The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1100 It's Time For Us To Appear


The Yuanlong body fused in Long Fei's sea of ​​consciousness also became excited.

He merged with the body of Yuanlong.

The dragon head, the dragon body, the dragon tail, and the shadow of the Yuanlong dragon in front of him is his Yuanshen, and it is also the most essential part.

Yuan Long's thoughts sounded in Long Fei's mind, and said: "Long Fei, I really want to thank you for bringing me back to Long Yu, now... you are not my opponent at all o"


"I am Yuanlong, the real leader of the dragon family, what are you?"

"You are just a puppet, a chess piece of mine. If you want to control the dragon clan, I think you want to get the secret treasure we brought from the Upper God Realm?" The voice exploded in Long Fei's mind.

Yuanlong is very arrogant

He waited for several years, and finally waited for o

Long Fei smiled slightly and said: "Yuanlong, Yuanlong, you have been in my body for so long, you should know my character very well. If you can fuck you once, I can fuck you a second time!"


immediately o

Long Fei raised his eyes and stared at the phantom condensed by the real Yuanlong Yuanshen, and said, "Either kneel down and sing conquest, or... daddy hits you!"

"Choose yourself!"

Yuanlong Yuanshen coldly snorted and said angrily: "You dare to be presumptuous in front of me, courting death!!"

Long Fei was not weak at all, and said, "You are the one who is courting death!"


"Burning the sky!"

Long Fei grabbed it in the air, the Fen Tianlong spear in his hand, and the long spear pointed at the Yuanlong Yuanshen, and said, "If you don't choose either, then give me death."


"Yuanlong is godless!"

Without saying a word, Long Fei directly unleashed Fen Tian's strongest move.

Yuanlong Yuanshen froze, slightly shocked and said: "Even Yuanlong Wushen has learned, boy, I really underestimate you o"


"You will never be my opponent no matter what!"

Yuanlong Yuanshen's breath moved, and it was fully crushed, and... this crushing was not aimed at Long Fei's body, but at Long Fei's Yuanshen.


In an instant, the Yuanlong Wushen released by Long Fei failed because the incomparably huge Yuanlong Yuanshen had entered his Yuanshen world.

Compared with Yuanlong's Yuanshen, Long Fei's Yuanshen is like an ant's, and the young ones can't look directly at them.


"Humble, is humble o"

"So weak Yuanshen is not even qualified to put my teeth in." Yuanlong Yuanshen scorned and said, "Long Fei, save your life."

"You are just a pawn I arranged more than six million years ago. Everything about you is in my hands, understand?"

"Now, I want to take back everything that belongs to me o"


As soon as Yuanlong Yuanshen moves, he will devour Long Fei's Yuanshen when he opens his mouth. If he is swallowed, Long Fei will be killed instantly.

Yuanshen attack o

Long Fei didn't know how to resist o

at the moment o

The dragon ancestors exploded the pot

"Choose Long Fei!"

"Long Fei is just a pawn arranged by Boss Yuanlong. We should follow our destiny and let Boss Yuanlong get everything. Only in this way can we survive the Heavenly Tribulationo"

"Fuck you, Yuanlong is nothing, he is a selfish villain, just for himself, I choose the boss of Longfei," Hai Dragon King shouted heavily.

"Hai Dragon King, you have always refused to accept the Yuanlong boss, but you can't choose a human, what can he do? Can he bring hope to the dragon family?"

"Does he know what the Dragon Race is going to face?"

"Do you know what the dragon family has to bear?"

"He doesn't know at all, he is a special human being. Indeed, I admit that Long Fei is very powerful. He broke through to Feixian Realm before he was 30 years old. His personality is also extremely cool, but these represent nothing , what we want to choose is the person who can bring hope to the dragon clan, rather than leading to destruction!"

"I agree with Yuanlong boss o"

"I choose Long Fei o"

"I've been with Long Fei for so long. I know very well what Long Fei is like. He will definitely give the Dragon Clan a different future, and... the Long Clan was originally the Dragon Clan."


"What kind of dragons? They are just low-level dragons, dragons with no intelligence at all."

"That's right, the Yuanlong bloodline was originally hidden in Long Fei's body, but...suddenly he broke all the bloodline power in his body and merged with another bloodline. This is disrespectful to the dragon family. We don't need such a human being to lead the dragon family. o”

"I choose Yuanlong!"


arguing madly

The original fourteen dragon ancestors all chose Long Fei o

but o

Most of Long Zhanting's dragon ancestors chose Yuanlong, because Yuanlong used to be their boss, and he is now!

suddenly o

The ancestor of Azure Dragon shouted angrily and said: "The catastrophe will come in a month, and now you are arguing here, how to survive the catastrophe like this?"

"If we still can't do it this time, all the dragons in our lineage will die."

"I hope everyone can seriously consider o"

"Long Fei is the hope of our Dragon Clan!"

The voice fell o

Azure Dragon's ancestor roared, a blue light fan, Yuanshen Expanding Aperture, directly into Long Fei's Yuanshen world, staring at the huge Yuanlong Yuanshen Dao: "Yuanlong, your world is over, let go!"

Yuan Long Yuan Shen was stunned and said, "Azure Dragon, you dare to betray me?"

The ancestor of Azure Dragon said: "It's not a betrayal, I'm just choosing the future of the dragon clan, you can't give the future of the dragon clan, the future of the dragon clan lies in the boss of Long Fei"

"I bother!"

"Boss Long Fei? Azure Dragon, you have disappointed me too much. You want to choose this shit, then you will die for me too." Yuan Long Yuan Shen moved and became furious.

Azure Dragon is not afraid, standing in front of Long Fei, roaring out o

in this moment o

The primordial spirit of the Dragon King of the sea rushed out o

The primordial spirit of the ancestor of the black dragon

The primordial spirit of the eight golden dragons

All the primordial spirits of the Fourteen Dragon Ancestors rushed out and rushed up frantically.


The strongest thing in Yuanlong is not the physical body, but the primordial spirit!

The Yuanshen of the fourteen dragon ancestors together are not the opponents of Yuanlong, and they are crushed madly.

"Are you rubbish enough to fight with me?"

"Eat the insides and the outsides o"

"If it wasn't for me, each of you, would you be able to escape from the Upper God Realm? If it wasn't for me, would you be able to live until now?"

"Give me all to die now o"

Yuanlong Yuanshen roared o

The Azure Dragon ancestor was hit hard, the Black Dragon ancestor was hit hard, and the Sea Dragon King was hit hard...

Seeing the fourteen dragon ancestors being hit hard one by one, Long Fei was worried, and he kept thinking about how to deal with Yuanlong Yuanshen, "How can I do it?"

"How can we deal with Yuanlong Yuanshen?"

suddenly o

A voice reached Long Fei's sea of ​​consciousness

"Boy, have you forgotten your Devouring Bloodline?"

Long Fei's eyes sank, and he became excited.

Devour blood!

It can not only devour the blood of the opponent, but also devour the primordial spirit and devour the flesh!

Long Fei laughed

At the same time o

Gu Tongtian raised his eyes, smiled slightly, and said, "It's time for us to debut!"

chapter Five,

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