tianwai Palace, which was like a huge island in the sky, and said solemnly: "You can't come out, right? Daddy kills you to come out!!"


Step out one step, and instantly land at the entrance of Tianwai Palace.

"Close, close..."

"Hurry up and open the shield of Tianwaigong"

eager o

There was a sudden explosion in the sky, and a powerful shield formation opened, forming a powerful defense system, just like the defense shield of a warship in a sci-fi movie.

Not even a cannon can penetrate o


Long Fei grinned and sneered, "Is this defensive formation useful to me?"


"Void walk..."


The body entered the void and flew out in an instant, but... at this moment, Long Fei's void was also blocked by a powerful force.



Long Fei tried again, but the result was the same, unable to penetrate the past o

Ancestor Yanhuang said: "Boy, the power of this Heavenly Extraordinary Art is also special. It seems that,,, it does not belong to the power of the Tianwu Continent."

suddenly o

Long Fei thought of what happened in the God Emperor's secret realm, and his mind tightened, and he secretly said, "Could it be that this is the heavenly ship of the Upper God Realm?"

"Daddy doesn't care about your Heavenly Ship and Heavenly Palace, no one can stop me!"

Long Fei's figure falls

His eyes were hideous, he stood in front of the huge shield, put one hand on it, his eyes closed slightly, and his heart slowly calmed down.

"What does he want to do?"

"Could it be that he still wants to break the shield?"

"I heard that the ancient formation of the shield of Tianwaigong, no one can break the o"

"Can Long Fei..."

They dare not think about it

suddenly o

Long Fei's eyes widened, and he roared heavily, "Tenth level unparalleled, open!!"

The arms moved, and there were two loud noises, and above the fists were the huge bodies of two Vajra angry apes, which bombarded the shield heavily.


A halo spreads out

Long Fei's power was instantly dissolved o

also at the same time

The clouds and mist that filled the Tianwai Palace were scattered by the shock. For the first time in millions of years, the whole picture was really revealed. Long Fei raised his eyes slightly, and his heart was shocked, "f*ck, it's really a super battleship o"

huge o

Shrouding the Heavens

Cover the entire sky above the city of God Emperor o

The people in God Emperor City were also shocked.

Never knew the Hall of Celestial Immortals above their heads was such a behemoth o

a behemoth for them o


At this moment, Long Fei's eyes glowed, because the skyship flashed with colorful rays of light, what is this?

Super Lingbao!

Long Fei grinned and said, "It's mine now!"

Chapter One,

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