The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1110 The Main Artifact Is Activated

Gu Tongtian is just a chess piece

The strong man behind him is the one who really wants to cause the dragon family and the dead place.

Who is he?

Go to God Realm?

Chaos world? Or a powerhouse from a higher plane?

Long Fei doesn't know o

But people who can stare at the main artifact must be very difficult.

Since it is not simple, it must be a super powerful boss, and it may be the strongest boss in Tianwu Continent. If it is a boss, how can you let him go?


Heavenly Soul Cliff, the summit o

This is the second time Long Fei has come here. The first time he was looking for the Heavenly Soul Grass. At that time, he was in a coma, and what he had experienced was blurry. He only knew that someone helped him resist all the damage.

That man is his father, Long Zhanting o

Now it appears again, and his heart is a little painful o

because o

Father has been dragged into The Underworld by Death for his sake.

"Huh..." Long Fei exhaled, glanced at Gu Tongtian, and said, "Let's start!"

Gu Tongtian was in a state of embarrassment. As soon as Long Fei's voice fell, he shivered slightly, for fear that Long Fei would make another move, and he was really scared.

But o

He is more afraid of death

Gu Tongtian looked at the sky with two eyes, and said in his heart: "Boy, when that strong man appears, it will be your doomsday."


immediately o

Gu Tongtian's mind entered the void and shouted loudly, "Sir!"

The sound exploded in the void o

Nothing in the sky o

suddenly o

Long Fei just kicked up and shouted, "So unresponsive?"

Gu Tongtian was kicked to the ground by Long Fei, his front teeth were knocked off twice, his mouth was full of blood, and he said bitterly: "Don't worry, it will take a while to appear."

While speaking, Long Fei kicked up again and said, "Then why didn't you say it earlier?"


Gu Tongtian lay on the ground again, his face covered with dirt, extremely embarrassed.

Long Fei shouted: "Give me more o"

Gu Tongtian was ruthless in his heart, and cursed in his heart: "Long Fei, you bastard, you dare to be arrogant when you are about to die, just wait, you will meet King Yama soon."

"I will turn all your women into my playthings, just wait o"

Gu Tongtian's voice passed into the void again, "Sir o"

He can't wait for that strong man to appear immediately, in that case, he can watch Long Fei be tortured and killed with his own eyes.


Another kick o

"Why haven't you come out yet?"

Gu Tongtian lay on the ground and cried, "I don't know either. I called him twice before and he will come out, but this time I don't know either."

"You don't know?" Long Fei frowned and said, "You don't know, why don't you call me?"

"Crack, snap!"

He kicked hard, just not giving Gu Tongtian any chance to breathe.

hurt his father

kill his grandpa

She also enshrined her mother to the powerful outsiders, these hatred Long Fei did not forget for a moment o

Gu Tongtian couldn't be abused by Long Fei, the hatred in his heart surged, "Long Fei, don't be complacent, it will be your death soon o"

"call me o again"

"Just say daddy is here o"

Long Fei's voice fell


A huge roar sounded above Nine Heavens o

followed by o

A huge cloud vortex hangs over a million kilometers in the direction of the Southern Sky Territory, rotating layer by layer, with golden light shining in the clouds.

natural vision o

what is this?

Long Fei's face sank, and suddenly he thought of something.


A catastrophe once every 3.33 million years!

Long Fei's heart trembled, his face changed greatly, and he muttered: "The place where the catastrophe came is the Dragon Domain, then...they..."


Long Fei clenched his fists tightly, and his joints exploded.

Gu Tongtian didn't know this, but at this time, the peak of Tianhun Mountain also spun thick clouds, and a huge phantom face appeared.

Gu Tongtian's eyes flashed brightly, and he said excitedly: "Hahaha... Here, here!"

"grown ups!"

"I brought Long Fei, kill him, kill him o"

Gu Tongtian laughed proudly, his face full of contempt, staring at Long Fei and said, "God, your time of death is here, hahaha..."

Completely changed a person

Gu Tongtian is so excited

It is important to kill the strong man behind Gu Tongtian, but... his family is even more important o

immediately o

Long Fei didn't even think about it, turned and turned into a stream of light and rushed in the direction of Nantianyu. No matter what the catastrophe was, he must protect Longyu.


The body was blocked by a powerful force, and Long Fei bounced back instantly.


Long Fei spit out a mouthful of blood

Gu Tongtian smiled and pointed at Long Fei's nose and said, "Dogs, are you cool? Hahaha... You dare to run around in front of adults, do you agree?"

also at this time

The giant phantom face was printed in mid-air, and he said slightly: "The catastrophe of the dragon family has begun o"

"Long Fei!"

"You can't go back, hand over that thing to me now." The giant face was full of excitement. After waiting for millions of years, he finally got this moment.

Gu Tongtian immediately shouted: "Long Fei, did you hear what your lord is talking to you? Let you hand over that thing."

"Noisy you!"


Long Fei's pace moved, his figure rushed, his hand became a knife, and he slashed down with one knife.

Gu Tongtian's pupils flickered, and he said loudly: "Sir, save me, save me..."

Don't wait for him to finish o

His head was already flying, Long Fei's thoughts moved, and Wanlong's roar directly crushed Gu Tongtian's primordial spirit, and when he moved his steps, his right foot slammed into Gu Tongtian's head.


The head flies to the giant face in the sky o

The giant face didn't react at all. He didn't mean to save Gu Tongtian at all. If a chess piece is useless, what's the value?


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for killing Gu Tongtian for gaining 2.9 billion experience points, 3 million immortal power points, and 10 energy points"

"Congratulations to player Long Fei for getting..."

The system beeps several beeps

Long Fei didn't care at all, but stared at the damage caused by the head attack on the giant face.


It can be said that there is not even a miss, because it penetrates directly, and there is no damage at all.

"The power of Wanlong!"

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Dragons roared out from behind Long Fei, rushed up one step at a time, and said solemnly: "If you want something from daddy, how old are you?"

The giant face of the phantom smiled slightly and said: The power of ten thousand dragons?



The voice is not finished o

A force pressed down on the giant face, as if a layer of the sky had collapsed.


Long Fei's whole body was crushed, and the power of Wanlong was directly shattered.

The entire Tianshun mountain collapsed, the first striker of the Immortal Domain, destroyed o

The giant face sneered: "This kind of power is not even an ant in our world. Long Fei, accept your fate and hand it over to me obediently."

The power of Wanlong was instantly crushed

This phantom is so powerful that it is unimaginable o

There is only one way if he wants to explode

With a thought, Long Fei summoned the dragon coffin and said, "Do you want it?"

"Then let you see the power of the main artifact!"

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