The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1105 Ten Thousand Dragons Entering The Body

The same death, the same desperate place o

The scene is almost the same as Long Zhanting, but the place is changed.

Dragon battle is the abyss o

Long Fei is the Dragon Palace

It's very strange, why did the god of death choose the people of the dragon family, or why did they choose their father and son?

Long Fei didn't think about it

No matter what the cost, the only thing he thinks about now is to kill Gu Tongtian.

Even in death, Long Fei would not hesitate


"No, Long Fei big brother, don't promise him, no o" Yun'er sensed the breath of death that appeared in Long Fei's mind, as long as she sensed the breath she would never forget o

This God of Death is the same God of Death who signed the God of Death contract with Long Zhanting.

"What is he going to do?"

"What does Long Fei want to do?"

The girls are very worried

Yun'er cried and said, "big brother Long Fei wants to sign a contract with the god of death, and he has to sell his own soul to the god of death. It can't be like this. If this is the case, big brother Long Fei will be doomed."

Qiao Qiao sighed and said, "Young Master, you can't do this o"

All the girls are shouting loudly

Gu Tongtian looked at Long Fei with great interest, and said, "It's the Death God contract again, it looks like your father and son are really alike, your father signed a contract with the Death God when I entered the abyss, and now you are the same, ha. Ha ha……"

Gu Tongtian is still proud

No matter who Long Fei signs a contract with, he is not afraid

because o

This power in him is invincible, invincible in Tianwu Continent!

Long Fei clenched his fists and shouted: "I..."

at this moment o

The moment when Long Fei was about to agree

A strange scene happened. Long Sanfeng's body floated a cloud of fluorescence, the light of the primordial spirit.

A dragon's roar resounded in the void

last o

The void flashed, and the fluorescent light rushed to the depths of the Dragon Palace.

At the same time o

The corpses of the more than 8,000 Long Family Army all flashed fluorescent light, and the whole person flew to the depths of the Dragon Palace with the light of the Yuanshen of Long Sanfeng.


The Azure Dragon ancestor rushed out of the Azure Dragon tripod uncontrollably, moved his body, and flew to the depths of the Dragon Palace with the light of the primordial spirit.

The ancestor of the black dragon also rushed out.

The Sea Dragon King rushed out, the eight golden dragons rushed out, and then one after another dragon ancestors rushed out of the body without Long Fei's control, and rushed into the depths of the Dragon Palace.

Long Fei was stunned.

The Death God was a little anxious and said, "Long Fei, have you made a choice?"

"As long as you promise, I can kill him immediately for you."

"This is the only way you can kill Gu Tongtian"

Long Fei said slightly: "What are you worried about?"

Deep in the Dragon Palace

A ray of light exploded suddenly, and the roar of the dragon's roar sounded, and the entire dragon domain was shaking.

At this time o

A voice sounded in Gu Tongtian's mind, and his expression changed. He glanced at Long Fei coldly, and said with a sneer, "Boy, it's your fate today."

turn o

Gu Tongtian's figure flashed, and he flew out with the celestial dragon cauldron, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Long Fei wants to chase it out

but o

The light in the depths of the Dragon Palace attracted him, and he also wanted to know what the grandfather's Yuanshen did in the depths of the Dragon Palace?

What is the mystery of the dragon family, the dragon family?

The voice of the god of death sounded again, saying: "Long Fei, Gu Tongtian has already escaped. If you don't make a decision sooner, you will never be able to kill him again."

"Your father, your mother, your grandfather, and your dragon family were all killed by him alone. If you were a man, you should take revenge tenfold and a hundredfold. What are you waiting for now? I I can make it happen for you, I can make it happen for you o"

There is a bit of anxiety in the tone

Long Fei murmured and asked, "God of death, what are you so anxious about?"

The more death is like this, the more calm Long Fei's heart is.

He couldn't figure out what the hell the god of death was worried about?


Is he afraid of the light in the depths of the Dragon Palace?

Gu Tongtian's escape must also be afraid of the light in the depths of the Dragon Palace.

Who is it?


Long Fei stepped out, he wanted to figure this out, and there was a force in Long Fei's mind guiding him, asking him to go over.

"Don't go there!"

The god of death gave a loud shout and said, "Long Fei, you can only take revenge by listening to me. Only my power can help you kill Gu Tongtian on the Tianwu Continent."

"Hand over your soul o"

Death is getting more and more anxious

Long Fei's eyebrows moved, and he shouted suddenly, "Death, you have to be clear, this is my territory!"


When your mind moves, the death space closes o

Long Fei's figure is like lightning, falling into the light with one step


There was a buzzing sound in his mind, a powerful force seemed to control his mind, Long Fei stepped into the strong light with one step.


a loud noise o

The system also instantly remembers the prompt sound o


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for entering the Dragon Soul Pool to get 100,000 experience points, 10,000 points of immortality, and 10,000 points of points as a special reward o"


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for completing the sss level quest to find the dragon domain and get the reward o"


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for getting the reward, and the reward is Wanlong Into the Body!"

As the system beep falls o

In the Dragon Soul Pool, a giant dragon soared into the sky, flew into the void, and then charged down heavily towards Long Fei's head.


Like a lightning strike

Long Fei's body sank, and his power surged up to earth-shaking, extremely powerful. This kind of power was something Long Fei had never experienced before.


Another giant dragon soars into the sky

hit hard o

The power has become stronger again


Another dragon flew up

Each dragon's power enters Long Fei's body, and Long Fei's Divine Sense becomes wider, and there are more pictures in his mind, some pictures of the upper gods.

It was not because of some catastrophe that the dragon race of Tianwu Continent escaped.

But because they get a thing!

a destructive thing

It was because of this thing that the family was wiped out. The dragons were divided into eighteen branches to escape from the upper gods. None of them knew whether the things they brought out of the dragons were the heaven-defying spiritual treasure.

They only know that they have to protect them forever

"What Gu Tongtian got is that heaven-defying Lingbao?"


"The Heavenly God Dragon Cauldron is only one of the three great artifacts of the Dragon Clan, not the spiritual treasure that makes the Upper God Realm tremble." Long Fei's mind stopped thinking about these things.



A thousand dragons enter the body

Long Fei's power explodes in general, and the pervert is strong!

After a full day o

Five thousand dragons entered the body o

another day later o

Ten thousand dragons entered Long Fei's body


"Congratulations to player Long Fei Wanlong into the body to complete o"

The power is stronger than ever!

at this moment o

The dragon soul pool is thirsty, and an open dragon coffin in the deep pool is shining with colorful lights.

This is... the light of the main artifact! !

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