The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1126 Daddy Will Never Die

The last Heavenly Tribulationo

It is also the strongest one in the one hundred and eleven Heavenly Tribulation.

God will never let Long Fei rush over easily, because he is angry!

In addition o

Long Fei only has the last point of health left. If this point of health disappears according to the game, he will die immediately.

He is seriously injured, and his health can no longer withstand the last Heavenly Tribulation o

I can't take it anymore!

Long Fei turned to look at them, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he smiled, "I may not be able to accompany you all the way down."

"Everyone should be fine"

The voice fell o

The power in Long Fei's body moved, and he roared, "The power of Wanlong, release!"



The power of Wanlong didn't want to leave the body, but they couldn't break free. They had to obey Long Fei's order, and the power of the dragon rushed out of the body one after another.

"Little Fei o"



Various sounds are constantly resounding in the void

Long Fei smiled lightly and said, "Let's all go back to where you were, you've already helped me enough, let's go."

The power of Wanlong returned from the body, and all the disciples of the Long family were resurrected after inhaling the power of the dragon.

And the fourteen dragon ancestors are the same.

Long Fei knew that he might not be able to resist this hurdle, so he had to leave here without any worries. A power of ten thousand dragons represents a life.

There are the lives of the disciples of the Long family and the lives of the ancestors of the dragon domain.

Long Fei didn't want to drag them into The Underworldo


Long Fei smiled lightly and said, "Come on, daddy has lived enough!"

After doing this, Long Fei turned and looked at the sky, looking at the power of Heavenly Tribulation that had been brewing for a long time, Long Fei spread his hands, closed his eyes slightly, and muttered: "In ten years, daddy has earned!"

After coming to this world for ten years, Long Fei lived a wonderful life every day.

There are brothers, women, family, wine and meat, and even more arrogant and bloody, unscrupulous, even if he were to live another fifty years on earth, he would not be able to live like this.


make big o

Long Fei raised his head and smiled to the sky, roaring wildly: "Come on, what are you still hesitating about, come on!"


Long Fei laughed arrogantly

Linglong burst into tears, "Senior Brother Long Fei, Senior Brother Long Fei o"

Yun'er burst into tears

Liu Luoxi was in pain, all the girls were the same, crying loudly, and many of them couldn't even make a sound.

Long Fei didn't dare to look at it, because one more look made him feel more reluctant. At this time, he had no chance to live.

Death is coming!

Long Fei is very calm, he never thought that he would be so calm in the face of Death.



Heavenly Tribulation runs, the sky sinks again and again, and the power of the nine layers of heaven is quickly superimposed to form a powerful force of the nine layers of heaven.


The 111th Heavenly Tribulation falls down o

The entire Tianwu Continent darkened in an instant, turning into an incomparably dark night, and all the light was absorbed by this Heavenly Tribulation power.

A dazzling white lightning beam slammed heavily towards Long Fei's head.

Long Fei clenched his fists tightly, clenched tightly, clenched again, his whole body was shaking, his buns were scattered, flying horizontally, blood stained his whole body like a demon, like a mad o

at the moment o

Long Fei's heart was roaring, "daddy doesn't want to die, daddy doesn't want to die, daddy really doesn't want to die..."

Ten years of hard work

In exchange for a group of life and death brothers, stunning beauties, and family members who love him, all these will disappear!

Long Fei is really not reconciled

"System, is there a way?"

"daddy doesn't want to die o"

Long Fei roared inwardly

There is no response from the system, and it is estimated that there is no way for it.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The force of each section exploded, and Long Fei couldn't think of a way to resist, "Golden body?"

"Is the golden body used again?"

"It's useless!"

Any defense is scum in the face of Heavenly Tribulation, even if it is an undead golden body, because the power of Heavenly Tribulation enters from the sea of ​​consciousness, and then expands the whole body.

Long Fei's cultivation's Central Asian golden body can't play any defensive role.

"really dying o"

"Daddy is really going to die, hahaha... I'm really not reconciled o" Long Fei laughed, looked at the sky with both ends, and said silently: "God, I'll fuck your whole family o"


The power of Heavenly Tribulation slammed down o

Also at this moment

The drought sucked the last heavenly general dry. Looking at Long Fei's unwilling face, he smiled slightly and said, "Boy, this world would not be wonderful without you."


The right hand became a palm, and the other hand was attached to the dragon coffin, and he roared, "Ah..."

in this moment o

The dry scorpion burst out all the power that had absorbed the dozens of heavenly generals just now, and poured it into the dragon coffin of the main artifact, without any reservation.

His repaired body is also rapidly turning into a mummified corpse.

thinner than before


"Take it!"

With a push of his right hand, the scorpion's body also retreated slightly, and after swaying a few times, he seemed a little unbearable.

The dragon coffin was pushed out o

A powerful light burst out from the main artifact

The dry man said loudly: "Boy, jump in!"

Long Fei had no choice at this time, and jumped directly into the dragon coffin according to the words of the scorpion.


dragon coffin

Han Yan grinned, looked at the sky and said, "What about Heavenly Tribulation? Daddy still resists, hahaha... The gods above are amazing?"


"Daddy just wants to help him, but he's not happy, what can you do to me?"

The dry man said arrogantly o

I don't know if it was because his words made the heavens more angry, or because the power of Heavenly Tribulation finally mutated, at the moment when it slammed on the dragon coffin.

Mutation of power!

It turned into a colorful light, and the powerful power of the main god slammed into it.

The sky is cracking

the earth is shaking

Han Yan was stunned, his fists clenched, and he shouted extremely unhappily: "Do you want this? Is it used like this? It's a Practitioner of a lower plane. Does your main temple need to target him like this?"

"You still want not wanting face?"

The power has changed!

This kind of power aura is very familiar, it is the power of a strong man in the main temple.

Even the main artifact can't hold it o

This is not the power of Heavenly Tribulation at all, which is clearly aimed at o

Naked targeting!

The dry man cursed angrily, but it didn't change anything.

power down o

Blast o on the dragon coffin

Long Fei didn't do anything in the dragon coffin, he was still thinking of a way, and when he heard the words that the scorpion said furiously, Long Fei's heart tensed.

"You must kill me, right?"

"The main temple, isn't it?"

"Fuck daddy's gotta die, right?"

"Fuck you, daddy wants to live." Long Fei's teeth rattled, and at this moment, a light flashed in his mind.

A sharp gleam flashed in Long Fei's eyes, and he laughed excitedly.


Chapter One,

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