Eight Flying Immortals Realm's powerhouse falls o

Seeing eight strong men coming to help, Taizun and Zhou Lie immediately became proud.

"The last time I was in the Immortal Domain, I should have killed all of you. If you dare to come today, then I will see... who can save you today."

Taizun's voice fell

in an instant o

A Feixian strong man instantly fell beside Taizun.

Taizun's figure moved, his eyes locked on the black knife and it slammed down heavily.

Then Feixian Realm's powerhouse locked Aoya, and suddenly shot o

Zhou Lie also shot at the same time.


"Boom, boom, boom!"

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Huge roar from Black Tortoise door and White Tiger door o

Hei Dao and Taizun killed the sky and the earth, and they were on the same level.

Oya is the same here

Although her power has not yet reached the Feixian Realm, her understanding of Sword Intent has reached a super high Realm, and three sword spirits follow like a shadow, as if she is not alone, but three!

White Tiger door here o

Zhou Lie and another Feixian powerhouse attacked Chen Tianfei frantically.

His huge body was bet on the city gate, and he held it tightly, "Do you have this strength? Do you have this ability? It's too weak, and the strength to tickle the daddy is not enough!"

There was blood hanging from the corners of his mouth, but his expression and momentum were still sturdy and arrogant.

Long Sanfeng was slightly taken aback, "Who are these people?"

Fu Yunshan hurried up and said, "Grandpa Long, do you still remember me? I'm Fu Yunshan of Fengyuan Business Alliance"

"Sister Yunshan?"

Xiao Tiantian was stunned for a moment, and Fu Yunshan said excitedly, "Why are you here? Are they all yours?"

If it weren't for the familiar voice, Xiao Tiantian wouldn't recognize it.

After all o

At that time, Fu Yunshan was wearing a veil.

Long Sanfeng was also surprised, "Fengyuan Business Alliance, Fu Yunshan? Are you the master of Fu Pavilion?"

It was Fu Yunshan's Life Continuation Pill. If it wasn't for the Medicine Pill she gave, he would have died long ago.

immediately o

Long Sanfeng immediately said: "Pavilion Master Fu, this is the matter of my Long family, you don't need to get involved, hurry up and leave o"

He doesn't want Fu Yunshan to be involved in this war, and it's still a one-sided war. They can't resist it anymore, and the Yuan Dragon King is over.

Immortal Domain is over o

Fu Yunshan said: "Grandpa Long, they are the Celestial Immortals Hall of the Immortal Domain. On the ground are just some Golden Immortals, Practitioners of Yuanxian Realm, and a large group of Feixian Realm powerhouses in the sky, they are all waiting. o”

Long Sanfeng said, "What are you waiting for?"

This war made Long Sanfeng somewhat inexplicable, and suddenly so many superpowers came to deal with the Nantianyu. Why is this?

There's absolutely no reason

Fu Yunshan's eyes sank and said, "They are waiting for Long Fei to appear. They want Long Fei to open the Dragon Domain. The reason why they started the war is to use you to threaten Long Fei and force him to appear."

"Long Fei?"


"Little Lord?"

Everyone's heart is tight

Especially Qiao Qiao, Leopard Girl, Liu Luoxi and other women, their hearts are all in their throats.

For more than five years, they have missed o day and night

I broke through the defense line of the savage warriors some time ago, and I was thinking about going to the Immortal Domain to find Long Fei recently, but... before they go to the Immortal Domain, the Immortal Domain powerhouses came here first.

"How is Long Fei?"

"What happened to the stinky bastard?"

"The boss is amazing, he can provoke so many awesome people in one fell swoop"

"Sister Yunshan, hurry up and say it o"

Everyone looks excited

Because they are all worried about Long Fei, the man they miss day and night

Long Sanfeng was very calm, but he was also worried about Long Fei in his heart, with impatience in his eyes, and said, "Xiao Fei, is he okay?"

Fu Yunshan didn't know how to answer, because she didn't know what happened to Long Fei now, and said, "He asked us to come here to meet him, I believe he will appear."

Qiaoqiao grabbed Fu Yunshan, tears flashing, and said, "Sister Yunshan, where is Young Master?"

"Yeah, where did he go?"

The girls looked at Fu Yunshan, she shook her head and said, "I don't know where he is at the moment."

"I believe he will come o"

"He will come o"

"Grandpa Long, the top priority now is to resist the Immortal Domain army and hold them back as much as possible." Fu Yunshan was also worried about Long Fei.

I was shouting in my heart, "Long Fei, where are you, come back quickly"

Long Sanfeng put away the worries in his heart, his eyes sank, and the fighting spirit radiated from his body, and he said heavily: "If you want to arrest my grandson, then you have to ask me if I agree."

"Piss off daddy, daddy can do anything o"

also at this time

Long Zhanhai rushed up with a large wave of royal guards and said, "Dad, I brought all of them."

Behind them are all disciples of the Long family.

The disciples with the blood of the dragon family, and all of them have increased the activation rate of the blood to more than 90, and each of them can transform the existence of the dragon.

Long Sanfeng's eyes sank, and he said, "Send the Medicine Pill down."

"Fuck my grandson?"

"Whoever dares to move Xiaofei, daddy will fight him desperately"

Long Sanfeng looks extremely angry

Long Fei is more important than his life, no matter what happens in the Immortal Domain, no matter what Long Fei does, even if he is heinous, Long Sanfeng will use his life to protect him.

because o

Long Fei is his grandson, the descendant of the Long family!



Ten thousand people drink together, the sound is loud

At the same time o

They all have a Medicine Pill in their hands. This Medicine Pill is a mysterious pill left to them by Long Fei. It can improve the Cultivation Base and make the blood in their bodies more boiling.

It's all about heartbeat and excitement

Looking at the sky, Long Sanfeng snorted loudly and said, "If you want to touch my grandson, even the Heavenly King daddy can't do it, you can kill the daddy if you plant it!"

More than 80 years old, arrogance is not reduced by half o

This is the character of the dragon family

Even in the face of the sky, it is still rampant!

Gu Tongtian's brows tensed, and he was a little unhappy listening to Long Sanfeng's words, "Hmph, how dare a bad old man dare to be arrogant in front of me?"

"Four other Feixian strongmen shot o"

"I'll just see what power your humble dragon family has."

The voice fell o

The four flying immortal powerhouses suspended in mid-air suddenly shot, rushing towards the Black Tortoise Gate and the White Tiger Gate respectively.



It's okay to deal with one person, but to deal with two Feixian powerhouses at the same time, Hei Dao and Aoya are not opponents at all, and they are instantly blasted out.

Xiaobai and Binghuo also rushed up in an instant.

"Boom, boom!"

The two of them were blown away


Chen Tianfei got up from the ground, spit out a mouthful of blood, and grinned to reveal his bloody teeth, and said, "Come on, do you have this power? Come on!"

Taizun snorted coldly, "I'm going to die for everything that is beyond my own power."

The eight Feixian powerhouses moved at the same time.

Falling on top of their heads, with gloomy eyes, disdain o

Taizun shouted, "Kill!"

Chapter One,

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