The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1115 Jojo Nirvana

"Sister Qiaoqiao, what do you want to do?"



The girls shouted loudly, but they couldn't keep up with her speed.

The power of the Phoenix bloodline is incomparable with ordinary bloodlines.

Qiao Qiao looked at them from behind and said, "Tell Master Long Fei Young that Qiao Qiao doesn't regret following him."

finish o

her figure changed


A shrill scream sounded, and then Jojo's body turned into a real Phoenix, a Phoenixo with all the flames burning all over his body.

She is rushing towards the center of the vortex o

at this moment o

She exudes an incomparably holy power of purification.

"What a holy soul o"

"I have never seen such a holy and pure soul o"

"It seems to have appeared last time, and it is also this plane, but... this soul is more exciting than the last time."

"Still Phoenix bloodline o"

Among the thick clouds, and also in those golden places, the voices of discussion rang out.

They were all shocked

Because Jojo's soul o

Everyone in the world has selfish desires, which also makes everyone's soul have some Impurities, which will not affect people's cultivationo

but o

For the powerhouses of higher planes, it is different.

They need this incomparably holy power, because each such power can give them a powerful ascension o

So, they were shocked o


A voice came out and shouted: "Even the pure and holy power can't stop our steps today, and the dragon must be punished the most."

"Because, this is what they deserve o"

"This is their punishment for stealing the main artifact"

"It's time for them to perish!"


His voice exploded, the sky sank, the thick cloud vortex swirled, endless golden light flickered, and powerful forces rushed towards Qiao Qiao.

Jojo is madly absorbing o

Jojo's body keeps rushing towards the sky o



Struggling to impact o

She endured the bombardment of the surrounding power, and in an instant she broke through the center of the cloud vortex, jumped into the high void, and looked at a vortex like a huge bell.


Qiao Qiao looked into the distance and murmured, "Long Fei Young Master, Qiao Qiao will be your little maid in the next life, hee hee..."

smile brightly o

laugh so happy o

Laugh like an angel

Jojo's body is surging o

Seeing a scream from the huge vortex under him, the most powerful force of Phoenix's power began to surge, "The power of Nirvana!"

"Burn Nine Heavens!"


The sound fell o

The flames on Qiaoqiao's body exploded violently, and his body fell into the vortex of clouds again, and the power spread out, and the flames of Nirvana rolled.

rotating o

The clouds of the ninth sky are burning

Fire clouds all over the sky

Qiaoqiao's body fell again, and the flames of the eighth sky rolled and burned.

body falls again

Every time a layer falls, a layer in the cloud vortex burns frantically, and the flames fill the sky.

From the ninth floor to the first floor o

immediately o

The whole sky is burning, the endless Phoenix Nirvana power is wrapping the golden light in those clouds, emitting the power to destroy everything o


crazy burning o

All the creatures in the entire Tianwu Continent are trembling.

Everyone is also looking at the huge nine-layer vortex in the sky, can this catastrophe burn out?

everyone is praying o

after a few seconds o

There was a crack in the sky, it exploded violently, and all the thick clouds exploded.

in this moment o

Song Qianqian's eyes became excited, "Did you succeed?"

"Have you stopped the catastrophe?"

"Definitely a success!"

"Sister Qiaoqiao, you are so great o"

"you are the greatest o"

"From now on, you are the head of the big sister, hahaha..." Xiao Tiantian danced with excitement.

The clouds exploded and all the power was lost o

That also means that the power of catastrophe has been resolved.

The entire Tianwu Continent began to cheer.


"We're still alive o"

"Havoc blocked o"

"It's so fucking good to be alive"

"The flame was so powerful just now that the sky would burn to pieces."


It's like being reborn to anyone, this feeling is indescribable, and the boulder in my heart also fell heavily.

in the air o

There was a smile on the corner of Jojo's mouth, watching the surrounding power spread out, she smiled o


in this moment o

Yun'er shouted suddenly, "Sister Qiao Qiao, be careful!"


A golden light rolled down and hit Qiao Qiao's abdomen directly. With a heavy blow, Qiao Qiao's body fell straight down, spurting blood, and she couldn't bear it at all.

in an instant o

The sky is golden and those thick clouds disappear o

but o

The disappearance of the clouds does not mean the disappearance of the catastrophe o

Their cover-ups above the clouds just don't want people to see them. Now that the clouds are gone, there is no need for them to hide anything.

All-color golden armor o

All-color bling o

This is not a boss, not a strong man. Their aura is exactly the same as the man in golden armor who manages the rules that Long Fei met in the underworld.

Heaven will!

God of punishment controller o

"Miss Jojo!"



All the people are crazy at this moment o

completely blinded

can't react o

Those heavenly generals in the sky, with indifferent expressions and no pity in their eyes, said one of the heavenly generals coldly: "How can the little ants fight against the sky?"


The sound covers the entire Tianwu Continent o

All of a sudden everyone fell from heaven into The Underworldo


they are gods

They represent heaven!

Everyone's heart is desperate

Who in this world can compete with the sky?

"Save us o"

"Who will save us?"

a wailing o

Over the Dragon Palace, Qiaoqiao no longer has the strength to resist any attack, and release the power of Nirvana, which is already his strongest power.

Once released o

She will die too!


Xiaobai and Binghuo rushed up o



Two forces penetrated their bodies, crushing them heavily on the ground, unable to move.



Scar and Wang Qingshan rushed up desperately.


A force slammed down like a palm, and before they flew up, they were all crushed and kneeled on the ground, unable to move a single bit.


Song Qianqian rushed to Qiao Qiao, she wanted to hug her o

Don't wait for her to rush up o

A force crushed them down, crushing all of them to their knees on the ground.

"A group of ants!"

all the people look at jojo o

Jojo fell from the sky, her body is still burning, burning like a piece of paper, her body is getting smaller and smaller, she is going to burn out

When everyone is desperate

A figure fell, and a force dragged Jojo

Not afraid of the flames burning, clinging to Jojo o

The corner of Qiao Qiao's mouth twitched, and she said with a light smile, "Master Long Fei Young, you are here..."

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