The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1142 Two Words, Kill Them All!

"Listen to the people inside, you are surrounded!"

"Put down your weapons immediately, come out and surrender o"


These two sentences sounded, and Long Fei was a little confused, "Damn, what about a police and bandit movie?"

Immediately, he murmured, "It's so fast to come!"

Can this be blamed on others?

The Hulk's explosion output directly shocked the people in half the city. How can this be hidden?

Niu Dashan immediately asked, "Boss, what's the situation?"

Everyone is also looking at Long Fei.

They don't even know what happened today, and they don't know who surrounded them. In their hearts, they thought they were slave owners.

Long Fei grinned. He was thinking about how to use the double experience card. As for who surrounded them, he casually said, "It's probably the people from the City Lord's Mansion and the Wang family."

"whatever o"

What he said was an understatement, but the people around listened to it like a thunderclap, and their eyes became different.

"The guards of the City Lord's Mansion?"

"Shen Tianhe's person? He, he, he is a disciple of Yuanyang Sect."

"How can you provoke the people of the City Lord's Mansion?"

"And the people from the palace, what the hell is going on?"

"Is there any misunderstanding?"

All a little scared

Because they all know what kind of person Shen Tianhe is and what kind of identity he is, provoking him in Hongcheng is equivalent to provoking the god of death.

Totally looking for death

Long Fei still looked indifferent, and said, "It's nothing to do, just kill Wang Tai, and the Colosseum is ruined. He caught all those Demonic Beasts and released them. Those Demonic Beasts are estimated to be killed. Do not kill o"

"How will it be used?"

"For killing or killing monsters?"

He is now thinking about how to use the double experience card.

This special item is so tempting!

If you use it well, then upgrading is like riding a rocket.

but o

At this time, the expressions of those who followed him out of the dungeon changed completely. All except Niu Dashan stepped back and distanced themselves from Long Fei.

Niu Dashan was stunned and said, "What are you doing? The boss rescued us, so what if we were surrounded by people from the City Lord's Mansion? Now we should unite and fight out.


"Niu Dashan, you are amazing, you should follow him and kill him. We don't want to die."

"The guards of the City Lord's Mansion alone can't deal with it, and the elite disciple of the Wang family, Niu Dashan, you are not afraid of death, we are afraid of death, we would rather live in the dungeon for a few more days than follow this lunatic to die."

"Well said!"

"He's a lunatic"

"I think he saves us because he wants us to be cannon fodder for him, right?"

One by one, the face changed instantly.

The heart is separated from the belly, you never know what other people are thinking

Even if you rescued him one second, he may turn your back on you the next.

Niu Dashan shouted angrily, "What the hell are you talking about?"

Long Fei smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry about it, I rescued them too, and I completed the mission. As for the rest, it's up to them."

If it wasn't for completing the mission, except for Niu Dashan, they wouldn't save these people at all.

Mission completed now o

The life and death of these people has nothing to do with him.

Long Fei doesn't want to pay attention to o


Some people just like to be cheap. If you are not a mother, he will not know that you are his father.

A few people sneered and said: "009, don't say that you are so great, you will save us for no reason? Do you dare to say that you have no selfishness?" "If you want us to be cannon fodder, just say it."

"that is!"

"What do you take us for? Do you really think you're amazing?"

"I thanked you just now, but is someone like you worthy of our gratitude?"

"What kind of thing are you?"


One by one, they pointed at Long Fei and cursed.

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched slightly, his eyes fixed on the slave who was talking just now, his figure moved, and he landed in front of him with one step, grabbed his throat with one hand, and said coldly: "Be my cannon fodder? Cannon fodder is not qualified, understand?"

The power in the hand moves o


broken neck


"Congratulations player..."

The system beeps a beep

Long Fei's eyes swept away, and coldly shouted: "Go away!"

The fifth rank of the yellow level is enough to crush these slaves!

Those slaves spread out immediately, they didn't dare to let out half of their farts. That's how people are. Once they're scared, they don't dare to fart.


when they scattered

The back door of the yard was broken through, and a large group of guards in armor rushed in, "None of them are allowed to go away."

another place o

At the main entrance, the disciples of the Wang family also broke into the door and swarmed in. Long Fei and a dozen slaves were blocked in the backyard.

The whole backyard is full of people o

Long Fei made a rough calculation, "Dozens of them. If you use the double experience card, you should be able to advance to the first-level, right?"


Long Fei showed an excited smile.

Killing intent in the smile

Those slaves immediately knelt on the ground and begged for mercy: "Sir, we didn't do anything, it's all him, it's all him, we didn't do anything o"

"Please forgive me sir"

Long Fei thought it was a little funny, because of the servile nature of these people

One of the guards in the lead came up, looked coldly at Long Fei and Niu Dashan, and said, "Kill them all except the two of them!"

"Sir, forgive me o"

"Sir, we are brothers with 009, don't kill us o"

"Boss, save us, save us o"

At this time, Long Fei didn't even look at them.

Because they are no longer qualified to let Long Fei take another look o



Blood splattered and screams continued. In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen slaves were all killed. Those guards looked indifferent, killing a chicken was like killing a chicken, and they didn't even frown.

In their eyes slaves are not human at all

Long Fei and Niu Dashan are the same

Human life is like a mustard, and the life of a slave is even worse than a mustard,

What kind of world is this?

Long Fei knew more clearly o

Chaos world, a world full of blood, this is the world he likes even more

The commander said coldly: "Dog slave, are you going to follow us obediently? Or do you want me to do it?"

"I advise you, it's best not to ask me to shoot, otherwise you will only have half your life in o"

very mad o

Don't put Long Fei in one's eyes at all, that kind of master's moving eyes with coldly contempt o

Long Fei is upset!

Niu Dashan slightly approached Long Fei for half a minute, and asked in a low voice, "Boss, what should I do?"

Long Fei moved his mind and clicked the double experience card o


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for activating the double experience card for one hour!"

immediately o

The corner of Long Fei's mouth curled with a smile like a god of death, and said, "Two words, kill them all!"

Chapter two,

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